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  • #220683

    I know that someone had made a forum post about writers in the past that related to creating a comicsgate for authors. Did that go anywhere? If it did, is there a specific way people are connected to one another besides the forums here on G&G? I think the forums are a great place to connect because most people here are trying to find others with a similar, non-attitude toward movies, books, comics, etc. . ., but I don’t think the forums are the best place to keep an ongoing conversation in relation to something like an author’s comicsgate. If there is already a group on some app like signal or telegram? If there isn’t, would anyone be interested in starting something like that? Even if it is a few other people besides myself, I would be, as long as those people are serious about talking about the best way to go about creating a fictiongate.


    Yeah. That was me.

    What you have described is still the plan, but it’s not going anywhere because of several factors, chief among them there is barely a platform to promote ourselves on. My focus for the past several months has been to do what Jon Malin said…build a base.

    I’ve been working on my channel since February, and it is simply slow going. Creating a movement similar to Comicsgate requires building an audience first before we try to sell our products. It serves no one to start a crowd fund for a book on Indie Go Go without anyone knowing about it, and people will only know about it if you have built a base on social media, ie, the likes of YouTube. YouTube isn’t exactly helpful to small new channels, and by everyone’s account it’s been more fucked up than ever before, but regardless I make 1-2 videos a day and get a tiny bit of growth each week while trying to fight my way through the algorithm.

    A couple of people have reached out privately, but their ideas to help promote an independent writer’s movement require more than just one channel, and it requires at least somewhat active channels. As of now as far as I know in our community, I’m the only channel I know working towards this, and because I spend most of my time trying to build my channel by focusing on the topics of the day, I don’t have time to talk about novels and writing. I’ve mentioned it a few times, talked about my book on a couple of occasions, but there is little point in really pressing the matter until I have an actual audience whose trust I’ve earned and will be willing to part with their money for a crowd fund.

    Right now the job is to build the base, build the platform, and earn the trust by entertaining people and pissing off SJWs.

    I implore anyone else who wants to do this to, as Jon Malin says, grab an oar and start rowing. That means find something you like to talk about, start a channel, and make videos. The more of us there are, then we can build our own network like Comicsgate where we can then start working together in cross promotion where applicable. Right now, I’m on YouTube. I’ll move to Odysee as well once I hit the threshold to mirror my YT content on it, since I’ve already churned out 137 videos in 3 months.

    I use these forums the best I can trying not to be too aggressive or annoying to promote my channel, and I look forward to utilizing the G+G app when it is ready for prime time. I use Parler, but people on Parler are more interested in bitching about politics than anything else, so I don’t get much off of that. I refuse to use Twitter, and I am looking forward to using the new platform Trump is going to unleash in probably July.

    Bottom line, if anyone else is serious about joining me in this effort, channels need to be started and people need to start communicating and working together, forming friendships and working units akin to Comicsgate in order to entertain people, instead of waiting for things to happen. The first book in my first series is done. Has been done. It’s gone through several edits and pre-reads. There isn’t much more I can do to it except sell it, but as I said that would be pointless at this stage without a ready and willing audience. So, I’m going to keep trying to build that audience, and hopefully in a years time I will have reached a place where I can move to the next step.


    I understand the need of building an audience. It is something that needs to be done, and something I have been trying to do for several years now. I think even without the audience, starting to create a community of nonwoke writers would be good. One person has such a limited scope that they are almost certainly going to miss some good idea in some area. Also, I think that having a central place where people could more easily interact than forums would be good. I don’t see regular social media channels as being useful for that. I havent really looked into groups on G&G to see how functional they are.

    If I’m wrong you can tell me, but it does sound like you’ve become a bit disillusioned with creating a place where it will be easy to interact for like-minded individuals. (If you havent, well we might as well start something. If you have, good luck)


    If I’m wrong you can tell me, but it does sound like you’ve become a bit disillusioned with creating a place where it will be easy to interact for like-minded individuals. (If you havent, well we might as well start something. If you have, good luck)

    You’re wrong :)

    I’m not disillusioned. I simply look at this realistically that every process has steps, and that one step has to be taken at a time. Rushing never solves anything. As I said, I think the first step to building this community, the foundation is to become someone people find entertaining, become a known quantity.

    In this new era the only successful independent collection of individuals starting something separate from legacy industry is Comicsgate, which is why my suggestions of different channels coming together is the model I’m shooting for. I’m open to all ideas to create this community, because I know, as I’ve said in other threads, that there are likely other ideas out there that I would not think of.


