Arrested Development to be Removed from Netflix

Arrested Development has had a tenuous relationship with quality and renewal since its initial cancellation by 20th Century Fox in 2006. In 2012, the then near-virgin production studio at Netflix acquired the rights and attempted to revive the show for subsequent 4th and 5th seasons. With each season’s release, rumors of cancellation abounded, drawing out the production between every season further and further. Unlike many series that have suffered a similar fate, Arrested Development may have deserved this hesitation, as the Netflix additions to the franchise bore little fruit in terms of quality, humor, or fan interest. For many reasons, seasons 4 and 5 pale in comparison to their early 2000s counterparts. Until recently, a sixth season was reportedly on the table. Now, those rumors can be firmly put to rest, as Netflix is removing not only the original seasons of Arrested Development but even the ones they produced, according to the Netflix landing page.

Nothing has been released regarding the cause of this cancellation and removal, but it may have something to do with Disney purchasing 20th Century Fox — which still owns the rights to Arrested Development — and all its assets back in 2019. The effects of this purchase are still being felt throughout the various studios and franchises, and Arrested Development may merely be the next asset that has drawn the eye of Disney. Perhaps Disney intends to continue the series or simply stream it exclusively on Hulu or Disney+. Netflix and Disney have not revealed any additional information regarding this news beyond the announcement that the series would be leaving its platform. The first three 20th Century Fox-made seasons of Arrested Development are, and likely will continue to be, available on Hulu.

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