Peer reviewed Mods/Admins

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  • #249449

    Mods that jobs are not safe without a review of users and staff


    Every single community in the history of the internet has been corrupted by the inability to call out mod behaviour if and when it is essential for the health of the community to do so.  I  got nothing against any admin or mod here in fact I don’t really know about any of them, at all.


    What I do know is that certain types of people seek out admin/mod positions and in every single forum that I have ever seen it is always infected by control freaks, SJWs, political activists, and power-hungry nutters.  Bad mods have had a direct impact on shaping the current age of censorship, if not a major impact in the formation of cancel culture.

    It’s not personal but we need the ability as users to remove mods/admins when they become ideologically driven weirdos.  And that can go either way, an a-political person could still get drunk on power.

    Food for thought.



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