Breaking: Life wins as Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

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    Garden tools mad.





    why the fuck do these women think the men who push for natalism are the same men in favour of promiscuity

    are they just retarded or something


    @Wisdom Are you pro-eugenicist or something? I find this whole “let degenerates murder their kids” a rather fucked worldview.

    The West, but particularly America, is in this sorry state of moral confusion due to taking a rather “hands-off” approach in regards to enforcing morals. We decided to “live and let live” and as a consequence not only have these people made completely irresponsible life decisions but in return decided to thrust their inverted morals onto the rest of us so we’re as miserable and depressed as they are.

    Morality isn’t something that’s inherited, it’s taught, and then reinforced at the state level. If you’re not willing to to impose your will on society than be prepared to have it enforced on you by those who are. Conservatives haven’t gotten this for decades, allowing the Left to gain massive cultural power and it’s why things have gotten as bad as they are.

    Weeks after Texas passed their abortion laws, most women in that state just stopped getting abortions, proving that culture is downstream from politics. Conservatives biggest mistake is the assumption everyone is a big-brained philosopher and they’ll get it if they just make the argument hard enough. That was never going to fucking work; even if you could get that sort of reach most people don’t think on these subjects too deeply and just go along with the majority. You want people to embrace your values, then you need to enforce them, from the top-down.





      “Morality isn’t something that’s inherited, it’s taught, and then reinforced at the state level. If you’re not willing to to impose your will on society than be prepared to have it enforced on you by those who are. Conservatives haven’t gotten this for decades, allowing the Left to gain massive cultural power and it’s why things have gotten as bad as they are.”


      So these are interesting points.  Morality is indeed taught but you cannot legislate it and still have freedom in my opinion.  I agree our morality has gone bananas and that is the root of most of the ills of society. Combine that with an overbearing goverment who wants dependence on it and you have a powder keg.

      I think proper morality can be taught without it being forced.  This was the job of religion and faith but that’s getting drummed out of society and that’s the issue with that.

      The very root of our  morality (USA) is Christianity.  Christianity teaches personal responsibility but also freedom. So the root of our values does not allow it to be forced. If God gives us free will, how can a man or woman take that from you?  It’s no different then our other rights that are God given which also cannot be taken. And that is the cornerstone of the Constitution.

      The question now is, how do we fix things?  I don’t have a good answer for that except to say we need to get back to what made us successful.  Good values, a strong social contract and being a nation of laws equally enforced on all.


      @FallenOmegaStar  I’m in favor of natural selection. Eugenic models usually require the government selecting who is fit to live and who isn’t. Inevitably, due to human’s tribalist nature, this will lead to the in-power group attempting to use eugenics to reduce the number of people from groups they dont like. I.e. how eugenics were used against Blacks in the US or how it was done by the Nazis.
      This has tarnished the original idea of Eugenics from the 1800s, which correctly stated that humans, now that we no longer have any danger from predators, most diseases, most natural catastrophies, hunger, etc, have to find some way to re-implement nature’s selection mechanism.

      In past centuries, there was still human evolution. In fact, people in the northern hemisphere developed higher levels of intelligence as a result of harsher selection pressures. It became necessary to store grains and other foodstocks for the longer winters (especially during the ice age). The need to plan ahead, ration food, etc led to natural selection favoring higher intelligence. Just as the lack of sunlight selected in the North selected for lighter skin in order for the body to produce enough Vitamin D.
      Throughout history, there remained some evolutionary pressure. A competent farmer was able to feed more offspring than an incompetent one. A competent smith or carpenter could trade his skill for more wealth and food than a beggar or vagrant. Even racism led to selection pressure. In medieval and feudal Europe, Jews were discriminated against in that they weren’t allowed to own land or do manual labor (which at the time was not considered lowly like today, but a privilege). They were forced to find professions that utilized the mind – finance (which conversely was forbidden for Christians during most of the middle ages), business, medicine, science, etc. This led to an increase in average intelligence due to extreme selection pressure.
      The original idea of eugenics was just: In nature, adversity leads to selection for better ‘fitness’ or adaptation. Without this mechanism, humanity will stagnate or regress.
      This can be observed in all welfare state nations, where since the advent of the welfare state, the productive have subsidized the breeding of the unproductive through taxes and redistribution of wealth. Inevitably, this leads to a growing number of economically marginalized people dependent on government handouts, and unable to compete in a service economy. It leads to a widening of the wealth gap, with only people at the very top still able to effortlessly have children, and the people at the bottom using children as a paycheck, and the middle class taxed to extinction.
      Sound familiar? The evidence is everywhere. The left would have you believe all of it is due to people being classicist, racist, sexist, whatever. No, it’s due to their own policies which went against natural law. No more can you fly an aircraft against the laws of physics than you can build a society against the laws of biology. Going against Nature (or reality or god if you will, call it what suits you) will ALWAYS fail.

