: Disney Should remake the Original Trilogy.

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars : Disney Should remake the Original Trilogy.

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  • #161145

    This is click bait nonsense. They just discuss rebooting the Original to make it visually more in line with the newer movies, to fix all the lore issues with Disney Star Wars and recasting the old actors with Sebastian Stan as Luke, Billy Lourd as Leia, and Alden Ehrenreich as Han. I strongly recommend you don’t click on the link. This click bait doesn’t deserve your clicks. Find an alternate source, or use ad blocker. Whatever you do don’t give these people any clicks, or money.


    Sadly, Disney will probably remake the OT someday.  And it’ll probably be terrible.


    They already did it. We have these short animations with Psycho Leia and Clumsy Jake.


    They already remade it, and badly.  It’s called the Sequel Trilogy.


    You can’t get good fruit from a bad tree.

    There is no remaking it by Disney. It’s impossible for them to fix it or make it right. Someone else needs to take over the entire thing and scrap the abomination that Disney created.


    Rage bait article from a know woke agitator site that hates the very demographic its supposedly for. Not clicking that garbage.


    That site is trash.


      What Shaman said.


      The short answer is hell no.

      But if or when they do, it will only be interesting if they remake the Original Trilogy from the perspective of the Dark Side.

      During the time where we are focused on Luke & friends, we focus on Darth Vader & his closest companions/associates instead, an anti-Hero’s journey where we follow him as he rules the Empire alongside the Emperor. And follow him as he discovers Luke and Leia, and the emotions that come with that.


      No leave the Original Trilogy alone. Alright.


      No, no, no, no and no they shouldn’t. The original trilogy is perfect as it is. They should keep their filthy hands off of it. They couldn’t even do their own trilogy the proper way. I’ll tell you what Disney should do. Give the Star Wars franchise to people that actually care about it. That’s what they should do.

      #166058   Archive link for anyone that wants to read it without giving comicbook. com any clicks.


      The flaw in their logic is that you do not fix a chain by making the strongest link as weak as it surrounding links.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by DocPhibes.

      Disney cant even remake it’s own animated movies without making them shit… they got no chance with star wars.


        They’ll wait until George Lucas is dead then remake the trilogy

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