Critical Race Theory

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      I don’t know how it could be taught in any class except History, yet we know it is.
      I did not know any of my teachers politics when I was in school, their job was to teach us a given subject to the best of their ability.  But in History we learned about U.S. History with no “sjw, pc or other acronym terms” We learned about the founding and how our Constitution came to be, We learned about the Compacts of the original Colonies and how they fit in the Constitution and how without the Bill of rights there would be NO Constitution. Not only that but we learned about the Federalist and Antifederalist papers (which are the definitions for the constitution)

      When it came to Slavery and Treatment of Native American people, we learned that as well. We learned that slave owners were not just white and from the south but black as well. We had discussion and debate on Lincolns actions and to their legality. Even on the Legality of Secession and the SCOTUS rulings. We had teachers who taught and allowed for debate on History not current politics.

      I went to school with kids of all different races and colors, Southern California. To this day 30 and 40+ years after meeting I am still friends with many of them. Race was NEVER an issue Color was NEVER an issue. We judged people not on their color, race or religion but on who they were, certainly not on what they had. If were were fractured as students it was by the music we listened to. And that didnt matter at a kegger. Ya we had problems but there were about real problems not ones made up by Politicians, Bureaucrats or big mouths for causes.


      I went to school with kids of all different races and colors, Southern California. To this day 30 and 40+ years after meeting I am still friends with many of them. Race was NEVER an issue Color was NEVER an issue. We judged people not on their color, race or religion but on who they were, certainly not on what they had.

      Same here.

      But that does not work for the toxic extreme-leftists agenda

      When I grew up/went to school, it was “we are all ONE human species”, and it is one’s character that is most important.  The only restrictions on you and your accomplishments is… YOU!

      You are the only one RESPONSIBILE for your actions.


      But now, people want the rewards without putting in the effort… a participation ribbon.

      This is stagnation and will be the fall of this civilization.


        But in History we learned about U.S. History with no “sjw, pc or other acronym terms” We learned about the founding and how our Constitution came to be, We learned about the Compacts of the original Colonies and how they fit in the Constitution and how without the Bill of rights there would be NO Constitution. Not only that but we learned about the Federalist and Antifederalist papers (which are the definitions for the constitution)

        , in my highschool, in history we learnt about Cleopatra’s sex life, 10th grade hystory teacher was obsessed and going to class was like studying anciant egyptian tabloid magazines 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

        • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by DigiCat.
        • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by DigiCat.

          Yup, You were held accountable for what you did, not what others did or might have done or were perceived to have done (Moms saying #1. If so and so jumped off a building would you) Correct answer was NO..Wrong answer, your father became the flash and the correct answer followed.

          Villains were CCP CCCP Iran. I remember to this day Yellow Ribbons around tree’s and exactly where I was when the Miracle on Ice happened, I remember where I was when the Wall fell. I remember where I was on 911 as well. I knew who the enemy was and I never thought the US would be destroyed by our own politicians. Now I am forced to wonder if they along with the media will not be its destruction. The media should report the Truth and when they do a story give the “Source” and what it or the person who is the source says. Social media platforms need to lose all protection as they are not a Media as they have taken up editing and censoring.


            Side note, I never understood why my English teachers felt it necessary to turn it into a History Class. I seriously DO NOT CARE how many kids the author may or may not have had, how many siblings an author had, when their spouses die, just to understand words on a paper. They should have taught the context of the text, not the life of the author. I had so much trouble with that. I passed and all, but it just seemed so pointless, unless your training to get on Jeopardy.


              It actually is important to understand the Author life as many of them are in ways inserting their life and its events and people in it. Look at LOTR and Hobbit, wouldnt have those without his life experiences. And now I am seriously wondering about GRRM as well, he writes some seriously fucked up shit.


                @Mustangride1 if you need to know the context of the authors life to read or understand the context of what the author is saying on paper, the author failed. No?

                It should be possible to interpret and understand everything the author is trying to portray without having to read a biography, and interpreting what THAT author has to say…

                Knowing all that info is a bonus. But I don’t think it should be the focus. Understanding the text itself should be.


                  As much as i do find it interesting to learn about an author’s life, i don’t think you should be tested on it and having it impact your grades


                    No not really, You can understand the story perfectly and never understand the context from where it came.

                    But having the context actually adds to the story in some ways. Imagine only watching the LOTR trilogy and never knowing about the Scouring of the Shire. Then one day you read it and are shocked, or the first time you read it and wonder how that fit in or why. Well if you understand about JRR and his life you understand the context to why it was part of the books as well. He was trying to convey the horrors of post war Nations, though he denied it many still believe that was why he wrote it. It is hard to deny the similarities are so striking.

                    Now granted this is High Literature and not sure it should be taught in the primary K-12 grades, unless an Elective, AP class or Drama, I learned about it in Theater as our Drama instructor was heavily in to us knowing the back-story so that you could perform the role as intended. But this is another story completely, maybe need a thread on high literature.


