Fat Thor: A Lesson in a Feminist Agenda

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      Shifty … get off the computer… and go march in the nearest BLM riot.   After all, America is so racist that no one ever wants to leave and everyone wants to come here.  Oh, the horror!!



      @Lance… Yeah, let’s just forget they’re about to drop the F4, a crap ton of mutants, as well as a bunch of galactic characters into the universe, there will be plenty of straight white males running around. It’ll be alright, a little diversity isn’t the end of the world.


      BLM isn’t exactly my jam, bro.


        That is the first logical thing I have heard you say in a while.  How old are you shifty?


        Doesn’t matter how old I am.

        Age doesn’t necessarily equate to wisdom.

        In many cases it’s just more time for people to stew in their prejudices and out of touch views.


          So you are young.  Gotcha.  Shifty, I promise you this.  Right now, you don’t even know what you don’t know yet.


          Lord, I wish I was young.


          It’s not just that boys and girls learn differently. Girls are not built for higher education, plain and simple. Education has been dumbed down across the board so that girls can “compete”, which in turn results in a sub-standard education for our boys, who then perform poorly out of sheer boredom and being discriminated against. I’ve witnessed it first-hand, going back to school and graduating from college back in 2015. My God, college is a joke. I’ve seen 8th grade exams from around 1900 that were more difficult than many of my college classes. And I have a hardcore science degree.


          It’s an absolute agenda. They constantly cry about the patriarchy, in spite of the fact that we now live in a bonafide matriarchy. And they’re still not satisfied. The world is burning and they still think that they can do better than men, in spite of the fact that they’re already calling the shots. Modern education is a joke. Comic books and movies are dying off because of this agenda.


          There’s a phrase for that. It’s “fucking the war out of men”.


            I was going to say that assuming all girls aren’t built for higher education’s a little sexist, but then again, i’m a high school drop out, so i don’t really have much say in opposing your argument 😂 Though i will say that i think their reason for dumbing down education goes a lot deeper than just making things easier for girls


            But that’s not enough for people like him. Niko & company complains that SJW’s aren’t satisfied until every character is black, trans, gay etc but Niko himself isn’t satisfied unless everyone is a buff white man. There can’t possibly be a middle ground, no way!

            This is why I find the tug-of-war between people on the far left and right in America so hilariously stupid. Without realizing, they are doing the exact same thing they accuse the other side of.

            Neither side is willing to take into consideration what the other side has to say and dive into everything  with a massive confirmation bias, just looking for anything that supports your own narrative while discarding everything else. And then of course just calling people who don’t agree with you names. On one side you hear racist, sexist, __phobe etc amd from the other side you hear snowflake, SJW, soyboy and so on.
            It’s entertaining to watch how equally ridiculous both are


            Covenant was a terrible film. The franchise woukld have been better w/o it or the other one.


            Bring on the Blokamp A5.


            Fat Thor is a disgrace.

            Thor is a name not a title so Foster cant be Thor. Lets just ignore the fact that Mijolinor is the heaviest object in universe and Protman is a 110# stick.


            Yes, Mjølnir is the heaviest object in the universe, its weight is a whopping 42.3 lbs/19kg. Unbelievable.

            Also, even if it was the heaviest objective, don’t you think it’s equally ridiculous that Captain America, who is basically just a really buff human, can lift it?

            And btw, lifting Mjølnir isn’t about strength. It’s about being worthy to wield it

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