Altered Carbon follows Takeshi Kovacs, a man who was put “on ice” nearly two hundred and fifty years prior, as he is brought in to investigate the murder of Laurens Bancroft to win his freedom. However, the more Kovacs digs, the the more disturbing the secrets become. Going into Altered Carbon, ...
Read MoreSuperhero Spotlight continues its focus on Black Panther this week with the bad boys of Wakanda, M’Baku, Klaw and Killmonger. Marvel Studios will bring all three characters to life in the highly anticipated and soon to be released Black Panther. Winston Duke will play M’Baku, Michael B. ...
Read MorePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania was the home of WWE Royal Rumble 2018. As crowds of fans filled up the Wells Fargo Center, Philly was electrified with “Rusev Day” chants echoing throughout the arena. This year’s Rumble saw highs and lows; history was made with the first ever Women’...
Read MoreBased on the work of renowned manga artist Yoshihiro Togashi, Hunter x Hunter was initially developed into a television series in 1999 to 2001. A reboot of the series was later announced in July 2011, with the new Hunter x Hunter airing in October of the same year in Japan. A new generation of anime...
Read MoreThe Maze Runner: The Death Cure centers around Thomas and the remaining Gladers six months after the demoralizing events of the previous film, with Thomas chasing down the whereabouts of their captive friend. Meanwhile, Teresa is searching frantically for the titular cure. The script and story of De...
Read MoreThere is a revolution happening: there are more superbly talented women in politics, sports and entertainment than ever before, and more women are standing as a united front, using their voices and talents within their respected fields and getting themselves heard. You may not know that wrestling is...
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