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Speaking of Terminator, an old Kyle Reese is in the movie trailer below. He was also Johnny Ringo from Tombstone. Hard to see him like this, in what’s basically another Cocaine Bear.
I am totally down for animation at this point. Also, after seeing Snow White footage and X-Men ’97 and the forever waiting, I think it’s time for Hollywood to STFU and bring on the Ai. Ai has shown me the end of Hollywood just because people in general have kind of fallen off since the 1950s. I am ready for the Ai and say, bring on the Ai.
Saw one good comment how writing used to exceed tech by about 30 years and now, the opposite is true, meaning the tech is there, but modern writing is lacking. Ai shows me gorgeous glamorous people from the 50s and then, I’ll scroll, and it’ll be like the goblin they got for SuperGirl in The Flash, or Ezra Miller or Elliot Paige from Umbrella Academy or any number of other dog faced pony soldiers that are an absolute eyesore. And no, I don’t want to see geezers like Arnold or Jamie Lee Curtis anymore. The big screen is NOT a retirement home. You no longer have it, let it go, and there’s the door.
Hollywood is over. There will always be room for good movies, but I just don’t think they have what it takes anymore to cast well and write well and execute well.
In the remote Australian outback town of Axehead, terror takes the form of Rippy, a monstrous giant zombie kangaroo.
CAST: Michael Biehn, Angie Milliken, Aaron Pedersen
So much drama and negativity coming from Disney.
Guys wife dies of allergens.
So many perverts in that company.
I’d be worried about any involvement with them. Seems like Knives Out at that company.
Americans should be encouraged to vocalize their opinions much more and the reason is that Americans cannot go to any political function without the speakers kissing the tuckus of Israel. Americans show up for their rights and freedoms and immediately, the politician brings on Israel and prioritizes Israel. Some people must be paid to stick Israel in your senses, while dual-citizens refuse to secure the borders, as well as rights and freedoms. Furthermore, what are IDF members doing on city councils in the suburbs? Isn’t that suspicious to anyone when you go to a city council meeting and the guy is talking about his service in the IDF? What makes that even more insulting is that the IDF actually seems to defend Israel, but is incapable here in the west.
The west talks about rights and freedoms and then, tell you to keep your mouth shut. We have heard this double think and double speak for our entire lives. On one hand, it’s said to be an individual, but if you don’t go along with narratives and actually think, there is an accusation of being disinformation or conspiracy theorist.
In about 5 years, maybe after the staged cyberattack, you can almost see how the internet is going to be. Do you support Israel, yes or no? If no, you are full of hate and cannot go online. This is how the GOP already operates in the USA. The thing is, I grew up on comic books, so I used to laugh at all the slick propaganda in X-men and I loved it, but now, it’s like really clumsy propaganda.
I can remember seeing a fan made trailer for a Magneto origin story film during the first solo Wolverine film days. It was very well made and better than any trailer that’s currently being released from Marvel. Wish they’d gone with that direction, as much as I loved ‘First Class’.
I agree with you on this, especially with Marvel films. That’s why I didn’t want Disney near FOX and the X-Men films because at least FOX tried to keep them serious whereas Disney were trying to make them even more “kid friendly” with each release to the point where it’s now getting silly. Don’t get me wrong; I like a good comedy relief moment in any film as well as a good musical number but it HAS to be at the right moment and not random. This was why I preferred ‘Batman Vs Superman’ over ‘Civil War’. ‘Civil War’ relied WAY too heavily on comedy on the hero vs hero scene. ‘Batman Vs Superman’ kept it dark and serious with the occasional comic relief moment in it. I’m not saying that everything has to be dark and serious like DC but I do agree with a lot of people that the MCU should’ve grown up with the fans.
I agree and disagree with everyone here.
First, X-Men being outcast propaganda? I highly doubt it. Sure, does the escapeism storytelling utilize opporession as a framing device? Yes. Could it be inspired from real world events? Absolutely. Is the plight of the X-Men actually real?! NO!
AND THATS WHERE THE DIFFERENCES ARE: One is purely inspirational versus making all the characters gay and killing innocent people over plastic bags is real world woke agenda trying to push go green and homosexual ideology as a “normal thing.”
