In March, Stuttering Craig, the co-founder of Screw Attack and host of Side Scrollers, announced “Take Games Back,” an initiative aimed at wresting video game culture from the hands of hostile corporate and media interests and giving it back to gamers. The first part of this push Craig announced...
Read MoreThe Rippaverse is throwing a party, and Geeks + Gamers is invited! On Saturday, June 8, 2024, Eric July is hosting a Rippaverse x Friday Night Tights x Geeks + Gamers meetup at the Boozy Bird in Carrollton, Texas. Jeremy from Geeks + Gamers will be there, as will Gary, X-Ray Girl, and 1/4 Black Gar...
Read MorePolitical YouTuber/commentator Benny Johnson of The Benny Show hit 2 million subscribers on YouTube today, a feat worthy of praise. Some may know of Benny from his several appearances on Friday Night Tights and Megacon Orlando this past February. Benny was also inspired by Gary (Nerdrotic) to create...
Read MoreA year ago, this day in Geeks + Gamers history brought us the infamous beginnings of MCU Fan. Now, some may be wondering, just who is this MCU Fan character? Where did he—oh, my mistake; I should not assume the sex—they come from, and why are they “infamous”? Well, it all began on a Friday &...
Read MoreLas Vegas. The city goes by many names, from “Sin City” to “Lost Wages.” Either way, it is a place that has gone down in infamy throughout the decades. I’ve never been the sort to feel a pull towards a city like Vegas since the things that occur there are essentially the polar opposite of ...
Read MoreJames Gunn’s Superman movie – which is now officially called Superman – has begun filming, and whatever your expectations at this stage, everyone is eager to see what the new version of the world’s greatest superhero will be like. That includes Superman himself, Dead Cain, the co-star (with...
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