      Of course, as has been the case throughout history, anything government does, it does badly. So when government does selection, it’s not the individual merit based selection of society, but rather tribalism, group based discrimination. That’s how you end up with the scumbag Nazis fancying themselves fit to select who should and shouldn’t breed – or live.

      So why then am I in favor of abortion from eugenic standpoint? Because its not forced upon people. People aren’t selected by some bureaucrat or mad leader and forcibly marched into an abortion clinic. They aren’t economically sanctioned to either. It’s a purely individual choice. It’s people with a fundamental moral defect saying “I don’t think my DNA should exist”.  The selection mechanism is done on an individual basis, just as in nature. Looking at it purely from a perspective biological function, the woman aborting her child (again, excluding medical and rape) has such a strong disregard for life, that it may constitute a danger for the survival of the species itself. Imagine people like that in power? People who would kill their own offspring at a whim? Imagine them having access to nuclear codes. Nature has mechanisms to weed out dangerously defective individuals. You can observe this even in the animal kingdom, where deformed or sickly young are often left to die by parents. Why? Not because they are cruel or heartless, but because the offspring mutation or defect endangers the survival of the species.

      That’s what it’s all about. Survival of the species. Nature is trying to correct some mistakes.

      And you want government to prevent that? Again? Hasn’t government done enough harm?

      And yes, science shows that morality IS in fact inherited insofar as all character traits are inherited. No one teaches you to be quick to anger, fearful or brave, compassionate or selfish. Just like no one teaches or raises you to have specific sexual preferences. Twin studies have shown that even religiosity is genetic. Humans are not as disconnected from biology as we fancy ourselves.

      “Weeks after Texas passed their abortion laws, most women in that state just stopped getting abortions”

      And you think that’s a good thing? I estimate 90% of them are single mothers, and they’re doing it out of laziness and because they government subsidizes their bad decisions by bleeding honest hard working people dry, who then have to put off having a family of their own until their mid 40s, because they’re taxed to death.
      Yes, very moral.
      And they’ll raise their kids to be democrats, so abortion will be back with a vengeance.

      The morality of a law is measured in its outcome. The outcome of this will be terrible. As always when government goes against nature.

      Culture is certainly not downstream of politics. On the contrary. Vknid is right, you can’t legislate morality while maintaining freedom of opinion or speech.

      If you want to prevent abortions, change what leads to people wanting them.
      Most women get abortions because they got pregnant to try and hook a guy into a relationship (with some even going so far as to steal semen from a used condom), or because they are “not ready for a baby”, meaning they either put their career before family or think they can do better than the guy they are currently with.
      All of these are results of societal and cultural failure. 1. Family law allows women to weaponize pregnancy. 2. The economy is so fvcked that being a housewife is no longer an economically viable path in life  3. Promiscuity and hypersexualization instilled by a rotting culture from an early age. And 4. Too many scumbags have with no moral constitution have been bred, courtesy of 100 years of welfare state. You reap what you sow.

      A return to morality will only happen by improving the fabric of society – the people. How do you improve people? By following natural law: positive selection mechanisms. Nature has already provided the answers to all our problems. We just need to take off our ideological blindfolds and see them.

      In practice, do we need eugenics for this? No. We need natural selection. How does one have natural selection in a post-industrial society without natural dangers? Economic selection. How do you ensure economic selection is fair und unbiased? Free market capitalism without corruption, cronyism, etc.
      Abolish the welfare state. Force people to provide for their own offspring. Make getting a vasectomy mandatory before collecting welfare for more than a year (exceptions for the disabled, people who suffered from an accident, etc).

      Make the economy darwinistic / meritocratic again so that merit and virtue lead to wealth, whereas failure and sloth lead to poverty. Once vice stops being a business model, culture will change. Once culture changes, values will change.
      That would fix abortion more efficiently than any ban. And more long term.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Wisdom.

      @Vknid I should have clarified what I meant a little more, individual liberty is of course important. But I doubt the men who thought of the concept of individual autonomy ever imagined that that this would eventually translate as “the right to commit irresponsible and self-destructive actions” while everyone else just stands by and lets it happen.

      If someone in your family were slitting their wrists or taking drugs you’d of course put a stop to it, I think that same sort of care should be extended to your countrymen. That’s what it means to be Nationalist, in my view.

      To put it another way, when laws are enforced, it sends a strong, clear message to the populace that something is morally wrong, and it disincentivizes them from doing it. When something is legal, the morality becomes a lot more ambiguous, and if there’s no legal repercussions, people are more likely to do it (or at least, be more easily persuaded into doing it).

