RIP Laken Riley

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    Killed by an illegal invader. Many such cases. For some reason, this one has some talking.

    Murder of Laken Riley
    2024 murder of American university student

    The murder of Laken Riley occurred on February 22, 2024, in Athens, Georgia. Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student at Augusta University, disappeared when she was jogging at the University of Georgia. Her body was found near a lake of a wooded area at UGA; her death was caused by blunt force trauma.

    Where are the marches, demonstrations, and peaceful protests over Laken Riley’s murder?

    Protesters should be gathering there to show Biden and other Democrats they will no longer tolerate politicians from a party who don’t care when an illegal immigrant murders an innocent female college student. They should be peacefully protesting against a president who prioritizes immigrants over the lives of innocent Americans.




    Have you heard of this case?

    If not, it’s because your favorite pundit does not care about the Browning of America and would like to cover it up.



    The Mayor attempted to blame Trump and Charlottesville for this murder.
    Yes, really.


    Censorship by the mainstream media…absolutely disgusting.

    Thank goodness for the Independent Content Creators who shed light on this (and other “suppressed” topics), they’re needed now more than ever.


    My ancestors were immigrants who just wanted a better life, and they came over legally. That’s why these people should do the same.


    You see the groundwork Krugman and Reiner are laying. Yeah, Rural whites aren’t the future because they are importing criminals to kill them and release intentionally to do that job. “Plausible deniability,” just like the Maui fires.  The Trotskyites are in charge. Do Americans want to end up like Ukrainians in the Holodomor? Already, Robert Barnes is talking about how an Amish farmer named Amos is being persecuted by the government. It’s the same for rural America. This is why you see what you see from the farmers of the world. The Trotskyites who wrecked the cities are now blaming people far away. Don’t go into the Gaslighting chambers of Jon Stewart or Bill Maher lest you be in the dark. The occupied media has led us to the new dark ages.

    Paul Krugman: “Crazy Rural Whites” Are Not the Future of America




    Want to make it clear that I do NOT support ending immigration, but to stem to tide of waves of illegals. It’s clear that this invasion has little to do with immigration and more to do with taking the Will of The People away by dilution and titration of the vote.  Entire towns and cities have turned overnight, erasing any voting power of Americans at the ballot box and that is wrong.  This is not democracy. It is theft and a ripoff. Also, I happen to like hispanics and latinos, just not ones weaponized against Americans. Mexicans helped me out more than once when I had car trouble. It’s not just politics though. Military aged young men are here for a reason and a purpose. It is far too easy to arm these cells and these gangs.

    Nick Fuentes on you why get called a Nazi for wanting to end immigration




    Is anyone thinking this is why the invaders are here?

    Just doing their job and their job is to take out Americas, or English, or French, or Germans.

    We see the hate towards westerners from every media channel all the time.





      People coming over in droves ARE NOT invaders.  To call them that is a misfocus of the root cause of the problem.  And make no mistake, in my mind, we face 2 major existential threats. That is WW3 and losing our country.  If our culture is diluted enough from other cultures then ours is gone and America is no longer a people with common ideals, values and goals.  THAT’S THE POINT.  They wish to make America (and the west) simply a place on the map.  Same thing in the UK, same thing in France and all across the west.

      It has NOTHING to do with color or race.  The goal is to just dilute the original culture.  I see lots of hate mongers (not here, other places) locking in on color/race saying it’s all about being anti-white and it’s all being done by the Jews.  The Jew thing is total nonsense their is anti-white sentiment but it’s just a convenient target of division it’s not the goal.

      All those people coming across are only doing so because they are being encouraged and assisted by your own government and I am sure we are paying for it.  So don’t blame the people coming over, they are being lied to just like we are.

      Yes, the issue to solve is to stop the flow and have mass deportations.  But to do that you don’t build a wall, you replace the demonic folks in DC making it all happen.

      Also, a note.  Everyone is calling for deportations.  I agree with that.  But we must understand what we ask.  That will be a VERY VERY VERY ugly process. We will be pounced on by every portion of the west still under control by the WEF and the establishment inside the US will take full advantage of that.  I honestly could see that sparking conflict.  The establishment would push for that to save itself if Trump comes in.


