Thanks ! Ilooked at your writings on Minds! Good work!
Currently we are working on Demo, so far it has 1 outdoors level ( some parts must be added ) , 3 dungeons , about 10 mobs, about 30 items (weapons, armor, misc items), 3 quests are planned for demo (1 main, 2 side quests) , currently working on Paperdoll inventory. Demo will be released for free, probably Steam, then we will try to get some funding, so far it’s zero budget project.
Demo will have many things which will be used in final game, so switching from demo to final game development will be easier.
Probably I’ll need to make separate topic here on site, but we didn’t yet came up for the game Name :) seems that all good names are already occupied :)
P.S.: if you are planning to replay MM 3,4,5 I highly recommend mod: “Where are we?”