    Publishing is centralizing and consolidating. That is bad. It will only get more woke.  One publisher that is not in favor is Baen. They might be someone to reach out to in order to speak with pariah authors and form community. https://www.baen.com/


    Fiction is a different ball game than comic books. I think that’s important to remember. Once you have the audience, you don’t really need to do crowdfunding because you can publish with little to no investment, so I see the calculus a little different than getting an audience, getting crowdfunding, and putting out a book. I think publishing is the best way to build the audience because then whoever follows you is there because of your writing.


    It sounds like you have thought out your course forward. I can respect that. I’ve followed you on YT. If you ever reach a point where you want to find a place to centralize authors or other creative people, feel free to hit me up if you’d like. Who knows. Maybe I’ll have wrangled some other like-minded authors into a group of some sorts by that time.


    If you have a loyal fanbase,  I don’t even think there is use for trad publishers anymore. It might be good to have connections with a few that can print your book though. (Another thing that does need to be done is curating vendors that would take care of the different aspects of publishing (copyeditors; designers; etc. . .)


    @Poppie First, thanks for the sub. I hope I do not disappoint.

    I disagree with nothing you are saying. I am ready to be a team player in this whole venture, because as I’ve said in the past, I know I cannot do this by myself. To replace legacy publishing, this is going to take a lot of us who are ready for prime time to be successful. I am ready to do any group thing where we come together, I simply believe having YouTube or YouTube like channels where we interact and entertain the people is a necessary component.

    The reason I’m choosing the crowd funding path is because even though I am not adverse to digital publishing, I believe in putting books in people’s hands, and of course it takes money to print and ship books, hence why I believe crowd funding is the path for me at this time. Now, I know trying to sell a novel and trying to sell comics will be two wildly different beasts, and I am first banking on an entertained and trust earned audience base, who has been properly fed tidbits of the first book, will be willing to crowd fund said first book.

    Gaining trust and getting them enthused for something they’ve never read from an author they’ve never read…that’s gonna be the trick. But in the end I’m confident I’ll find a way. And if I find that way, I am ready and willing to help others do the same.


    I think I get what your plan is better. I guess I had misunderstood parts of your plan. I am going to start working on trying to find a place that would function as a hub for connecting. And trying to find other authors. I think that it could go beyond authors even. It would be good to connect to graphic designers who could help with covers as well as those who would be able to do book formatting. I think having people to do beta-reading would be good too. But I think that if you were to find people willing to do beta-reading, you would have to teach the people what they are supposed to be doing for beta-reading. I am sure there are other people with other skills that would be helpful as well. Getting a group that isn’t just authors would also help when it comes time to spread the word about when books are getting published. We might even be able to connect to some people who are really good at marketing and connected to audiences. That’s just my initial thoughts on connecting to others. By yeah. I am going to look into that. I have been trying to find a niche that would help me build an audience as well. I don’t know if I will be going the video-avenue, but maybe if it would be something that would make sense.


    If you do have any ideas for a hub, feel free to tell me.


    @Poppie Oh for sure. I realized a couple of months ago this venture could spawn job opportunities for editors, artists, etc.

    The only thing I disagree about is beta-readers. Personally…I only trust people I know IRL. That way I’m sure my IP content is safe from being stolen. When someone is pre-reading something, not only do they have to be trust worthy enough not to steal your ideas, but they also have to know to keep their mouths shut about what they are reading to avoid spoilers if a franchise/series takes off.


    Roas, while I remember finding and disagreeing with some of your stuff on your channel, I respect and agree with your goal to combat legacy publishers. Frankly, the situation is worst with French Publishers, who are even more anti-author, and peculiarly incredibly anti-Fantasy (my genre), so that no one/nothing good’s been published save for translations of English or German fantasy or fairy-tale stories. So your idea of a ‘novelgate’ is direly needed not just for western-english publishers but for French ones (and I’m told by some friends, Italian publishers likewise hate fantasy fiction).

    So just wanted to say, you’ve got my support, but I’d kind of want this to be a cross-language thing myself, and your plan to crowd-fund to pay for editors, artists and what not is a good plan. It’s an inspiration, and reminds me of Mark Twain’s self-pub career and how much cash and good he did for literature with his efforts. Just wanted to pipe up, and post up that as a fellow author, while we’re trying to keep things classy and focused on literature, gaming and animation/filme on our channel, you’ve helped to inspire us at the Canadian CultureCorner, so you’ve got support from us over there.