                      @Mustangride1 don’t mind me. I just have a grudge against I a particular English Teacher who made this a staple of her class. It was irritating.

                      Context is helpful. I completely agree. It just shouldn’t be required reading. My English tests had entire sections dedicated to this stuff.


                        Oh you had one of those lol… Ya some teachers really go off the deep end.


                        Critical Race Theory is directly related to Woke Culture and Social Justice activism. It’s basically the same thing.

                        In my experience of online political discourse since 2014 (seven years… good grief, I’m tired), I have encountered progressives/leftists of all stripes who tell me that SJW’s are simply misguided, and that the things that they aiming for, justice and equality for all, is basically good and desirable.

                        “Equality & Justice” does have a nice ring to it. Who wouldn’t be against that? You’d have to be evil to oppose that, right?

                        Of course, any rational person would observe our laws and society and come to the conclusion we live in an imperfect but fair one. If someone suffers an injustice, it is more of a failure of the individuals involved to uphold our laws and ideals than a failure of the system itself.

                        So what exactly are the grievances of Leftists and why are they a problem? You’d have to examine the very foundation of their ideology: Namely, that word they love so much, “equality.”

                        What exactly is equality? It’s an interesting word, one that can differ depending on one’s own interpretation. Many, chiefly liberals, would would argue for equal treatment under the law, and see no reason for discriminatory practices. But the word “equality” also implies sameness, and when you look at observable differences amongst human beings, we’re obviously not all the same, and so unequal outcomes in society, even in a meritocratic one, is inevitable.

                        That is the core difference between the “Left vs Right,” in today’s world, and where you might fall on which side of the debate. The Right understands that, even with a developed and advanced civilization, human beings are essentially animals who will still form hierarchies: Those who will lead, and those who will follow. Society flourishes when humans embrace what is natural to them, and traditional roles should be encouraged.

                        The Left, meanwhile, sees unequal outcomes as a travesty. The very concept of there being innate differences is anathema to them, and if someone has an advantage, then it must have been earned through dishonest or dishonorable means. At the dawn of the 20th Century, the debate was on economics – The Communist Revolution attempted to have the proletariat rise up against the bourgeoisie. But this only worked in Russia: Everywhere else the working and ruling classes united to drive back Communist Red Terror and ideological subversion, because ultimately they shared the same values and unyielding patriotic feelings towards their homelands.

                        The 21st Century is now the same thing, but this time Leftists have rebranded themselves and have asked themselves, “How shall we go about it another way?” So this time attention has been turned onto the social issues; race, sex and sexuality. Topics that are difficult because most people want to respect individual autonomy. But the end goal is still the same: The re-distribution of power amongst society.

                        I do not think everyone who identifies with the Left is necessarily a power-hungry Communist. At best, I can see them as woefully historically illiterate and lacking a sound, developed political philosophy. They are simply acting on a desire to do good and many of the Left’s sound-bytes are very seductive to them. But they’re falling in with an incredibly bad crowd. Modern Leftism can be defined by all seven deadly sins, but envy is chief among them: Leftists are driven by jealously at what they cannot have, and will use any method available to take it.


                        @FallenOmegaStar  The whole equality verses equity.

                        There shall NOT be any achievers.

                        There shall NOT be rewards for successes.

                        Everyone gets a participation award, even if they do NOT participate.

                        Everything should be made for the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

                        Everything should be as an NPC.

                        Individuality and freedom of thought/opinion shall NOT be tolerated.

                        Big Brother/Sister/non-binary is watching you.

                        All Hail the State.

                        We must destroy anything that is preventing us from forcing our agenda onto the nation/world.

                        You must HATE in order to destroy.

                        Surrender your rights and freedoms and democracy for security and big government will provide for you.


                        CRT is just another step towards that goal.



                        This video from 1969 fully explains it.



                        Critical race theory ban leads Oklahoma college to cancel class that taught ‘white privilege’

                        Just the title says it all.  And it is a good thing.

                        “These classes have been taught forever,” said the adjunct professor.

                        Just like that the earth is Flat, was taught for centuries, does not mean it is right.

                        … supporters say these statewide bans targeting certain teaching are meant to prevent groupthink and shaming of White students or teachers as oppressors. Oklahoma’s new law, for instance, says public school classes should not include the idea that “any individual should feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race or sex.” It also bars teaching the idea that anyone’s race or sex determines their “moral character” or makes them “inherently racist, sexist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”


                        Only RACISTS want to make everything about RACE.

                        Later, these “teachers” claim they want to teach about not about superiority but by privilege.  Which when taken in content IS the exact same thing.  Because of non-existing privilege one race has over another, the other feels inferior (so the one with these privileges has to be superior).

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