Nancy Pelosi is a moron, it is science. But what does that even matter? It is science, if you stay inside your house, you will never get bit by a shark. It is science if you never drive a car, you will never be a driver in a car. But even with that, that science …
I had to thumbs you down for the Civil War bull crap. I understand what you are saying. I already knew that without even being there. I know that because I have brain. And, I have logic and reasoning skills, I have empathy and sympathy. But What I see is not Civil War. I could …
Continue reading “LAW AND ORDER: Thumbs Down to Civil War, and why it can or can’t happen.”
Disney messed up, the perception by so many now. Whether true or not, they are part of the trafficking world in the eyes of many people. And, they have always been looked at like that, but now it is way worse. Because now a lot of people not only believe by faith, they believe it …
What is more terrifying to you, mail in voting or someone hacking a voting machine? The bigger question is it really terrifying? Yeah it could be. My thought was either hacking a machine or tampering with mail, both are pretty bad. Right? So, what is the logical thought process of either of those two even …