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Hmmm. Well, I’ll be surprised if they can open at all in a month, but we will see.
Last movie I saw in a theater was Joker.
And it will be the last one, because I’m sick of theaters. Forgetting everything COVID, going to the movies just is not fun anymore. I’ve been watching movies in theaters since the 80’s, so I can honestly say I’ve been a consumer of cinema for a long time. Well into the 90’s a matinee was under $5, and the concession stand was not a black hole your money disappeared into. For $10 you could get your ticket, a drink, popcorn, candy, and even a friggin’ hotdog (which I did all of depending on the theater). Then I got to CHOOSE my seat when I walked into the theater.
That was the final straw for me. I’ll suffer a $10 ticket three or four times a year for a movie I feel I have to see right away. I can eat before I go, making getting food there not an issue. But now I can’t even choose my own seat once I walk into a theater! I have to pick it off a damn screen and then hope I chose one the right distance for me to be comfortable as well as line up just right (I can’t stand watching a movie from the side seats).
Going to the movies isn’t fun anymore. I know some will tell me that watching the movie as a director intends on the big screen is important at least once, and to that I say…meh. It’s all subjective. I’d rather watch movies at home where I can pause it to go take a piss, eat better and less expensive food from my own fridge, and sit comfortably wherever I want to without some jackholes walking up to me in a virtually empty theater and saying, “Those are our seats.”
Fuck movie theaters.
Yay! I’ll get to breath when i watch Wonder Woman 1984!
AMC bends the knee to the mob and now will require masks in their theaters. (link)
Lol they tried to avoid politics by letting customers choose to wear a mask or not, and the mob burned them alive for it. I’m not going to see a movie with a mask on. I haven’t gone to any business that required masks.