Poorly recieved games you love.

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      I, recently, bought Marvel’s Avengers and, even though, I see where every complaint comes from, I’m loving it. The core combat loop is so much fun that the problems dont matter to me. Black Widow and Kate Bishop are highly enjoyable.  Also, surprisingly, I dont hate Kamala, as a character (Iron Man sucks to play as, though.)

      I’m also a huge fan of Duke Nukem Forever. Other than it’s insanely long load times, I’ve never understood the hate it gets (Not to say your opinion isnt valid).

      Final Fantasy XIII is one of my favorite games. I’m not saying the issue people have woth it arent valid but I dont see any of them as problems. I dont care if a game is linear or not. I dont care if there’s not a ton of NPCs if the story doenst call for them. I’m think the battle system is fun. The story is not that hard to follow. Hope is the only character that annoys me but he fits in the story. Most minigames in Final Fantasy title suck so not having a bunch of them is a good thing, to me. There is, literally, not a single complaint people have that a consider an issue.
      I will concede that it takes it bit longer for combat options to open up than it should but even that doesnt bother me.

      What games, that are, generally, shunned, do you enjoy?
      (And no, stuff like Fortnite and COD doesnt count. They have vocal “haters” but the sheer size of their playerbase proves that they arent, overall hated.)


      The entire FF 13 Trilogy!!!!!


      No Man’s Sky



        I just played XIII-2 and Lightning Returns for the first time this year.

        XIII-2 is brilliant but, jesus, is it cryptic in places. haha.
        In general, it’s received, fairly well, I feel. Most would say it’s an improvement over XIII, anyway.

        Lightning Returns is really fun, as well, and the story is so bonkers I cant help but love it but the core battle system is a huge step down for me. I dont hate it but I do think it’s the worst in the series, by far.


          No Man’s Sky is received, fairly well, now. Certainly, a redemption arc, if I ever saw one.
          I was gonna check it for the VR mode but my VR set died on me and I havent replaced it yet.


          Shadow The Hedgehog (2005) for sure is misunderstood. People say it ruined Shadow while also being overly edgy but most of the game is “what if” scenarios that aren’t even canon.  Some of the missions are pretty bad but I miss when Sega actually experimented with the Sonic formula.


          @EndCancelCulture @LethalLightning I also think XIII-2 was a brilliant and highly underrated Final Fantasy game and that Caius Ballad deservers more recognition for being a sympathetic villain who could probably kick Sephiroths ass.  I have LR for PC but I don’t know how to properly manage my time in the game. The fartherst I’ve ever gotten was beating Noel and Snow. I do want to beat it someday just for Lightning.


          No Man’s Sky

          I was part of the original set of people duped by that…I will never forgive them for the con job.


          Lightning Returns is really fun, as well, and the story is so bonkers I cant help but love it but the core battle system is a huge step down for me. I dont hate it but I do think it’s the worst in the series, by far.


          I was a XIII defender for years, and XIII-2 was indeed fun, but two things about Returns changed my mind.

          1) I got screwed at the last moment of the final battle because it wanted me to do that particular kind of battle mechanic that I had actively avoided using the entire game. Despite all my power leveling and gearing up, because I wasn’t set up to do that mechanic…I couldn’t win no matter how hard I tried. I mean except for mastering that one mechanic, I beat the holy living hell out of that entire game with Days to spare. 2) The final ending…so fucking lame.


          I love Dragon Age 2. I know everyone shits on it, but I love it, even on the insanity of Nightmare Mode. The cast is also so fantastic, that even though I like Inquisition as a game more, DA:2 has the better cast, imo.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

            Shadow the Hedgehog is another game I would include. It does have problems but so fuckin weird and goofy, i love it.

            I will always remember Caius Ballad for being a God of War style Hack-N-Slash boss in a JRPG. A couple of the fights against him in XIII-2 were hard as fuck for me and the fight in Lightning Returns is one of the hardest damn fights I’ve ever had in a game (of course, I suck at the LR battle system).
            The time mechanic is, literally, a nonissue. Just fight shit to keep your CP up and you can, easily, do everything by day 6 (except for the stuff that doesnt unlock until later days.)


              Dragon Age 2 is only bad when compared to Dragon Age: Origins.
              When looked at it, for it’s own merits and comparing to everything that came out around the same time, it’s a really solid title.
              When consider the time and budget limitations, it’s downright impressive.

              Dragon Age: Origins is my favorite or second favorite game (depending on my mood when you ask) but Dragon Age 2 was really fun. Sarcastic Hawke is funny as fuck to.

              Dragon Age: Inquisition can suck my left nut, though.


              Assassin’s Creed Unity. 90% of the hate was because it was buggy at lauch. I played it a couple years later so no problem for me. It had a wonderful setting with Paris during the French revolution, Arno was an interesting character imo and the romance story with a dark turn has a very French love story feeling to it. Also I like bittersweet endings, I feel like Arno and Edward from Black Flag had the best character arcs and development. And the pakour in Unity is peak AC gameplay.


              Death Stranding


              devil may cry – dmc reboot  just for action mainly i enjoyed it has nothing on the original franchise

              metal gear solid 5 – defo didn’t feel like a metal gear game but for what it was i enjoyed some of it took me a good while to get the platinum trophy as well

              death stranding- similar experience with metal gear solid 5 parts i liked and other parts it was a proper grinding process to get things done and finished, didn’t like the big mystery of the storyline, mads Mikkelson’s character was the best thing about the game

              star wars episode one – on pc or PlayStation added more to the story and i first played it years ago on pc with cheats then the other year played in with no cheats, fun game and defo underrated

              Dante’s inferno- i know its a devil may cry playing style rip off but i really enjoyed the storyline and the anime movie is good as well



                DMC Reboot is pretty fun. When it started with the dude changing clothes midair with pizza in front of his dick, I knew it was my type of game. haha. I do like most of the games in the original series more but reboot is really solid.

                MGS5 looks like it would be fun I’ve just never got around to it. After MGS4’s over reliance on story. I’d be down for more focus on gameplay.

                Death Stranding is walking simulator trash with a big budget. It wouldnt get the love it does if Kojima wasnt attached. Shit game with nothing to offer except graphics (and great graphics are par course for AAA games, these days.)

                Star Wars Episode 1 was just not something I was ever interested in. Considering how much I enjoy “The Fandom Menace” and surrounding communities and listening to many creators takes on pop culture, I was never a big Star Wars guy.

                Dante’s Inferno is blatant rip off of God of War but when you steal from the best, you’re gonna make a good game. It’s the same reason Spider-Man PS4 is good. If you have an Xbox family system, I’d also recommend Marlow Briggs if you like God of War gameplay.


                  The Ezio Trilogy and Liberation are the only AC’s I ever got into and, with current the overpoliticization of everything, I have a feeling Liberation would just piss me off if I tried to play it now.

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