Search Results for 'rick and morty'

Geeks + Gamers Forums Search Search Results for 'rick and morty'

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  • Can’t believe Hiding Out was mentioned. I actually really loved that movie and do not remember that part of it. Also, just the name LILITH. I recall there being a “Lilith Fair” in music decades ago, and it has like Melissa Etheridge and a bunch of other women, so they were pushing the woman thing nonstop even back then to an excruciating fever pitch. It was around the same time as “G.I. JANE.” Speaking of that, for years, the Super Bowl has had halftime shows that are occult and black mass in nature, whether it’s Madonna, Katy Perry, Beyonce, Janet Jackson or any other diva in black with fire all around. They push the corporate occult thing so much and so often, that it has lost it’s mystery to me and become kind of boring. Not sure if any stars read this, but you emerging from a tub of blood with your arms raised does not look powerful. Instead, you look like a total loser.

    The animation sucks. It looks sloppy and lazy. Better animation was done before you were born. Someone posted “Fire and Ice” the other day as an example of Sword and Sorcery animation, and I will post it underneath the trailer, but today’s animation and CGI is declining. It’s insulting to you. The last bit of occult stuff I found even remotely interesting as the show Constantine with Matt Ryan. Most of it just does not hook me, like it would a teenager.

    Little Demon Official Trailer | Aubrey Plaza, Lucy DeVito, Danny DeVito | FX
    Jul 28, 2022 From the co-creator of Rick and Morty comes the new animated comedy, FX’s Little Demon. Watch the OFFICIAL TRAILER featuring Aubrey Plaza, Lucy DeVito, and Danny DeVito, coming to FXX August 25. Stream on Hulu.

    In FX’s Little Demon, an animated comedy featuring the voices of Danny DeVito and Aubrey Plaza, it has been 13 years since being impregnated by Satan, and a reluctant mother, Laura, and her Antichrist daughter, Chrissy, attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware. However, the two are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces, including Satan, who yearns for custody of his daughter’s soul.


    I think I’m at the right place, it’s just that what was once normal, now feels a bit underground-ish. You have too look for it in order to find it.

    You type in “top sci fi tv shows” into google and all you find is this new woke sh*t. It’s like older tv shows never existed.

    A few years back I’ve started making a list of TV show’s that I’ve watched and liked. I’ve forgotten some, but here’s my list:


    Breaking Bad

    Criminal Minds





    The Mentalist

    Game of Thrones



    House MD

    Kevin Probably Saves the World


    Pure Genius

    Rick and Morty

    South Park

    The Last Man on Earth


    Black Summer





    Some of the Star Trek shows

    First 2 Stargate shows

    Stranger Things

    Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicle

    Terra Nova

    The 100

    The X-Files

    The Orville










    Kyle XY

    Sense 8



    All of us are dead

    Sweet Home

    Midnight Mass

    The River

    Squid Game

    The Big Bang Theory

    How I met your Mother


    That 70s Show

    The fresh Prince of Bel-air

    Also there are some anime’s worth watching if you run out of stuff to watch like:

    Death Note


    Samurai Champloo

    Made in Abyss


    Parasyte the Maxim

    Tokyo Ghoul

    Steins Gate

    Attack on Titan




    Not believing in time would be the same as not believing in the first three dimensions. It is that simple. We are pretty good at measuring length, width, and height. We understand these three basic perspectives on space. A lot of people believe in time. I choose to believe in time. I also choose to believe in other dimensions as well. It makes me feel good. Call me crazy but I love time. I am in love with time.
    The problem with Rick & Morty and at least one episode of Star Trek Next Generation and Fringe is if there can be one or more versions of reality included pocket universes, parallel timelines, parallel universes, an infinite amount of Oatmeal Joey Arnold sex bots or many different versions of Jeremy of Geeks + Gamers for example. Like take all the different YouTube and Twitter accounts named Jeremy this or Jeremy that. Imagine that each account is actually a different version of Jeremy from other universes. Better yet, just take the different clones or versions of Rick and Morty.
    The problem is if there is more than one Rick, then is it ok to kill Rick and get another Rick who can be grandpa? I believe that an infinite inflation of you is an infinite hyper-inflation of you which devalues your value. If there is an infinite amount of Ricks, then it is like printing an infinite amount of dollar bills or Rick bills or Rick clones. Turning robots into humans as seen in Picard devalues Picard. And turning Picard into a robot, that devalues Picard.
    By the way, another problem with a singular timeline time-travel back in time is a potential violation of freewill within the infinite loop. I go back in time and I say hello to myself. Now, do I have freewill? What if I choose not to go back in time to say hello to myself? But I already saw me from the future which means I will do it. That means predestined or fate. Like destiny or fate. But if I don’t do it, then do I undo my memory like a butterfly effect? If I change what I do, does that change my memories, does it split the timeline so that a new version of myself can reap the rewards or consequences to my alteration of the timeline? But why would altering the timeline create a new timeline, dear writers of Back To The Future?
    Because going back in time to edit the timeline should in fact change that timeline. To suddenly turn an edit of the timeline into a new timeline does not make sense in the sense and perspective that the timeline does not have check-off list, “Ok, did anybody from the future alter me? If so, then please split yourself like a banana and get the Hell out of here. If there are no time travelers around you, then do not split no matter what Bill Gates does. Alright, check check.”


