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  • #221523

    In reply to: Mando Spin-offs.



      😂😂 This is funny, and i like Ahsoka, actually i think Ahsoka herself would find this funny 🤣🤣


      In reply to: Mando Spin-offs.


        If Lucas Film had half a brain they would start with Boba and Bo Katana as a pure stand alone shows not getting involved at all with the main Star Wars shows which would be Ahsoka and Thrawn.

        They are starting with Boba, Book Of Boba Fett comes out in october or december ??


        Topic: Mando Spin-offs.

        in forum Star Wars

          I am talking this without KK or the Wokies under her control. This is what could be.

          Been thinking on {The Mandalorian}, in truth it is over and no need for that story to continue. In fact I would say it would be excellent if it did not, we had the story, the plot, the goal and the ending.

          Along the way we had set-ups for the continuation of “Stories in the Star Wars Universe” introduced to the nonserious fans as feelers to see which ones took and which did not. Watching Social media it is clear that several resonated with the general audience:

          Bo Katana
          Boba Fett
          Luke Skywalker

          If Lucas Film had half a brain they would start with Boba and Bo Katana as a pure stand alone shows not getting involved at all with the main Star Wars shows which would be Ahsoka and Thrawn.

          The Mandalorian plot with Bo Katana and her struggles and triumphs would make for at least 2 to 4 seasons as would Bobba, with his adventures. Done right they could be 16 episodes for each season having one in fall and winter and one in Spring and summer. Toss in some Bad Batch and it’s a year of Star Wars or should I say Four Years.

          During this time, we could have Thrawn done, I keep thinking it needs to be done in Game of Thrones 1 hour episodes, lets face it Thrawn was not about battles but his manipulation and workings. He was also not a “bad guy” certainly no Imperial in the normal way <trying to be spoiler freeish>. We could get 2 seasons of backstory on Thrawn and then 3 seasons with Him as an Imperial maybe 4.

          Ahsoka, I think could be 3 seasons intertwined with Thrawns last 2 season and then possibly tying back in to Luke which would be 7 seasons. All in All in the time line this could with a few leaps take us to 15ABY

          One thing I have always hated was tv series that go on to long, Mando is done, now let’s get the others going, there are after-all plenty of stories to do and raw from and they do not need to be long or drawn out. This new 10 show per season format actually is annoying to me, I like the old long seasons when good stories could be told. There is no reason we cannot have that with these shows.

          Let me leave you with this… I am talking this without KK or the Wokies under her control. This is what could be.



            To the EU, Yes.
            I am not joking when I say my Birthday is 5-25-69… I absorbed any and everything SW like a sponge as did all kids my age, I can still remember that Summer all these years later, it was spent pulling weeds, mowing yards anything to earn enough money to go see SW.  Don’t get me wrong 2012 was a big FU to the head and everything since has made me angry. Biggest being how stupid people have to be to destroy that which should be impossible to destroy.

            No SW is not the same under the KK, but that does not mean there are not peaks of SW here and there, and those things I smile on. I also take them with a grain of salt knowing full well they can be ruined by her in a heart beat. Gina was her attempt to Destroy what Mando had accomplished, which was many fans joy, “you cannot deny it accomplished that”. In all reality Mando could have ended right then and had no spin-off and I would have been thrilled, it was everything good and true to the original Idea of SW Galaxy. Same way I was Happy with Rogue-1.

            I did not need more of Mando. Only spin-off I really was hoping for is Ahsoka, the rest would be icing if they were not woke, and there is that word again. Until the problems at Disney are gone it will always be in the back of my head, and I am sure many others (when will this go woke) its very hard to become invested in SW until there is some degree of safety in getting invested again.

            The other edge of that sword is all those who say they love SW, if the change happens are people going to be so jaded by what KK and Crew have done, that they will not even give something a chance  that could be true to the heart SW? That is why I always hope, but also look for the trap. Think about it thought in closing in on 10 years and Disney has only done 3 things I look at as True Star Wars (TCW, BB “both animated” and Rogue-1) thats it, out of all the things they have done since 2012. Billions of dollars spent on many things including the <cough parks> and I can only find 3 things and 1 of them really was pre-mouse start.

            I will always have Hope, for something that has been with me all my life. but I will not be blind to ITS A TRAP so long as KK and the rest of the garbage is there.

            73.5 hours  Socom Combined Assault, But then again I tried for a Truck back in the 90’s where the one who stayed awake or lasted longest on (DISNEY Small World) would win. I took 44 hours before I couldn’t stand it anymore, @MrDragonbane, wanna guess which radio station and Evil DJ’s set that torture up?


