Still D&D To Me

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    With OneD&D close to release, my brother and I wrote a parody of Billy Joel’s “Still Rock & Roll To Me” about the various editions and changes D&D and it’s community have gone through.  We actually got two guys from the Texas Renn Fest to perform it on video!  Here’s the link, enjoy!


    Still D&D To Me


      I wasn’t expecting much but that was pretty cool and very creative.  As an OG D&D player who ran around with fake weapons in the woods with his friends it gets a thumbs up for me.



      I never did get into LARPing, but I got started on AD&D.  AD&D 2nd is my preferred edition, but all of them have something cool to offer.


      Except 4th.  Dungeons & Diablo was garbage.

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