      Zack Snyder went on Joe Rogen. We know what a big platform that is. I waited to hear Zack say to “stop the hate.” Nothing. Crickets.

      Nothing from Zack Snyder about “Stop Asian Hate.” Certainly, nothing from Snyder or Rogan about stopping hate when it comes to Laken Riley.

      3,000 Just like Laken Riley every year. Nothing from the media. We are told this is a great quality of life from the gaslighting chambers.




      Maybe taboo to say, but I think there is an element of white hate fueling the boarder crossings. People are so obsessed about not looking racist that people have gone super far in the other direction whenever they can. To say nothing of all the people who are just genuinely racist against white people.

      The truth often lies somewhere in the middle. Is it cheap labor? Is it foreign agents wanting to attack America? Is it globalists wanting to enact their agenda and weaken all nation states they can? Is it just mass apathy and a diminished sense of national pride?

      It’s all these things. But if you focus on any singular one you’ll go crazy and start becoming conspiratorial.

      I don’t want this country to become Mexico, or China, or some grey region exploited by the elite few in a globalist state. I miss the kick ass propserous and uplifting nation I grew up in that knew its identity and told the queen to go f*ck herself.


      Bill Ackman not going to say anything about a murder?

      Nothing happened at Harvard or the Ivy League when all the privileged billionaires pulled their funding? No one died there. It was just for protests.

      A girl is murdered and not one of the billionaires says a word. Michael Moore wanted this to happen and said so openly and called for it.





        Maybe taboo to say, but I think there is an element of white hate fueling the boarder crossings. 

        This is a misdirection to a large degree by the establishment. The race thing is focused on because that is how it’s all framed.  The goal of such a mass migration (and you see it over the entire west) is to dilute the destination culture such that a country no longer has a cohesive culture.  Culture being a shared set of values, goals and social fabric.  Once those things are no longer shared in a country you no longer have a country, you have simply a name spot on a map.  Your borders dissolve from within and the primary goal of globalism is achieved.

        You could dump France into Germany and get a similar effect.

        These migrations are defended with words like compassion and phrases such as you are a racist if you disagree.  Those are all lies.  There is NOTHING compassionate about what’s going on.  Migration like this causes human misery and death. It destroys the destination country and it also harms the source countries.  Just like all other facets of communism.



        I’d take more stock in their calls for compassion if they gave 1/100th the apathy to the children in china slaving their lives away to make their fancy tech toys and cheap clothing. But their crocodile tears are only ever for those who give them political clout. They never care about anything that doesn’t directly benefit themselves one way or another.


          I’d take more stock in their calls for compassion if they gave 1/100th the apathy to the children in china slaving their lives away to make their fancy tech toys and cheap clothing. But their crocodile tears are only ever for those who give them political clout. They never care about anything that doesn’t directly benefit themselves one way or another.

          There are tiers to this.  And if you look at it as whole it makes it seem messy and confusing but it’s not.

          The people at the top who put forth the “woke” ideals use those as tools to social engineer and ultimately to destroy countries. This is all designed and planned and put into the wild by thinktanks. They don’t believe a single thing they talk about.  It’s all a strategic means to an end. IE, it’s all a lie.

          That is pushed down to people who swallow the propaganda hook because they see words like compassion, privilege, inequality, and unfair.  They grab onto those words and never scratch beyond surface data.  So they become soldiers in an army based on almost nothing.  Do they believe the nonsense?  Yes they do.  And they end up in a trap. Once you have defended such agendas and maybe participated in them heavily, even if you  begin to understand it’s all BS you cannot get out.  Because even whispering that you question it, means within time it takes to speak a few words you are have instantly transformed from a “moral” SJW to an evil nazi and you now have no friends, people you know hate you and you instantly are struck with fear that the “other side” (who you have been told are hateful nazis) will hate you too.  So instead of becoming politically homeless and a social pariah you just keep beating that drum.

          At the end of the day IT’S ALL LIES. ALL OF IT. And it’s meant to do one thing only, accomplish the goals of the people with the power.

          If they thought the path to power was putting everyone under 10 in a woodchipper, you would see articles from the Washington Post, New York Times and MSN tomorrow telling you how stunning and brave woodchippers are and how evil everyone under 10 is.

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