Do you believe in time-travel?
I have a lot of thoughts on what I like and dislike about time-travel, the Butterfly Effect, parallel dimensions, parallel timelines, parallel universes, and a wide variety of loosely related topics.
Some of my favorite movies and shows involve time-travel and they include Star Trek, Star Wars, Back To The Future, The Butterfly Effect, Terminator, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, to name a few.
I love time-travel and a wide variety of things. I love debate. I love theories. I believe that the more I know, then the more I don’t know about everything in life including things relating to science, religion, philosophy, principles, reality, the laws of the universe, physics, different dimensions, Theology or the lack therein, cults, legends, myths, hypothetical theories, anything theoretical, all kinds of stories, books, movies, shows, video games, etc.
I love watching time-travel. I love Rick & Morty. I love so many different things.
But personally speaking, I would encourage people against actual time-travel, assuming we ever could, have ever, would ever, regardless. I have to be clear, I love time-travel, but I think it is too dangerous to travel through time. I would have to agree with the Doc in Back To The Future regarding the dangers of time-travel. Doc Brown mentioned the possibility of blowing up the universe (not to be confused with the main plot in a movie called Dogma starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Rock) via creating like a paradox or whatever.
I could probably write all day about my thoughts on time-travel.
I am not going to say time-travel is impossible but I can tell you a few problems I find in time-travel.