Today, a Daily Mail exclusive revealed the first images of Disney’s live-action Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs remake, simply titled Snow White. The film stars Rachel Zegler as the titular Princess, and the Seven Dwarfs have been replaced with less problematic fantasy creatures. Directed by...
Read MoreFollowing the Disney+-exclusive release of Disenchanted, the first film’s director, Kevin Lima, has spoken out. He discussed Any Adams’ performance as Giselle, Disney’s lack of faith in the first film, and the script’s origins with The Hollywood Reporter. Check out an excerpt...
Read MoreThis week saw the early release of Disney’s Disenchanted on Disney+. The original 2007 film Enchanted was a fun musical parody of classic Disney movies like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and The Little Mermaid. It has become something of a cult classic in the intervening years and, in...
Read MoreEntertainment Weekly has released an interview they had with Amy Adams before this year’s D23 convention. Naturally, much of the discussion was centered around the upcoming Enchanted sequel, Disenchanted, and her character Giselle’s conundrum. Disenchanted takes place fifteen years after the...
Read MoreAfter four successful films, a series of holiday-themed TV specials, and a slew of merchandise and games, it only makes sense that Shrek would get a spin-off. 2011’s Puss in Boots serves as a prequel to the main Shrek movies and shows us what the fan-favorite ferocious feline did before meeting Sh...
Read MoreMost of the time, the movies I watch and review are the ones I’ve been waiting for, either because they looked good or because of who was involved in making them. I rarely watch things I haven’t heard of on a whim because, like most people, I’m busy and there’s already so much I want &hellip...
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