      Now, granted, the law isn’t perfect nor absolute, and we can debate endless back on forth on moral relativism (i.e. just because something is legal/illegal doesn’t always mean it’s moral/immoral. But this is another debate). But if you want to proudly say, “we’re a Christian country,” then you need Christian laws so it rings true. You cannot have cultural values without them being married to state values. A divorce between the two creates the kind of society we’re living in now.

      I understand your trepidation of crossing the line into outright tyranny – There is that danger. Which is why we need sensible people who can look at things with a leeway of impartiality, examine them on a case-by-case basis, and enforce the law only to the extent in proportion to the offense.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by FallenOmegaStar. Reason: autonomy, not anatomy, curse my autisim

      This is such a Bizarro worldview that no-one in their right mind would ever vote for it. People want government to provide them a service. For all of the Left’s faults, they at least implement policies which support their voters lifestyle choices and create a broad sense of community. Meanwhile, if you had your way, a Right-wing government would just take backseat and allow people to devour each other in a dog-eat-dog world of survival of the fittest. In the modern context, it’s basically just permitting for psycho’s to continue running rampant over the average person who just wants to be left alone and allowed to raise their children how they want.

      Fathers don’t want to see their eight-year old sons become their “daughters,” or their teenage daughters become “sex workers,” they’d happily vote for a government which promises to put a stop to that nonsense as hard as it possibly could. Same thing with abortion, you got a lot of young women who just don’t know any better, and some of them have been so demoralized, so psyopped, that they have been convinced that abortion is a moral good because the Right has a made a total retreat in providing a counter-narrative. Yes, there are pro-abortion demagogues who are just awful people, but apparently your solution is just to let them go on unchallenged and therefore most people will go through life thinking there’s nothing wrong with abortion at all.

      If you want the pendulum to swing back, you need to push for government legislation. It’s not something that’s just going to happen on its own accord.


      It is not our job to visit the sins of the father and/or mother upon the unborn child. Saying that “Only X kinds of people get abortions” is not an argument for abortion. We do not, and we should not, have an ideological test that people must pass in order to become parents, and it’s even more insane to use such a test to determine if a child should be allowed to live or not.

      Mankind is two things. On the one hand, man is made in God’s image; we are not mere animals. On the other hand, man is fallen, sinful, evil; we are worse than the animals.

      A human life is a valuable thing. There are reasons when justice may demand the taking of a life, or when circumstances such as war justify killing, but it should not be done lightly, certainly never because of “convenience”, certainly never because “that baby has the wrong kinds of parents”.

      And if the world burns because we allow the babies of those “wrong kinds of parents” to live, then the world burns. Murder does not stop becoming murder, murder does not stop becoming evil, just because of some perceived and even imagined benefit.

      But I doubt that will happen. Such fearmongering doomsaying has a long history of being wrong.

      And as far as politics goes, the Dems are going to have to ramp up their vote-stealing machines, because that’s the only way they win now, because not only has the Biden administration being publicly shown to be inept and disastrous, but this ruling based around three Trump-appointed judges may be the biggest reason to put either Trump back in that office, or someone like him.



        You make very good points.  I agree with you that we should legislate our values, that’s really already the case. I detest that relativism stuff personally. However we should not legislate Christianity, that would not be right and I don’t think you mean that I am just stating it.  The problem we have now (and I think you eluded to it) is that we are divorcing society from God and his morality.  You only get a couple generations of that before anything is OK. That’s what we see now.


        You make great points as well.  Humans are valuable, all humans.  We are higher than animals (however they are gifts and we should treat them and use them as such).

        I heard this said recently and I think it applies here.

        “we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience”

        Our intrinsic value is not because we are a smart meat sac.  It is because God breathed life into each of us.



        I’m glad that the courts made the decision. Too many women won’t take responsibility for their actions and behaviour if they want to do a tumble under the bed sheets and not thinking about the consequences. You don’t want kids? Fine; take some contraceptive measures to prevent yourself from having them. Don’t make everyone else look after them for you when you can’t be bothered!



          This is what I have been saying for years;

          Abortion is 100% preventable, just do not have sex and you will not get pregnant. If you choose to have sex, then BOTH parties use contraceptives. If you get pregnant then have the child. Murder is murder, in all cases but abortion to kill an unborn child is still homicide under the law. <that last part might now not apply after the ruling as it was based on the Fed giving protections because of Roe and Casey, should be interesting to see how that plays out when they realize it.>



            The libertarian in me says good!  The federal goverment should not even have a position on such a matter.

            The God fearing person in me also says good because I consider it murder in all cases.  Yes, even the difficult ones.  It’s either a valuable life or it isn’t there is no in-between.  The value of the unborn is not a ratio based on how inconvenient it might be for the mother and or father.

            And furthermore, using abortion as contraception is downright diabolical. There is no time in our lives where holding back our base instincts is not only necessary but a good thing.  This also goes for sexual activity.

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