Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions GEEKS + GAMERS EMOJIS

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  • #213889

    We want to add emojis to the website and would like to know which kind of emoji’s would you like to see for ideas?


    Geeks + Gamers logos as an EMOJIS .




    Pizza Food emojis .

    Pepperoni pizza emoji: Can be one of the emoji for Geeks + Gamers emojis

    Chicken McNuggets Emojis as one of the Food Emojis for Geeks + Gamers

    Gaming emoji :Gamer console .

    Geek Emojis

    Geeks + Gamers Team EMOJIS:


    SJW MeltDown Emojis .For talking about SJW being Triggered about Milk being white and other things.1s3s4e

    OIP (31)


    Crying NBA LeBron James Emojis: For talking about Sports on Geeks + Gamers Forums.




    I would love for Country Flags Emoji : USA Flag Emojis :

    Canada Flags Emoji.

    Food Emojis : Chicken Nuggets one of the Geeks + Gamers Emojis. 🍕🥠🍦🍩🍪🍰

    Weather Emojis: All type of  Weather Emojis    ☁⛅⛈🌤🌥🌦🌧🌨🌩🌪🌘🌗🌞☀🌜🌛🌚🌒🌡🌀🌬🌂☂

    Animals Emojis: 🙈🙉🙊🐶🐺🦊🐰🦝🐸🦮🐕‍🦺🐾

    Sports Emojis :Football Emoji ⚽⚾🥎🏀🏐🏈🏉🎳🥌⛳🥅🎯🎮🕹

    Geeks + Gamers Logo Emojis:

    Ryan Kinel-RK Outpost Emojis:

    Drunk 3PO Emojis :

    Other Geeks+ Gamers Team Emojis

    DDadyCobra Emojis :






    So the emojis/smilies available on any of their live stream chats?

    Is there a pixie size you are think of, for those who wish and are able to make custom ones?


    Yes Geeks + Gamers Logos Emojis

    Yes Chicken Nuggets Food Emojis

    Food Emojis

    Weather Emojis

    Gaming Emojis

    Jeremy Owner of Greeks + Gamers Emojis

    Greeks + Gamers Team Emojis



    Yes Geeks + Gamers Emojis

    Gaming Emojis :🕹🎮🎯

    Food Emojis :🍟🍕🍧🥠🍨🍦🍬🍫🍻🍺

    Weather Emojis:🌪⛈🌤⛅🌧🌦🌥🌗🌜🌛🌬🌀🌂☂❄☃⛄⛱☔

    crying emojis:😥😪😭

    Yellow Face Emojis :😬🤪😱🤑🤩😎🥰😮🙄😶




    Food Emojis 🍧🍕🍫🍨🍦

    Weather Emojis⛱⛄☃❄☂🌀🌬🌥🌦🌂

    Gaming Emojis🎮🕹

    Yellow face Emojis 😂🤣😁😉😎🤗🤔😮😛😴😑🤐


    Geeks + Gamers Emojis

    Gaming Emojis

    Food Emojis

    Faces Emojis

    Animals & Nature

    Symbols Emojis

    People Emojis



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Greg777.

    Gaming Emojis 🕹🎮

    Food Emojis 🍕🍔🍟🌭🍿🥓🥨🥟🍠🥩🍗🍖

    People Emojis 💪🏻🤙🏻🤘🏻✌🏻🖐🏻👆🏻👎🏻👍🏻👌🏻👋🏻🤟🏻👏🏻👐🏻

    Smiling faces Emojis 😀😁😃😄😎😊




    Hi Krista,

    We haven’t met before online or offline and this topic I am about to post here on your most recent Emoji thread that has nothing to do with your topic at all but this is an urgent message I need to tell you along with other people that are Fandom Menace members from Canada which is Bill C-10 that if not stopped will take away your ability and the ability of all Canadians in the future to interact on the internet whether uploading videos like you do, or commenting, or even posting pictures.

    I ask you because you are Canadian and have alot of followers who watch your content that might be Canadian also and you have a big enough following to spread the word about this and maybe cause some major conversation about this in Canada to stop of for a time halt this.

    I don’t use Twitter, Facebook, or even Youtube as I don’t trust them at this point and so I can’t contact you there and this is my only way to reach out to you on this topic that will affect you along with everyone else in Canada who use social media and Free Speech in general in the country.

    I don’t know will you even see this message of mine here on this thread as I don’t know how often you check back in but I hope you do as this is very very important and has been worrying me like crazy lately.

    I was hoping you could make a video talking about this to spread the word throughout Canada and if possible maybe even convince Star Wars Theory to speak about this also as this will likely affect him as he is Canadian also and has a huge following also that might be able to help.

    I know Star Wars Theory isn’t technically part of the Fandom Menace but he is Canadian like you are along with many many other people who are in the Fandom Menace or follow the Fandom Menace.

    I know he hangs out with Jeremy and Drunk 3PO from the Livestreams the three do from time to time, maybe you can get those two to get into contact with Star Wars Theory and spread the word.

    Krista can you please help me do this as this will affect many of us in the North of the USA if nothing is done now and no conversation is had about it.

    I don’t know many people in my life to talk about this with but you and your followers might be able to help make the conversation happen.




    Hi Krista,

    Since you are Canadian, I think you need to see this as this now as it will affect you and everyone in Canada if people in the Fandom Menace up north don’t talk about this now. Here are some videos to explain what I and you along with the rest up North should be worried about.

    I was hoping you since you have a huge following in the Fandom Menace that very well could include alot of Canadian followers you could spread the word to maybe generate enough conversation to stop or halt for a time Bill C-10 in Canada. I know Star Wars Theory isn’t technically part of The Fandom Menace but if you can somehow get Drunk 3Po or Jeremy to get Theory to talk about this on his channel… might help a bit.

    I know what I am posting has nothing to do with your Emoji theme here on this thread but this is the only way I could reach you as I don’t have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or even a Youtube as I don’t trust any of them.

    I don’t know will you even see this reply of mine but I hope you do as this is urgent and you might be able to help with your following if you made a video on your channel to speak about this to your viewers.




      As much as you can @krista Novva!!! more emoji, the better!

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