            Smootie likes it and babu frick too you should meet them if you feel sad babu frick can hold your hand .

            It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood look at my memes walk with Dave Filoni he will read you stories about Ahsoka 🤣😂🌄🏛️👅


              Ok… what the fuck?!?


              Aside from the fact that, based on the little  extract, this book is written like shit, seriously, it’s taken me a week to get thru 4 chapteers of good Star Wars (me + book = 🐌), i wouldn’t be able to get thru 4 lines of this crap without losing my mind 🤯

              Star Wars: How Ahsoka conquered Anakin’s biggest weakness

              Why in the universe would anyone compare Anakin and Ahsoka in this way?? Of course Ahsoka easily conquered Anakin’s fear, because it’s not her fear! She could make a split second desision to leave the Jedi Order because she was never afraid to do so. How does this make any sense?? Anakin and Ahsoka are 2 different people, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, sure they have similarities too

              To put this in a more simple context: Let’s say you have 2 people, and one is afraid of water, it’s easy for the one who’s not afraid to jump into a swimming pool without hesitation, not so much for the one who is 💡 This isn’t fucking rocket science 🧠->🚽


                Ok… what the fuck?!?


                Aside from the fact that, based on the little  extract, this book is written like shit, seriously, it’s taken me a week to get thru 4 chapteers of good Star Wars (me + book = 🐌), i wouldn’t be able to get thru 4 lines of this crap without losing my mind 🤯

                Star Wars: How Ahsoka conquered Anakin’s biggest weakness

                Why in the universe would anyone compare Anakin and Ahsoka in this way?? Of course Ahsoka easily conquered Anakin’s fear, because it’s not her fear! She could make a split second desision to leave the Jedi Order because she was never afraid to do so. How does this make any sense?? Anakin and Ahsoka are 2 different people, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, sure they have similarities too

                To put this in a more simple context: Let’s say you have 2 people, and one is afraid of water, it’s easy for the one who’s not afraid to jump into a swimming pool without hesitation, not so much for the one who is 💡 This isn’t fucking rocket science 🧠->🚽

                • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by DigiCat.
                • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by DigiCat.

                I have an entire room of Star Wars.

                I understand your feelings. Disney has politicized and butchered something we grew up on and have loved since 1977.

                However, there will still be good things coming. For example, we have The Bad Batch starting in May. That will be good, I can pretty much guarantee that. The Mandalorian was good. The Boba Fett show will most likely be good. The Obi Wan show….that’s a toss up, at least Deborah Chow is directing. The Ahsoka show will be executive produced by Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau so I feel that will be good. The Andor show, frankly, I think no one wanted that anyway. We’ll see on that one.

                The Acolyte show, I can say for a fact that will be garbage. The show runner is a woke feminist and it is a female centric show. Not really anything else to say after that.

                The Untitled Taika Waititi Film. Well, I hate his Thor movie, horrible movie. He can do good in voice acting like he did in The Mandalorian, but I am not a fan of his directing. We’ll see. The episode he did of The Mandalorian was ok, but I didn’t like the comedy scene with the troopers hitting Grogu he did in it.

                The Rogue Squadron movie. Patty Jenkins. She did great in the first Wonder Woman movie, but her WW1984 movie sucked, hard. My other issue is that I have read they are trying to make as much staff as possible women for the movie. I think that is WRONG. If the lead is a female, you can count out it being a good Star Wars movie. It will just be Si-Fi with agendas.


                In reply to: Welcome Thread


                I’ve been watching G&G for a few years now. Gary from Nerdrotic, Az from HeelvsBabyface, YoungRippa, etc.

                I am a white male (ohh no!!). I am a person who spends most my time alone, partly because at my age, 46, most people are NOT into the things I am into. Partly because I live on night shift since I work nights. And, partly because I am not interested in drama in my life. I also live in area where it’s mostly boring college and sports types, which is not me. Then we have the fact that where I live is very “left”, and I am not left. I have also been single for many many years unfortunately. I would like not to be, but when you are 46 and into the things I am into with my night shift schedule, it’s not easy to find anyone. The dating sites are also devoid of interest, I’ve tried them all and no luck. I only made a friend or two. No, I am not an ugly troll, I actually take care of myself and ride my bike. But hey, in our current media induced division, try to go out on a date and tell the girl you voted for Trump…..

                I am very much into metal and goth, as in VERY much. My home is decorated in that aesthetic, as my clothing. Music is a large part of me and my life since I am a musician. (one of my old bands with me on drums : ). I love all things Japanese, including Kawaii Metal and all the great music they have coming from Japan, there is a LOT of it too. I love the culture, the language, and the people. I am self learning Japanese, slowly. lol.

