Bright is a fantasy action film directed by David Ayer, with a script by Max Landis. The story follows two cops, Ward and Jakoby, in a world where the fantastical is reality, and has been for thousands of years. Jakoby is the first Orc cop, and Ward doesn’t want to be partnered with one of &hellip...
Read MoreBeyond Skyline is a sci-fi sequel to the 2010 original. Frank Grillo plays an LAPD officer who has to survive an alien invasion, protect his family, and perhaps find a way to bring the alien threat down. The performances in Beyond Skyline are fine. Frank Grillo plays a convincing badass in everythin...
Read MoreDisney’s acquisition of Fox means a lot more than character rights and franchises; it’s a deal that could change television and film as we know it. The deal of the year has been confirmed – Disney have bought Fox for $52.4 billion, they will also acquire $13.7 billion of debt making the de...
Read MoreSweet Virginia is an indie thriller starring Jon Bernthal, Christopher Abbott, and Imogen Poots. It centers around Sam (Bernthal), manager of the Sweet Virginia Hotel. After a horrific shooting takes place in his small town, he befriends a strange man who happens to be staying at his establishment, ...
Read MoreI’m super late to the party on La La Land, but I finally watched it in the comfort of my home this morning. I was floored by the camera work, the acting, the music, and the dance numbers. I loved watching these characters interact, watching them progress through their own stories as well as their ...
Read MoreA year after Pocahontas, Disney released a film with a higher budget that would earn a lower box office return, The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Like so many Disney animated features, Hunchback was based on a novel. But this novel was a little different from The Fox and the Hound and Tarzan of the Apes....
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