When X-Men were outcasts it was normal, relatable to reader, and well written and could easily be seen as creative. Making a character gay out of nowhere is pushing an agenda. Pushing a trans and crippled Spider-Man is pushing an agenda.
And as for Vknid, I would say it’s a unhealthy combination of Actual stupidity and willful ignorance. With woke people it’s not just one or the other, it’s an unhealthy mix of both.
Really it’s not being able to distinguish fake politics versus real agenda politics and to conflate the two as the same is where the issue is.
Having a government being against the x-men is fictional. Sure it may be inspired by actual inequality, but that’s the difference: it’s just inspired, not actually pushing an agenda.
Changing writers, making characters an alphabet party member to be “relatable” is an agenda. There was no creative input, the literary shoulder standing on greater writers and artists.
There is a clear difference between fiction and reality and I can clearly see liberals more often arguing it.
And sure, there are right wingers like christian parents who take fictional violence as some sort of act of real world agenda pushing, but bugs Bunny is just a cartoon made to laugh at. Parents blaming video games on their bad parenting. I get it. It does go both ways, but liberals are the ones destroying the creative spaces, not Republicans.
Comics always contained some propaganda. I used to love X-men and it made me laugh that they were oppressed by society because it played on the whole hipster outcast thing. The thing is, some people cannot recognize propaganda, but the difference is that, before, it was subtle and slick and nuanced. Now, it’s over and ham-fisted and it makes for poor stories. It’s very sloppy and clumsy now to the point where they just lie when everyone knows they are lying. One of those things, like you said, it the whole claim of disinformation. There is a good video online of a CIA agent from the 80s or 70s and, even back then, he said they would feed stories to the media and every forth one was a fake story in order to be able to make that claim of disinformation.
Will say that I do think a lot of news stories over the years were meant to make the right paranoid but the right is no longer in authority. I try to be on the right because of the values and beliefs, but will say that I get tricked and fooled by The BabylonBee a lot!! In fact, it’s almost art and a contest to come up with headlines that will trick and fool the reader. It goes to show that no matter how literate you think you are, there is a lot of deception out there and some of it is even intentional by the intelligence agencies.
I didn’t think ‘Age of Ultron’ was too bad. I wouldn’t have gotten a physical copy on blue-ray if that was the case. It was the way they marketed it that angered me and so many other people. But yes, it was no ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’. Especially the director’s cut of that film. I got quite the backlash from some people on other sites asking me “Why are you still watching those horrible X-Men prequel films and not the Avengers films?!”🙄😂. Um, because at least the Sentinels were INTIMIDATING and TERRIFYING which is what I’d expect from an AI and NOT cracking jokes every five minutes like Ultron was doing! That was also why I preferred ‘Batman Vs Superman’ over ‘Captain America: Civil War’. At least Snyder made the hero vs hero fight serious unlike ‘Civil War’ despite me liking the Russo brothers as directors.
‘Iron Man 3’ and ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ had better trailers than the films.
I almost walked out halfway through Iron Man 3 when the “villain” was revealed before I remembered that my dad was my ride home that afternoon😂. I only saw that a second time because I didn’t want to see ‘Star Trek: Into Darkness’ with my dad because I’m no Star Trek fan.
‘Age of Ultron’ I was angry because I was expecting a serious film and got a comic relief. And people wondered why I preferred ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ over that🙄
Thanks for mentioning this show. The panel must all be writers. I am very sad that I did NOT grow up reading Hornblower. My favorite writer of all time grew up on him, Chris Claremont, writer for X-men. Many other top writers all mention it. Thank you for mentioning Captain Kirk because he was definitely based on Horatio Hornblower. Me not having read it as a kid lets me know I was never truly educated. The name keeps coming up when I read bios of all the truly great writers.
It’s shit.
-“STAR TREK” brand title drop. Trying to follow in the footsteps of modern Star Wars is just embarrassing.
-Crusher’s phase rifle holds about 20 rounds when Kirk-era phasers could be used on “thousands”. Also, why does the weapon of war announce to enemy combatants that its rounds are exhausted?
