Lori Loughlin Prison Classes — what are you taking?

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  • #191865

      Don’t ever talk to me about how the legal system works or how women have it so bad in America.  Loughlin is suffering so much.  She has a choice between:

      Pilates, Spinning, Ceramics, or Crocheting.

      I work in the system.  Do you people understand just how many people we have in hardcore prisons for nonsense?  Yet, the rich get this!  The problem in the legal system is not race.  It is a class problem.  No doubt in my mind.  That and rampant corruption by those in authority.



      I have read story after story where an ex-con, after being released, and finding out they have to work for a loving to make ends meet, will commit any offence so they can get back behind bars where the get:

      Free Housing

      Free Food

      Free health care

      Free gym membership

      Free education.

      Free entertainment.


      What ever happened to people having to do “hard time for a hard crime”?


        Yeah, those are all fake stories.  Anyone who has ever stepped foot in prison never wants to go back.  Prison is hell and only complete fools believe otherwise.

        The reason why people want to go back is because a felony follows you forever in America.  It leads to massive poverty and often suicide.  Prison should be a last resort solution but in America, people are locked up so quickly for next to nothing.  That is because the prison industrial complex needs labor.

        People need to stop listening to the MSM because it is full of shit.  They will show the 1 or 2 sensationalized cases but they wont show you the cases I see every freaking day.  America is a prison nation and we set up more people than all the world combined.  If you doubt anything I say, go ask for a tour of a prison industrial work camp.  There are 52 of those in Georgia alone where no one gets paid.

        In fact, if you want to really know the truth, I suggest you go to your local or state officials and ask for this information:   prison industrial camp revenue, felon suicide lists, deaths in prisons,  sex offender list for sex offenders who do not actually have a victim, internal affairs documentation for all police and prison officials.  You may get arrested just for asking because these things are the dirty little secrets they do not want to give to the public.

        If we had an honest MSM the American people would be shown all this, but America in many ways, is a nation of complete and utter lies.

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