    @Kaizersurus First, even though you disagree with me on stuff…I think I can still like you ;) In all seriousness, that’s what separates us from the SJWs, we can disagree and still be normal and find common ground.

    When the time comes to actually try and make this happen, I can’t wait to work with you. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to happen, where we all start talking/communicating with an understanding of what we hope to accomplish with this venture. Simply the idea to push and build our own place to sell good stories where the legacy publishing industry cannot shut down our ideas.

    I’m not gonna say it will be perfect and not be filled with bumps and likely drama because there will probably be some who think they are ready for prime time but end up not being ready (for years I thought I was but I really wasn’t), but I believe if those who want to be involved go in with the idea to just create the space where we all have a chance to earn an audience and sell our stories we will find our way.

    The current reality is, however, that I’m not in a position to do much more than talk about it like this at this time. I don’t have a large audience, yet, so my time is being spent building my base, and every week that base grows…it’s in inches….but growth is growth.


    Thanks! I love the idea of disagreeing with people, and finding common ground like normal people, dunno why it isn’t possible anymore in some circles.

    I have family who tend to say ‘inch by inch it’s a cinch!’ so I definitely agree with you, that it is all about building up the platform and networking, so will give your channel a follow. And working/toiling away on writing and what not, in between each video, which are quite a bit of work, so can see why that’s become such a focus to you, definitely going to wish you the best of luck.

    Oh, and you, and Ethan along with others have been an inspiration, for me to come out of the closet as apolitical as well as publicly defend J.R.R Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien’s good names in this podcast series; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvOnoowSWVw&list=PLNJ_lmPdbHJyQH2ESTMehaxmfm_YXx8PV which hope the quality isn’t too bad, but damn did it feel good to come out lol.

    Can I ask what genre is your focus? Sorry for not having asked before, do hope you’ll forgive my rudeness.

    Sorry for the late reply, for some reason didn’t get an email notification for this reply to my reply, etrange.



    @Kaizersurus Thank you for the support!

    I’m glad that I could play any part in you finding a voice to stand up to this SJW crap. There are more of us than there are of them. They just shout louder on fucking Twitter.

    My genre is sci-fi/fantasy. And I’m talking Space Opera and High Fantasy, the good stuff that you can lose yourself in filled with world building, lore, characters, and story. I’m not here to deconstruct anything or subvert. Everything I am working on will be in a single universe, and because I have to adapt a lot of my old stuff to take out old school AD&D content, videogames, and anime (it’s a long story how that many things got involved in that universe) I have to basically create all knew worlds and lore to take their places….so that means at least 3-4 different novel series to construct the foundation before I get to what I even consider the eventual main story.

    But it’s a good journey….I promise ;)


    Oh I see, sci-fi’s a genre I long-since lost interest in but understand the pull. As to High-Fantasy, I love the genre and write in it also, though in my case I’m also going full-lore, and intend to write more in the mould of Tolkien and Williams, thus the emphasis is on the world and characters also (like you in that regard Roas lol).

    As to your world, maybe you should include appendices in the main-series, and I get draining the swamp of alternative mediums stuff, funny how anime for ex seeps in without even noticing. And frankly 3-4 series sounds like a good challenge/thing to do, are they all going to be between 200-500 pages like standard fantasy books, if you don’t mind my asking? That’s the length of a lot of the best books out there in the genre.

    Though, I’d like to also see poetry, musique and history return to the forefront, and hate the new age ‘deconstruction’ crap that’s pervading the genre (Martin was frankly a medieval-slasher writer as everyone up here in Canada who likes Fantasy likes to grumble about), and my current French work, deconstructs his deconstruction so that it returns by the end of each book to being more classical High-Fantasy, yes with tragedy and politics but with an emphasis on the history, races, culture and magic of my world, and with something of a focus on classic tragic-greek lit/dark fantasy at the same time.

    My English books though, are more fantasy-mystery and high-epic fantasy, with the classic hero’s journey. Simply because writing 6-7 1,500 page books in French isn’t something I want to do in English, when I can just have fun, with classic fantasy and D&D style adventures like you. Oh, and I’m also writing 2-3 epic poems like some of Tolkien’s alternative work, 2 in English (15-20 pages long) and 1 in French (same length).

    Will definitely keep an eye out for your material, and once again thanks. I’m thinking, maybe of seeing about spending more time on these forums than once a week, but that’ll depend on upload schedule, schooling (or work) and writing.Sorry for getting carried away. oh forgot to mention, are you over on mythicscribes.com? I ask, cause it seems like a good platform/forum to connect with other fantasy authors.

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