After nearly two years, the Supernatural franchise is back with the series premiere of The Winchesters. Even though Supernatural is a beloved property, many fans were initially concerned following the announcement of this prequel, considering its subject matter. The story of John and Mary Winchester...
Read MoreThe Supernatural prequel, The Winchesters, has been mired in controversy since its first trailer aired. Many fans became highly concerned with numerous canon-breaking additions to the series. They feared the show’s divorce from the lore signals a loss of quality and the characters they...
Read MoreFrom the world of Supernatural comes a prequel series, The Winchesters, depicting the lives of Mary and John Winchester before the birth of their sons, who were destined to save the world. This show also comes as the producorial debut of Jensen Ackles, former star of Supernatural. This series has be...
Read MoreThe CW has one of the worst reputations in Hollywood; its name has often been used as a synonym for poor or woke content. However, the CW’s problems far predate the infestation of wokeness. Its notoriety for poorly written and sappy teenage dramas has persisted since its inception. The channel...
Read MoreThe CW is in its most precarious position ever, having put itself up for sale and canceled several of its tentpole series. Despite this, the network has recently ordered full seasons of The Winchesters, Walker: Independence, and Gotham Knights. These shows each involve a member of the Sup...
Read MoreOn June 24th of last year, Deadline shocked Supernatural fans worldwide with an exclusive stating that a Supernatural prequel was in pre-production at the CW. The Winchesters brings back Jenson Ackles, star of Supernatural, Rust, and The Boys Season 3, to narrate this prequel. Ackles is also fulfill...
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