Hogwart’s Legacy “Where are you and are you liking it”?

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      So lets start off with introducing my Character as of right now.


      I am very story minded as a rule, but yesterday I was able to find a way to sneak out of the Hogwarts and Start going full Indiana Jones Retard Explorer Mode. With a LOT of Combat. It hurt in the coin making but was great for finding quick travel way-point location and seeing what is there.

      Hint #1 doing that will help you down the road. There is plenty of places outside of Hogsmead to buy and sell goods. For me Once I load my inventory I am going to go sell the stuff I do not need anymore from here out and make bank.

      Ok full tard mode I took on a Troll yesterday level 31 while I was at level 14, took me an hour but I beat him.


      Just had to show it… Do not make me go full Stubborn mode. lol

      My talent level has come along nicely

      As has my progression

      Now we all Heard by now about the Trans-character and the Lesbian one. Guess what did not detract from the joy of the game for me or the story. Yes clearly in their for “THE MESSAGE” but neither were more than quick Cut-pieces. Sure wish that wasn’t in their especially seeing the time period this is set in but these fucktards today making entertainment cannot control themselves its a drug to them and they are addicted.

      Game play is on PC for me and I have experienced no problems playing it on ULTRA resolution. I did remap my keyboard (you will want to for the broom trials) because whateve dumbass set-up there default has never gamed on a PC Clearly.

      That is my biggest compliant currently, being that the Devs need to play it on all platforms and set it up appropriate based off that. I already know I need to remap server more times because of  Potions, spells and simple Commands in and out of different ares such as Map, Talents, Quest, Flight and so on.

      Other than those issues for a Early Access this is as straight out of the box good to go as I have seen in years.  The soundtrack is also really good.

      Ok so lets see others pictures and thoughts on it.


      We don’t get it until tomorrow here😭 but I’ll certainly post in some screenshots when I get the chance😁. As for the supposed trans-person, from what I’ve seen clip-wise it looks to me more like a lady with a deep voice more than a trans-person (they seem to forget that you can have a woman with a deep voice. Some female artists I like have deep voices). Wait, there’s flying levels??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO😭! I hate flying levels😭! Please tell me that they’re optional so that I can avoid them😂!


      Got my Deluxe Edition about 20 min ago. Looking forward to all the fun and maybe even pissing off SJW’s, because I do not knell to mobs.


        I just watched Garrett play this for like 3hrs I might need to buy it LOL.  Game looks sweet really interesting.  Very polished by todays standards of AAA releases.



        So far, just watching others streaming the game, I would say this game is a HUGH SUCCESS!


          Screenshot 2023-02-09 at 19-37-52 Facebook
          Going Full General Aleksander Kirigan / The Darkling, general of the Second Army and the Shadow Summoner  Ya Ya wrong IP but hell ya Grisha Dark lord…. I will make a second character now for Crows as well



          About an hour in and really enjoying it. However, I found the character creator very lacking and it had no option for female, though you could “be” a female in a sense. ALL the faces looked male to me no matter what I did to them. So, that was very disappointing. This “inclusive” garbage they are trying to implement leaves out features many of us want.


            Not sure what you are talking about. I could easily been a “Witch” with a Dress a very feminine voice and completion.


            Clearly I chose WITCH in it aka FEMALE , and this one I went Targaryen on. Not to bad, still wish I could do Manga Hooters, perhaps I will need to do a little Moding :)

            The Character Creator is one of the Big complaints, because once the character is made you cannot alter it. Screw that, as I progress I would love to have been able to have been able to make short hair or change the hair color I should.

            Granted I would also love to be able to create a Character with MANGA GIANT HOOTERS ALSO but ok I get not having those still be cool.

            But yes can easily create a female.

            Other complaint and this is a BIG ONE… the Auto save/Manual save is horrible. I literally lost 6 hours worth of stuff last night when I hit the R button by mistake. Ya Im pissed.. .went from a level 22 down to 13. Again I am on PC so it may only be a PC problem but I was and still am pissed to have to redo all that work.


            @Mustangride1 : Remove the hair and it looks like a guy. It’s not a very feminine face, none of them are imo. I was able to get one that looked fairly feminine, but not as much as I would like. I think part of the issue is that it needs body styles.

            And, just so you know. Choosing Witch or Wizard really changes nothing in the game. I have read this on MANY sites, so it’s not just me saying this. I was confused when it popped up and searched it on google and that’s how I found out. You have a dorm where people more wear skirts instead of pants, and that’s about it. Nothing in the story changes, nothing in dialogue changes. No real difference. So, as I said in my op, their attempt to pander to a -%5 of the population has ruined it for the 95% who want a female and male option.


              Well not trying to defend them, as clearly as I have said on streams and other places I wish that there was an option for Giant Manga Boobs. And trust me as soon as Modding is available I will be making more life like… But I also get you do not want “High School” age “Kids” looking like full on adults.

              I want to have More body styles, Hell I want a damn Beard  and mustache available. Where is the Muscle Bound guys or Gymnast looking girls. Lots of things that need to be done in regards to that. But is it “Pandering” ???? Not IMO.

              Who knows what will happen in patches to come and clearly there will be some, this Game is begging for Co-op Play.


              Just gotten through my introductions in the Slytherin common room. Nearly went into shock when a kid mentioned he was a Gaunt. I wondered why the name was familiar…then I remembered that it was the name of Voldemort’s mother’s side of the family (I know this from reading the books. To the best of my memory, the Gaunt family were never mentioned on the sixth film even though part of the book was about Harry finding out about Voldemort’s past). Que in me saying a rude word 😂!



              @Mustangride1 : Them not having a defined Female and Male option is pandering. There is no other reason to not have that option. An option that has been in games since the dawn of man all the sudden being removed because of “modern” sensibilities is pandering imo.


                As I showed as ANYONE who looks can clearly see they have the option…. They call it “Witch = Female” and “Wizard Male” it fits within the story of the game and the History and Lore. It is NOT Pandering, it is part of the World. You are flat out wrong on that.


                Normal people playing ‘Hogwarts Legacy’: Yes! I can now be nastier than Voldemort!

                Me when playing ‘Hogwarts Legacy’: Strokes all the cats🤣


                • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by DragonLady.


                  You make an interesting point. I have been watching a handful of folks play this game.  I love looking at it to be honest and the play seems soothing. But I do notice that men and women play it different.  In other words, Az will focus in on and spend more time on different things than what Nina does.

                  That’s a gorgeous screenshot by the way.

                  I think I HAVE to buy this game.  I am not a huge Potter fan but this game seems very Zen to me.

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