    I wouldn’t mind making crazy comedy movies or a comedy show parody exploring time travel and everything else like a live-action Rick and Morty.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    Do you believe in time-travel?


    I have a lot of thoughts on what I like and dislike about time-travel, the Butterfly Effect, parallel dimensions, parallel timelines, parallel universes, and a wide variety of loosely related topics.


    Some of my favorite movies and shows involve time-travel and they include Star Trek, Star Wars, Back To The Future, The Butterfly Effect, Terminator, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, to name a few.


    I love time-travel and a wide variety of things. I love debate. I love theories. I believe that the more I know, then the more I don’t know about everything in life including things relating to science, religion, philosophy, principles, reality, the laws of the universe, physics, different dimensions, Theology or the lack therein, cults, legends, myths, hypothetical theories, anything theoretical, all kinds of stories, books, movies, shows, video games, etc.


    I love watching time-travel. I love Rick & Morty. I love so many different things.


    But personally speaking, I would encourage people against actual time-travel, assuming we ever could, have ever, would ever, regardless. I have to be clear, I love time-travel, but I think it is too dangerous to travel through time. I would have to agree with the Doc in Back To The Future regarding the dangers of time-travel. Doc Brown mentioned the possibility of blowing up the universe (not to be confused with the main plot in a movie called Dogma starring Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Chris Rock) via creating like a paradox or whatever.


    I could probably write all day about my thoughts on time-travel.


    I am not going to say time-travel is impossible but I can tell you a few problems I find in time-travel.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    imo this is not anime lol just like justice league, primal, rick & morty, etc are not anime… they’re cartoons/animations… and there’s adult cartoons and kids cartoons.  Animes are produced/originated in japan.
    just like dc and marvel comics are not mangas xD

    About this show, tried but didn’t like it… gave up on episode 6… too boring for me… and a little bit woke.




    In no particular order of importance:

    1) There are all sorts of anime about every subject/scenario so there is something for everyone;

    2) The stories tend to focus on family/friendship and loyalty and team work through adversity and overcoming differences to grow and succeed and there’s no SJW messaging;

    3) Traditional gender roles are generally embraced;

    4) Good storytelling

    5) Various art/animation styles – not the same Family Guy/Rick & Morty animation that every US cartoon has;

    6) It’s a way to discover good music if you’re into J pop etc.;

    7) You can learn another language that sounds very cool (my second favorite language to American English)

    8) You can learn things about the Japanese culture (also shows how a society functions when it’s not “enriched” with a hodgepodge of cultures that hate each-other, much to the chagrin of the left);

    9) A lot of anime like GTO (and the live-action series) tackles difficult subjects beautifully like bullying, suicide, depression, neglect and bad influences and it has good moral stories that are about overcoming those challenges (not every anime is like this)

    10) It can be a source of much entertainment and it enriches your life to have exposure to different things;

    11) A lot of stuff goes in the original versions without western censorship (boobs, prostitution, firearms, sexist behavior), because those who act badly in anime generally suffer terrible consequences and being good is ultimately rewarded. There can still be a little bit of preachiness in modern anime like that you shouldn’t skip school or smoke in the street or cross the street when it’s red, but it’s all the sort of stuff that makes sense and not radical agenda-driven stuff.


    My favorite YouTube Animators are Narmak and Fienamation and my favorite videos from them are:

    -From Narmak:

    SpongeBob Anime Openings and Ending as well as his SpongeBob Anime Series

    Attack on Ogre as well as the Opening for Attack on Titan

    Johnny Johnny’s Abnormal Crusade Videos

    -From Fienamation:

    The Rick and Morty Anime Openings


    In reply to: Best Cartoon Shows

    My Favs: Gravity Falls

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    Infinity Train

    Phineas and Ferb

    Regular Show

    Over The Garden Wall

    Mediocre: The Simpsons

    Rick and Morty

    The Amazing World of Gumball

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