-It was smart of Paramount to retitle the series “Star Trek Picard” at the last minute, general audiences probably wouldn’t understand the subtleties of the Starfleet naming convention “1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1”. (Ha ha ha.)
-The mementos during Picard’s house cleaning were all chosen specifically to reference Red Letter Media. The Generations review is over a decade old at this point, but referencing it is akin to the Juggernaut line in X-Men: The Last Stand.
-Raffi’s script got mixed in with an old episode of 24. At least they had the decency to not put her in Section 31.
-Was there a huge budget cut this season? The starbase and some establishing shots aren’t up to previous quality.
-Transwarp factor nomenclature would have an in-universe revision if ships were to accelerate to warp 9.99 out of space dock. Cute reference to Threshold, but the idea doesn’t feel lived-in.
-Frakes deserves an Emmy for stepping back into the Riker role. The man is single-handedly carrying both Stewart and Ryan through this series.
-Are they really bringing back Picard’s brain disease despite the fact he’s a robot? Does Paramount think its audience so disposable that they are ignoring everything from the first season? The dramatic sting in the score does not inspire confidence.
-Raffi, when Nordberg said “The Red Lady”, he was telling you the name of the ship.
-Shaw wakes up from the auditory rumble of the cloud. In space.
-“Quantum tunneling” is a well-defined concept in physics and has nothing to do with sling ring portals straight out of Doctor Strange.
-Picard made a classical music mixtape for Crusher consisting only of songs from one single decade. I had a good laugh at this point formulating an improv where Jean-Luc imparts on Beverly the auditory beauty of Skrillex’s Purple Lamborghini.
-Picard’s British accent is apparently hereditary. One rung up the ladder from “Picard’s son is also bald”.
-Main credits right out of the MCU. They REALLY wish they were Disney.
-Should they get credit for including the classic soundtrack? Even though Rings of Power‘s music didn’t always work, at least they attempted to make new tracks.
4/10. 7/10 as a sci-fi soporific for senior citizens who want to be swaddled by a multi-billion dollar media company.
Hard to comment on this, as I still perceive crypto as a new thing, even though BTC has been around for ten years. I think it actually has nothing to do with crypto and nothing to do with the people involved, but more the financial system that does not allow freedom and does not allow competition. Payment processors and few select websites like Patreon have too much control.
I thought crypto was going to allow easy payments to people. There was another thread about the WNBA salaries and I might comment on that one later, but I am a tennis fan and supposedly, pro tennis is the favorite sport of Wall Street. Well, like the WNBA, professional tennis has such a salary problem, that any ATP player not ranked in like the top 20 in the world can barely afford to travel and play. When Crypto came out, I was hoping it would be like Cashapp or Venmo, where you could just tip a player a few bucks if you wanted to see him play and succeed.
Then, you have crowdfunding on certain sites, but it’s just way too centralized. Why can’t crypto and crowdfunding by fast and simple like cashapp? If I want to tip a comic creator or an author of a novel, I should be able to select that person, type in my 4-digit pin and send him a few bucks. I do that all the time with my favorite broadcasters, btw.
The futuristic sci-fi problem that is going to occur if crypt would have took off without any system involvement would be when popularity determines salary. Like the world is one big reality show and people with the highest ratings would generate the most revenue, depending on the adoring public and fans that they had.
Dani and Eytan Kollin’s The Unincorporated Man kind of touched on this, but if players and people could receive crypto tips based on likes, like a penny plan even or a March of Dimes, you could end up with a situation where people themselves are bought and sold on the market. It would be like how Elon always says, “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” and the poll would be monetized in crypto payments and valuations of people themselves would fluctuate.
Other futuristic things that touched on this was the Mojoverse in X-Men, where the fat cat corporatist would make them fight for ratings.
The other one was War has become a spectator sport. Privately funded armies of superstar soldiers march into battle for fame, profit, and the glory of their sponsor nations. When a new generation of soldiers arrive, top gladiator Satta Flynn is about to discover how fleeting the limelight can be. VS delivers spectacular action, darkly humorous satire, and explores our hunger for fame and our penchant for self-destruction.
Also, believe it or not, the great Alex Jones had an amazing rant one day when he was in the zone flow state and said that he believes the brainchip will make demigods out of teenagers, who will command millions of followers and be billionaires before twenty due to their brainchip command of all the social media sites.
