Sonic 2

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    It’s a good family movie. I enjoyed the easter eggs. Sonic for master system was my first game ever, when the game song played in one scene on the cell phone it was pretty cool. :P

    Idris Elba was very good playing Knuckles.

    But I gotta be honest, when the couple tom and maddie show up, most of the time is just pure cringe… maybe kids won’t mind, but for me they can’t act.


    I preferred the character development of the main players in the first movie. They tried something similar in this one, but it seemed a bit rushed. They could have shortened or cut out the wedding theme completely and instead use the time in pursuit of that goal but I guess they needed to include certain characters at all costs.

    Jim Carrey was on point as usual. Looking forward to seeing him as “Fat” Eggman in the next (and final?) installment.

    Honestly it was a little boring at the beginning, became enjoyable once it got going and was topped off with a feel-good ending.

    One other thing…in a pre-release interview the host asked Carrey if there was some sort of “sexual tension” between his character and his henchman (bear in mind this IS a kids movie).  After viewing the film, I’d say it depends. In a pre-woke era the portrayal would have come across as over-zealous admiration but at this juncture it came across as a little creepy. So yeah, I’d say tone down or lose that dynamic for the next film.

    I give it a 7/10.


    Just imaging how bad it would have been, had not the producers not listened to the fans when the first movie was being made, and they did not alter the way Sonic looked.

    These two films show that if you give the fans what they want, it will be successful.


    @Maverick In the first film it basically was just overzealous admiration, but fangirls being fangirls, almost immediately fetishized that relationship as homosexuality. Being we live in an age now where content creators can see feedback directly from fans, and given the current cultural zeitgeist over representation, of course some of them would like that idea and basically make it semi-canon. I’m just thankful they kept relatively low-key and unreciprocated – Eggman’s a narcissist who’s only in love with himself, it would be terribly out of character for him show any sort of affection towards anyone.

    In this day and age, it could’ve been way worse. Shortly after the first movie was released some cretinous journo’s tried to make the case for Sonic and Tails to have an openly gay relationship, despite the fact Tails is Sonic’s kid brother and a literal child.  Yeah, because when I think of a talking blue hedgehog, I think of pederasty. Thankfully, most Sonic fans pushed back on that out of sheer disgust, even when roughly half of them consider themselves progressive.


      In the first film it basically was just overzealous admiration, but fangirls being fangirls, almost immediately fetishized that relationship as homosexuality … Eggman’s a narcissist who’s only in love with himself, it would be terribly out of character for him show any sort of affection towards anyone.

      On Eggman’s henchman, i think it’s not outside the realm of possibility that he has a crush (obviously unreciprocated) on Eggman, and to add a little fan-theory as to why he’d feel that way, he probabla had a narcissistic parent, which is why he likes Eggman, ’cause Eggman being a narcissist gives him a sense of familiarity, this is actually perfectly realistic regardless of your sexual orientation

      Shortly after the first movie was released some cretinous journo’s tried to make the case for Sonic and Tails to have an openly gay relationship, despite the fact Tails is Sonic’s kid brother and a literal child.  Yeah, because when I think of a talking blue hedgehog, I think of pederasty. Thankfully, most Sonic fans pushed back on that out of sheer disgust

      Why? What is wrong with people?? Yes, thankfully most fans are sane people. The way Tails is behaving in the movie is not gay, it’s desperate, i can tell you this from personal experiance, ’cause the way Tails behaves with Sonic is the exact same way i behaved with my friend after i hadn’t had any meaningfull outside human interaction for over 4 years (you can thank some of my controll-freak family members for that)

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by DigiCat.

      @DigiCat Quartering did a video on it a while back.

      It’s pretty ghoulish that with them failing to stop the Sonic movie being a success, they’re now trying to appropriate it for their own ends, but that’s par the course for journalists.

      Why? What is wrong with people??


      I don’t want to go too much into my own views, it’d be derailing the topic, but the maniacs in the movement do come from some very disturbed backgrounds (there’s a reason why they see platonic affection, such brotherly bonding between two males, as somehow sexual in nature). Homosexual practices is how they cope with their trauma, but seeing most people not being “like them” and essentially falling outside the majority fills them with a sense of alienation. People have different responses towards feelings of guilt, and in their case, they try push for their lifestyles to be normalized into the mainstream, that’s why they see themselves as justified in sexualising children.

      I’m quite aware of everything that’s been going on these past few months in regards to schools, and people are right to be appalled and disgusted. I’ve been very quiet on that matter, but that’s because I’ve been doing some deep thinking on the subject. If I ever feel like it, I may post my thoughts in full on another topic where it might be more appropriate. Just got a lot on my plate, right now.


      Apparently this is a short from itunes or something:

      If this is a teaser of what to expect from the upcoming TV series, it may be worth watching.

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