Tag: wally west

Friday Flash Facts: Flashes in Crisis

There is a prevailing phrase known among DC Comics fans for what seems like decades now: “You can’t have a Crisis without a Flash.” Since the series’ first season on the CW network, The Flash has been hinting towards a truly apocalyptic event dwarfing anything that has preceded it. This even...

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Friday Flash Facts: The Speedster Villains of the CW Flash

Flash faithful have been acutely cognizant of the liberties the hit CW television show has taken with the comic stories and characters. In many ways, the show, now in its fifth season, is asymmetrical with the comic book source material in nearly every facet beyond the name of the protagonist and hi...

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Friday Flash Facts: Flash Descendants

With the CW television series The Flash having returned for its fifth season this week, many fans of the show are now wondering about the mysterious girl Nora, who also goes by the hero name XS, revealed to be Barry and Iris’ daughter from the future. Meeting your yet unborn child is no doubt quit...

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Friday Flash Facts: Superspeed Team-Ups

For some time now, the Flash has been a top-tier superhero with regards to power within the DC universe. His ability to accomplish such feats as travel through time and alter the timeline, create paradoxical alternate realities, punch with the force of a white dwarf star, and outrun death itself, am...

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Friday Flash Facts: Iconic Feats of Speed

DC’s Scarlet Speedster, the Flash, has been gaining in popularity over the last few years thanks to the success of the CW Flash television show as well as Warner Brothers’ Justice League movie (albeit to a lesser extent). Nowadays I see just as many young boys and girls rocking Flash memorabilia...

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Friday Flash Facts: The Speed Force

Anyone who knows anything about the DC universe knows that most of their speedsters derive their Mercurian speed from the all-encompassing energies of the mystical and omnipresent Speed Force. It is viewed as a representation of the concept of reality in motion, and while it has been a part of the F...

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