i’m that guy who plays Star Citizen, i hope you will too.

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming PC Gaming Hub i’m that guy who plays Star Citizen, i hope you will too.


  • This topic has 6 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Hazu.
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    Hey i know i know,

    you’re thinking Oh that game is never coming out.

    well it’s already out, but only as a working concept.
    i mean people cryed about metal gear solid V Ground zero being a demo, but it had a lot of gameplay modes and in all fairness would of been better if they made it like the Tanker mission in MGS2.

    Anyway, this week the game is free to play so you can just join the verse for no pledge charge and see how it plays


    Be aware this doesn’t run very well on POTATO PCs so please check minium requirements and make sure you have 32Gb ram



    Been a backer since 2016, aside from spending the initial package of both the PU and Squadron 42, I spent an additional 15 dollars just to upgrade from the school bus to the penguin. A lot of hate towards this game typically comes from two camps: non-backers who never touched the game or people who were hoping the game would be finished within a year.

    This game sits comfortably with the idea that it will actually meet hype and expectations but at the cost of time. Every new update just draws it closer and closer to the reality of what Chris promised during the Kickstarter campaign. I’ve seen a plethora of features that honestly I have seen elsewhere but poorly done, half-baked, or just never done at all. At the current state of the game, I would argue it has more completed features, more gameplay loops, more details than most games out there. And it just gets bigger and bigger without killing bandwidth or my computer. I’m perfectly content with waiting, not a lot of people are but considering the disaster of Cyberpunk 2077, waiting is something most games should strive for.


      I’m with you, been a backer since 2013 and play from time to time to check out new patches as they come out. Hope to see you in the Verse


      Right now we have a few flushed out game loops, the bugs and broken features however phase in and out this patch is very bad as the bugs are gamebreakingly bad but avoidable however they could be considered exploits.


      these normally get fixed mid season patch, or hotfixed.

      we’re waiting mainly for I Cache technology and server meshing allowing more players per instance, the goal being All players are on the same streaming server and eventually more star systems added and even player funded star systems (owned)

      Henry cavill is in our game too.


      I am an original backer myself. Play a bit every patch. Hopefully, 2021 will be a good year for the game.


      I’ve backed it in the original kickstarter. Worst mistake of my gaming life. I installed it once every year to see how little it progressed, and no matter how low I Set my expectatoins it never fails to disappoint. This is not a game, and now I’m confident it never will be a feature ready game. If I extrapolate from the progress they made on it so far it will be completed 50-70 years after I’m dead and gone.


      I was in the hype train a few years back… then I realized this is a “game” made just for a small group of gamers with super pc’s and a lot of time and also some money to waste online.  I don’t know… I just feel this aint it. Although I love space exploration games, like mass effect.

      I really hope Starfield is going to be something special.

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