The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep Trailer Sounds Familiar

The Witcher is returning to Netflix a little sooner than Liam Hemsworth’s debut as Geralt. Today, the streaming service released a trailer for The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep, a new animated movie set in the same world as the live-action fantasy show, which is based on the books of Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. An adaptation of the short story “A Little Sacrifice” found in the collection Sword of Destiny, The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep (if it’s anything like the story on which it’s based) finds Geralt of Rivia translating a negotiation between a human and a mermaid who want to be romantically involved before getting involved in a brewing war between humans and an underwater race of beings and navigating the affections of a bard. Anya Chalotra and Joey Batey voice their characters from the live-action series, Yennefer and Jaskier, while Geralt is played by Doug Cockle, who voices him in the video games. The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep will arrive on Netflix on February 11, 2025; you can see the trailer below:

Well, I can say one thing about The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep that I rarely get to say these days: I like the animation. Character movements are smooth, and the faces are expressive without looking goofy. In fact, the trailer for The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep makes me think animation might be a good way to adapt The Witcher for TV; it allows for a lot of fantasy elements and monster action without the budgetary limitations of live-action. The battles with the fish monsters look more epic than most of the fights on the show, and you get a sense that you’re seeing a new world as Geralt interacts with the sea life in his magical realm. The show is at its best when Geralt goes into action against whatever monster he’s fighting in any particular episode (a relatively rare occurrence, which is part of why the show kinda sucks), and animation allows for a lot more of that. And while I’m not well-versed in this universe, I imagine adapting a story directly from the works of Andrzej Sapkowski helps the storytelling; the first animated Witcher film, Nightmare of the Wolf, was an original story, as well as a prequel that didn’t involve Geralt (meaning it had about as much of Geralt as the main show does). Delving into Sapkowski’s stories lets them adapt more stories fans like that they can’t do justice on the show.

Unlike the show, The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep also looks like it may actually be fun. The Witcher is a tough series to get through, a draggy snooze that pushes its main character – who is also the best part of the show by far –to the side so it can focus on the female supporting characters. The result is a lot of eye-rolling as you wait for Geralt to show up again, hopefully to kill some bad guys. The second season was even worse than the first, as far as that goes, so I just gave up. And since Henry Cavill, who I enjoyed on the rare occasion he was afforded screen time, is no longer starring as  Geralt, I have no reason to give it another shot (not that I would have anyway). But, again, this animated film looks a lot better, and since the showrunner of The Witcher doesn’t appear to be involved, this one may go in a more pleasing direction. It was also a nice touch to get the actor who voices Geralt in the games to return for the movie, particularly now that Henry Cavill has run fast and far. Their best bet is to do everything they can to please pre-Netflix Witcher fans; let’s hope they succeed with Sirens of the Deep.

Let us know what you thought of the trailer for The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep in the comments!


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Comments (2)

January 15, 2025 at 3:07 am

Such great source material. I enjoyed some of season 1 of the show. Needs better pacing and editing.
We always hope for the best, don’t we? I understand fans frustration when great characters and stories are ruined by modernity.
I like that fans from GnG are always crossing their fingers, hoping for a great outcome of these projects.

January 15, 2025 at 6:57 am

As a Pole and a huge fan of The Witcher, I will say this. Bits and pieces looks great. The animation, as does Geralt of Rivia. The blond girl looks hot and cute. But it’s based on Witcher Short story “A Little Sacrifice” which didn’t actually show underwater society; we only hear of them but never actually see them which gives a story a Lovecraftian feel. And there was no fight with the giant Kraken. That one I can look past, becasue sometimes adding such an epic giant monster battle does a visual medium a service. But that underwater society gives me too much Aquaman rip-off vibes. I love DC and Aquaman, but this isn’t Aquaman. This is The Witcher. Again, we will see how it goes. I love parts of the trailer, but that Aquaman rip-off makes me somewhat wary. JUst my cents!

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