Last thing, but it would frustrate me as a guy who thinks of economics like you do, but a European would simply lecture about how the problem is actually the Capitalist system itself and this is the end result of it. We have had bubble economics for generations. I saw a video on it recently, where when the Fed and plunge protection team was created, it allowed for further regulation of the economic cycle and allowed insiders to bank off of the rise and fall. This was long, long, long before crypto.
The problem with the accusation against the capitalist system is that we do not have one. We do not use captial, we use credit. I guess you could say savings or hard assets are capital, but the moment you borrow against it, it’s a credit based debt system. We were lied to all our lives about “free markets” and “free trade” and “capitalism.” I was going to comment on it on the WNBA thread, but have to think about it more. Clearly, success and salary have nothing to do with ratings or the market. We really have kind of a caste system. How do businesses that don’t make money stay afloat, unless they have other purposes or motives? How do celebrities that keep bombing at the box office keep getting work? These questions reveal a deeper nature of our economic financial system. It’s not what the Koch brothers told us it was.
I couldn’t agree more with Drinker on this one. Yes the CGI does look awful. I guess Disney doesn’t know about Laura Croft since she’s basically the female Indy🙄… Also, what is it with the bad de-aging of actors of late??? I saw better de-aging on ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’!
As Legatus_Legionis has said, it’s not the first time it’s happened. Marvel did Fantastic 4, Captain America and X-Men films in the 90’s and they were never released. I actually thought the 90’s Captain America film wasn’t too bad even though I hated how they did the Red Skull. Although I admit to liking the soundtrack for it. At least Banshee had a Irish accent on that version of X-Men compared to Banshee on ‘First Class’ (I did enjoy ‘First Class’ but I didn’t like the fact that he didn’t have his trademarked Irish accent on that film btw). I can’t comment on the F4 film from the 90’s as I’ve not seen it.
Interesting comments. After mentioning that, I tend to agree and I recall someone kind of ripping on Captain America and Cyclops of the X-Men, as “Boy Scout characters.” They were the most idealistic, which makes people mock them as corny, but there’s something about a leader who makes others work as a team and really enjoys teamwork, that I like. Cyclops was never done justice in the cinematic universe. One thing the MCU really did get right was Steve Rogers. I love the arc when Steve and Tony are arguing and Cap says he knows grunts that are worth ten of him and Tony responds that he would just cut the rope, but in the end, Tony listened to Cap, and made the sacrifice play of riding the nuke through the wormhole in space. Just great writing. Real leaders and coaches motivate others to make the team play.
One thing must be said though, is that sales and numbers don’t lie. A lot of people are ganging up on DC for having too many Batman titles because those are the best sellers. Have to say the same about Wolverine. Just so many titles and so much writing around just one character. At least with Logan, it makes sense, because he can live centuries.
@Roccandil I agree, it is being manipulative, yet I feel a sense of entropy, when it comes to this hero and this relationship, is needed. They seemed to do this a lot in the past with superheroes, where they were flawed from the beginning. I don’t see Spiderman being as awesome as he is without being selfish in the beginning and letting that criminal get away. Or Cap failing and Bucky dying. Or Thunderbird dying in the new X-Men second mission. To me, early failure used to be a hallmark of a hero, that he had to persevere through.
Kevin is not this born to be a hero kind of guy, who makes all the right choices in the face of adversity. He’s basically a good guy who is lazy, and half-azzing his way through life who lucked out with Julianna. If he is going to be a hero, he’s going to have to learn and he’s going to have to earn it. To me, too many characters these days know what to do all the time from day one. Villains are always given such nuance these days that most are anti-heroes with great stories, but heroes seems to be pretty vanilla. At least to me. This is why I feel there hasn’t really been current (American) heroes who have resonated with people like those in the past. Manga seems to get it though. Nearly every hero in Manga is severely flawed personally, and fail early on. My hope is to give Kevin some real flaws to overcome, not just Mal’s, but internal ones as well that being with Julianna is exposing.
You can’t overcome entropy without first introducing it. :O) Love the feedback! I hope others don’t mind the trope! lol.