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So the media has called Biden as the winner. And obviously, Trump is going to challenge this. But if even if it fails, Republicans still had a lot of wins this past election, which will really benefit them in the future:
– Republicans will likely hold onto their Senate majority (Georgia will be the key to who has it)
– Republicans gained seats in the House
– Republicans gained more state legislatures (New Hampshire Senate and Alaska House), which will allow them to redistrict certain states in their favor for the next decade
– Republicans gained another governor (Montana)
Now that the Republicans have a lot more state legislatures, this will allow them to redistrict a lot of states. This might help them regain the House in 2022 (and possibly expand their Senate majority). And in 2024, if the Republicans can nominate someone who is like Trump minus his polarizing attitude, then they will win.
So even though things seem bad now, the night is always darkest before the dawn
>in 2024, if the Republicans can nominate someone who is like Trump minus his polarizing attitude
Romney was polarizing, McCain was polarizing, W was polarizing, Bush Sr. was polarizing, Reagan was polarizing, Nixon was polarizing…basically if you’re a Republican running for the presidency you’re polarizing and when you lose or are no longer in power you’re held up as a shining example of how a Republican should be compared to the new Republican. It’s all a big game. Polarizing because the Jew media says so.
I’m talking about Trump’s attitude. Trump’s attitude makes him unlikable to a lot of Americans. I mean if the Republicans chose someone who’s not as bombastic as Trump is, regular people would see that and like that.
Also, Jew media?
It’s as I said the other thread. Things are bad could be worse.
Part of a problem with politics is that people tend to regard politicians as some kind of higher class of being, almost as though they think they are ultra-qualified for their positions and that they always know what they’re doing. People didn’t care (or quietly ignored) that Obama was drone-striking kids and weddings; all that mattered was that he acted like a gentleman and that was enough for people to worship the ground he walked on.
Trump changed all that. He showed that anyone can run for politics and that the President of the USA is just another flawed human being. That’s probably what disturbed ultralibs and causes TDS.
Personally, I do find it rather irritating. I don’t really care that Trump is rude: Policy matters far more and there’s too much at stake to be worried about manners. But his boorish attitude probably put off a lot of suburban voters that would normally vote Republican.
Trump definitely said some weird and dumb shit which made clueless people who didn’t have much knowledge about his real policies vote for Biden. If he wasn’t such a meme who constantly said questionable things, more undecisive people would’ve voted for him.
So what you are saying is no more NY Presidents?
Cause anyone from NY knows that attitude and relates.
^Spoken like a retard who only believes what the Communist news tells him.
Spoken like an absolute madlad who is able to support Trump without having his tongue up in Trump’s ass. Get a grip.
Do the planet a favor. Do not breed.
You should do something about that jaundice. I hear its bad for ya.