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I too am Christian. I too dislike organized religion. Why? Things made by men are always flawed and corrupted. I am Catholic but I have many “issues” with the Catholic faith as it is practiced. That’s not to even mention things like super churches, huge pastor contracts and the list could go on.
Religion is like anything. No matter how good the initial intent is, bad people will infiltrate it and use it for their own purposes and to serve them.
I find that the journey with Christ is a personal one where you struggle daily and learn daily and you share as much of your knowledge with others as you can.
To your point, Vknid, in Macaulay’s History of England, he describes how when the Puritans were in the ascendant, everyone who wanted power “became” a Puritan. When the Puritans had been defeated, all those seeking power left to join whatever the next obvious path to power was.
Unscrupulous power-hunters will be religious if they need to be, or non-religious if they need to be, they don’t care either way.
I like how Peter puts it here:
“The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed:” (I Peter 5:1)
First, he doesn’t claim to be anything special in the church hierarchy: just another elder. Then he makes a list of simple rules for Christian elders:
“Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.” (I Peter 5:2-3)
To sum:
– Don’t do it for obligation;
– Don’t do it for money;
– Don’t do it for power;
– Do it to be a willing and ready example.
How many religious organizations called Christian would pass that test? For that matter, how many leaders in any capacity, religious, political, or otherwise, would pass?
How many?
In the church? NONE I have ever met. Politics? NONE and Not even when pigs fly.
In other Leadership capacity, I have met a few that would come very close to Peters descriptions. Mostly Military whom have seen true horror and true compassion, I think it requires that type of trauma in a persons life and that type of unquestioning selfless compassion to understand Hate and Love at its core. Those people are also the most humble I have ever met. They see themself as nothing special and shy from any recognition. But are the very first to be there to help no matter the time of day or how bad the weather is. They do it because it is the right thing to do.
Surely, we can call organized religion corrupted by man. And in most cases the corruption is quite intentional and normally for the most evil of reasons. However, if you are looking for a perfectly holy person or a near perfect person to be a leader or have someone to learn from, well you are not going to find hardly anyone. This is not to say anyone should be placed in such esteem, clearly we must all chose carefully, but there is a lot to learn out there from a lot of folks.
Holy Person,
Now there is a term that in itself is an impossible to attain. Only One who has walked this earth was truly Holy. Anyone who claims that title or tries to be that is someone to be watched and feared.
What we can and should try to be is good people that try to walk in the teaching of the bible, even if you are not religious and atheist even, you can show me no place in the New Testament that is not something we should aspire to be worthy of. If a person tries to live by those teaching then I would say even when they fail they are still a good person. In the end that is what matters, not how someone told us to live but how we lived.
It is the struggle that matters most. Not whether you ever failed but what happened after you did.
But you won’t catch an atheist living by Biblical principles. There are no moral atheists, simply lawful ones.
Again, morality cannot be subjective. If ceases to exist at the point it is subjective.
In my eyes, there is but 1 morality. God’s morality.
Unfortunately, there are people in this world who WANT to divide and conquer and label people. They need people to whom they can blame everything for.
They are even attacking people who believe we need to live in a world where we are “color blind” to other people and only go by their actions and character. The people/racists who need to label everything called that racism because THEY see color (not character). They need scapegoats for everything.
We cannot be human-BEINGS in their world.
It is a tempting thing for someone whom is lost and has nothing much to hold onto (in their perception) to be told, “hey, that’s not your fault, don’t feel bad about yourself, just blame X”. This is common within the young. The radical left offers to the lost sheep a path. They just refuse to see it’s a path to the slaughterhouse.
You are correct and that was the point of my post. Men and Women while equal, are not the same.
You can never be equal if you are not the same. It is a simple fact. Diversity is the key to life. Should a Brother or even first Cousin be allowed to Marry a sister or first cousin? NO we know what happens not just in Humans but even animals when there is not diversity. That is only one example, there are so many I could write all week.
No the Sexes are not and cannot be equal. People keep making the mistake of saying they should. That is Biologically and Physically impossible no matter how many happy pills or surgeries you have. Men and Women are NOT and NEVER will be equal.
You want a start though in creating “Fairness” then drop all the “Hyphens” You are either American or nothing at all, Teddy was 100% correct when he said it over 100 years ago. Drop all the hyphens and then we can get started.
Next get rid of all the Sexual labels, A persons sexual preference should never be a qualification or disqualification for anything, in fact it should not even be a question open for debate or question. It is no ones business, just like with the Hyphen, the Alphabet needs to be dropped. Then you have more fairness.
Personal accountability is the next step after loosing the hyphen and alphabet, and this is the thing that one party clearly knows and those who posted here might well be missing completely. When you remove the Alphabet and Hyphen then people are left with Only personal choices “accountability” for their success and failures. That party would be destroyed if people had a level fair playing field because excuses would all they have left. And it actually is.
When people say they want something and then come up with excuses why they cannot, well that is personal choice not to do better. Has nothing to do with “equality” has everything to do with choice.
An example: I just had a conversation with a friends who lives in Cal, they are sick and tired of everything about the state, so I told them MOVE. Sell their house and move. Their excuse’s were many as to why they could not. I listened and then said “Excuses are like assholes, stop shitting out excuses, You want out and to have a better quality of life then get off the toilet wipe that shit state off and flush it” One of the big excuses was “the pay is not equal there” I said your right and cost of living is 40% less also and you will end up making 20% more by moving. For each excuse of how things were not “EQUAL” I had 10 examples of how the excuse was flawed.
In the end “Equality” was not the issue, it was personal choice and their accountability. As a parents they finally had to admit they were accountable to their family also. Some people will never take on the accountability and responsibility and use the Hyphens and Alphabet saying we are held down because we are not equal~ An Excuse!
People in the USA are guaranteed EQUAL PROTECT under the law. So if you feel you are held back in life or treated unfairly you can file a lawsuit, but the reason we do not see them is not money, there is advocacy groups that will take on the case and even State Attorneys who by law must investigate an accusation. The reason we do not see so many is the simple fact people want excuses why they were held back or down instead of fighting for “FAIR TREATMENT” The Excuse is so much easier to use than the Fight to be better.
“The Excuse is so much easier to use than the Fight to be better.”
THAT, THAT RIGHT THERE is the entire attraction of the left. They offer a safe “club” of people who want the excuses. Now that offer comes at a price and that is your soul and any love you had for yourself or someone else. Just as does the flesh, they offer VERY short term pleasure for a lifetime of unhappiness. But those who see no path to long term happiness take that deal.