On Wednesday, September 29th, Disney put out a new trailer for their upcoming animated fantasy adventure Encanto. Set in an enchanted, fictionalized Columbia, this is the story of Mirabel Madrigal (Stephanie Beatriz), the only normal member of her family. The Madrigal home is brimming with magic tha...
Read MoreOn Thursday, July 8, Disney revealed the first trailer for Encanto. Previously announced at Disney’s investor day, Encanto takes place in Colombia and follows the ordinary daughter of a magical family, Mirabel. That’s really all we can glean from the trailer, too; it gives off a vibe for...
Read MoreTonight at D23, the Horizons: Disney Experiences Showcase unveiled a host of new attractions coming to the Disney Parks. Josh D’Amaro, the Disney Experiences Chairman, assured attendees that they are all in active development, saying, “This isn’t Blue Sky… we’re gonna do all of this.” Bl...
Read MoreSome details about Disney World’s planned expansion of The Magic Kingdom may have just leaked. Mickey Views has heard from its “trusted sources” that the project, which is being called Beyond Big Thunder Mountain, is going to remove Frontier Land from the park and replace it with three other �...
Read MoreDisney’s Wish debuted on Disney+ last Wednesday, April 3rd. At this time, it has racked up 13.2 million views, trailing after Encanto and Frozen II, although no streaming numbers are available for those films. Pixar’s Elemental got 26.4 million views in its first five days, at least putting ...
Read MoreThe theme park wars may be starting, and it has the same energy as when Commissioner Gordon told Batman about escalation before handing him the Joker card. Universal Studios, which is now called Universal Orlando but is still really Universal Studios, is working on its Epic Universe, a massive expan...
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