                I love Sci-Fi and the dystopian. I like the darker things, and aesthetic. I am, or rather WAS until Disney came along, a Star Wars fan. I have an entire room of SW stuff, which is mostly all in boxes now. I have read over 100 of the books, I don’t care of they are “canon” or not. They are to me. When I was 4yrs old I saw the original Star Wars in 1977 10 times and when I saw Darth Vader on screen I said to myself “I want to be him”. So yes, I like the dark stuff. But, then you have the fact that I absolutely love Ahsoka Tano and all the kawaii stuff in Japan. : )

                I am a gamer, but not as much as I used to be. Partly because I do not like a lot of the direction the industry has headed in, that being identity politics and loot boxes. I am also NOT a multiplayer/competitive gamer. I am for that matter not a competitive person either. I like to play games and enjoy myself, tog et lost and escape, not put up with other people. So, I am more into games like Ghosts of Tsushima, Horizon Zero Dawn, and the Batman Arkham games. I own 15 consoles and over 400 games. But, I don’t have a PS5 or XSeriesX…which is probably not a surprise since they are near divine intervention to obtain. I will say, I hated The Last of Us (I never bothered with the sequel) and do NOT understand all the hype that series gets.

                I do not participate in the social media hysteria and idiocy. I have twitter, facebook etc. But I do not post, I find it a waste of time since people wont discuss things without acting like Neanderthals. I just have them to follow things/people I have interest in. I prefer civility and intellectual conversion. Critical Thinking. I watch people like Tim Pool, Jordan Peterson, and Micheal Savage even though he is partly retired now sadly. Andy Ngo has also done a lot of good things imo.

                I am not a social butterfly. But, I take people at face value, and treat everyone with respect until they give me reason not to based on their attitude and actions. Race and gender are irrelevant to me, but sadly our media and government want everyone divided and at each others throats based on those things.

                That’s enough about me. Hope to have some good conversation and meet a few decent people on here.

                jaa mata!!!


                  😁 You’re free to passionately defent the EU whenever you want @MrDragonbane, but might i suggest you make sure there’s actually something to defend it from? Wheter the books or the cartoon is better is irrelevant to me in this thread, ’cause i am not comparing them, i’m just analysing Ahsoka’s behavior during order 66, the psychology behind how characters behave, that’s what i’m interested in 🧠, and it’s probaly what i’ll be interested in when i one day read the books and get to know the EU characters

                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by DigiCat.

                    You missed the part where Order 66 is executed and she still thinks it’s all Maul’s doing

                    Really, i missed it?

                    Do you really think Ahsoka would’ve freed Maul if she really thought he was behind order 66?

                    “is this your doing?”, i think when Ahsoka ask Maul this she’s perfectly aware it’s not him, but she still, like i said before, doesn’t want to belive what’s really going on, because if she belived that, she would have to belive Anakin could go to the dark side


                      Or, Ahsoka was starting to figure out Palpatine was not who he seemed and suspected his kidnapping might be a trap… which it was


                      Some fans love the Original Trilogy, others are Old Republic hardcore fans, and for me the heart of Star Wars lies in the Clone Wars and the prequel era.
                      However, I cannot deny the fact that the clone wars series has some very stupid moments and the one I’m talking about here gets the cake.

                      It’s when Obi-Wan tells Anakin and Ahsoka of the attack on Coruscant and how they can quickly hyperspace to the battle.

                      Ahsoka’s words then are totally fuckin stupid from beginning to end, making no sense at all.

                      -“That’s it? You’re going to abandon Bo Katan and her people?”
                      Obi-Wan has to explain the obvious, that the fucking capital of the Republic is under attack and if she cares about innocent people then there are many on Coruscant who need help.
                      Ahsoka becomes very unlikeable.

                      -“I understand that as usual you’re playing politics. ”
                      -“No. Chancellor Palpatine needs you.”
                      In response to Obi-Wan that the people of Coruscant need them. Holy shit! Ahsoka is so stupid in this scene!


                      • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Strider.

                      In reply to: A good day

                      I will admit to having read the Ahsoka book… It was really really bad…


                      In reply to: Alternate Timelines

                      Proof Jeremy doesn’t read his own forums, lol…but yeah, welcome to the party, bro.

                      This theory is completely legit, there’s a ton of business reasons to go through with it, and if you check out the last paragraph of the World Between Worlds section of Ahsoka’s Wookieepedia page, there may be even more alternate timelines as it quotes a canonical trading card subset penned by Filoni stating Ahsoka found another entrance to the WBW and went back in.

                      Star Wars now has a multi-verse.

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