Halloween II (1981) is a horror film in the slasher subgenre, directed by Rick Rosenthal, which continues the story that began in the original Halloween (1978). After being shot and falling out of a window, Michael Myers disappears from the scene and continues to stalk the town of Haddonfield with h...
Read MoreHalloween is a suspense-driven horror thriller from the mind of John Carpenter, who also co-wrote, scored, and directed the film alongside his partner in crime, Debra Hill. It centers around young Laurie Strode, an average American teenager, who is terrorized by a deeply disturbed mental patient. Al...
Read MoreThere’s a new podcast in town, folks. It’s called Fresh Geek Context, and it’s a great place to hear in-depth discussions of movies, television, video games, technology and lots of other cool topics. Hosts Jace (a friend of mine) and Josh were gracious enough to invite me to be their guest for...
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