Austin Bills? NFL Owners Are Running Out of Plausible Ways to Squeeze Taxpayers

Geeks + Gamers Forums Sports Football Austin Bills? NFL Owners Are Running Out of Plausible Ways to Squeeze Taxpayers

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    Austin Bills? NFL Owners Are Running Out of Plausible Ways to Squeeze Taxpayers

    The latest—heartless—public stadium extortion attempt doesn’t ring as true as it used to back when L.A. was the threat.

    Here we go again.

    Bills owner Terry Pegula, according to ESPN, will start whispering around town that if his demands are not met, he’ll move the team to Austin, Texas.

    This I find strange, after all Pegula has done for sports in the city of Buffalo.

    Buffalo, along with Green Bay, is one of two NFL cities that are not among the 80 most populous in the U.S. They are an anchor; one of the few remaining benchmarks that tie the league back to its existence as a barnstorming, bright-eyed startup hoping to spread the love of the game.

    If not for the revenue sharing of the network contracts, they would have moved along time ago.

    This is a fanbase that deserves better. A fanbase that weathered a lot of bad football and is finally, loudly, deservedly, enjoying their halcyon days. A fanbase that instructs other fanbases, often perpetuating the idea that each NFL city actually has fans this good and loyal…

    Except, when it comes down to dollar$, and big NFL is nothing if not about the dollar$.

    The fact that a threatened move has even surfaced to this point should show them—and us—how the controlling powers really feel about us and to what depths of stupidity we’ll sink in order to keep things the way they are. It may be time to dare them to go ahead with it, watching as the illusion of an NFL that cares about us begins to fade.

    Except, since this did not come from the Bill’s organization nor its owners, I think on first read it is a writer making a story, and them wanting to not go to the cold Buffalo Stadium during the winter months to report of the games, but would rather go somewhere warm and dry.

    According to ESPN?  Well, without sources, this is just fantasy.

    Creating a story to distract people.


    it actually makes sense because of us 14 getting built.

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