Subbed or Dubbed?

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    This question had to come at some point

    Subbed or Dubbed?

    What’s your opinion on both of them?


    Personally subbed is the way to watch Anime, dubbed Anime can go to HELL!


    Subbed or your wrong


    Dubbed all the way for me. I sometimes multitask while I’m watching anime, and I want to be able to understand what’s happening without reading words at the bottom of the screen. I realize there are “purists” who take issue with this, but I’m an English speaking American and want to hear audio as such. It’s the same reason that I can’t watch most foreign films, regardless of their quality.


    The purists can be annoying.

    I prefer it be in the original tongue but I switch to english when I have to do something else


    Depends on several factors, honestly.  Once upon a time I went with a more purist view that subs were always and completely dominant to dubs. But as I got older I took a different view on the subject.

    1: I think it depends on what your first experience was with a show. First impression tends to create a comfort zone for a show. Example: I was a hardcore Tenchi fan back in the day. I first saw it dubbed, so when I got my first set of DVDs and tried the sub, it didn’t feel right. Other example: Evangelion sub is perfect. To watch the dub melts the brain.

    2: Quality of the VAs. After a certain point, Western VA work got better. To simply say dubs are all shit is not totally accurate once we get into the 2000’s.

    I’ve watched Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood both ways. During the original air run with subs. Then when I got the blu rays, I tried the dub. I prefer the dub…hail Vic as Edward Elric!

    Same with Gundam SEED/SEED Destiny. I prefer the dub after watching both versions.

    Once Piece dub…both versions…horrific .vs. the sub. JP VAs just do a better job shouting out named attacks, heh. Gumu Gumu no!!!

    Sword Art Online, I prefer the dub.

    Bleach is better with subs.

    Dragonball…I can go either way.

    Fate Stay/Night I go with sub. Zero and Unlimited Bladeworks, dub.

    3: Feeling lazy or need background noise.

    There are times, especially if I’m tired and lazy, where I choose the dub if it is of high quality. Maybe I’ve got my glasses off and wanna half doze enjoying a show I love, so a good dub lets me do that. Or maybe I’m doing something where I want it as background entertainment. I don’t speak Japanese, so gotta go with a dub.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Roas.

    Depends on several factors, honestly. One upon a time I went with a more purist view that subs were always and completely dominant to dubs. But as I got olderI took a different view on the subject.

    1: I think it depends on what your first experience was with a show. First impression tends to create a comfort zone for a series. Example: I was a hardcore Tenchi fan back in the day. I first saw it dubbed, so when I got my first set of DVDs I tried the sub, and it didn’t feel right. Other example: Evangelion sub is prefect when you first hear it, and the dub melts the brain.

    2: Quality of VAs. After a certain point, Western VA work got better. To simply say dubs are all shit is not totally accurate once we get into the 2000’s.

    I’ve watched Fullmetal Aclhemist: Brotherhood both ways. During the original air run with subs. Then when I got the blu rays I tried the dub. I prefer the dub…hail Vic as Edward Elric!

    One Piece dub…both versions…horrific .vs. the sub. JP VAs just do a better job of shouting out named attacks, heh. Gumu Gumu no!

    Sword Art Online, I prefer the dub.

    Bleach is better with subs.

    Dragonball, I can go either way.

    Fate Stay/Night sub. Zero and Unlimited Blade Works, dub.

    3. Feeling lazy or need background noise.

    There are times, especially if I’m tired or lazy, where I choose the dub if it’s of high quality. Maybe I’ve got my glasses off and I wanna half doze enjoying a show I love, so a good dub lets me do that. Or maybe I’m doing something where I want it as background entertainment. I don’t speak Japanese, so gotta go with a dub.



      It depends on the anime. Personally i don’t mind dubbed anime (cause i suck at reading subs), the only thing i find annoying sometimes is when they change the music


      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Both</p>


        Like Roas said, it depends. Liek the dub works well for certain Western theme anime like Hellsing, Black Lagoon, or Trigun. But I have been watching sub way more now. Currently watching numerous anime under the World Masterpiece Theater banner which are anime based on western literature.


        I watch dubbed exclusively. I speak English and I WATCH a show to see the show not to read lines at the bottom of the screen while I miss everything going on. If I had the time I’d learn Japanese. Since that isn’t the case it’s dubbed all the way. Screw the overly judgmental purists!!


          Subbed, always subbed, though I am working on getting away from subs and to just understand japanese since subs are not save from ideologues.


          If an anime is available in English I will watch the dub. But I LOVE subs. If I really love the anime I’ll watch both versions if they are available. I did this with Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I warched 1/4 in English, and when unpicked the show back up, I watched it in Japanese, and I loved it.


          Depends on what is being dubbed. I’ll go for either.

          I really liked the dubs for Baccano!, Black Lagoon, Cowboy Bebop, Big O, and mostly anything that has somewhat of a western inspired setting. If I’m multitasking, I’ll turn on the dub. Even for recent titles, I’ve been enjoying the dubs for My Hero Academia and How Many Dumbells Can You Lift.

          There’s a handful of shows I prefer subbed because the performances are iconic and  the cast has my fav. Japanese voice actors. Such titles include Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Slayers, Ranma, etc.


            Subbed if  the translation is correct. Not because I’m a “purist”, but I prefer to hear the native voice actors.

            With that said, there have been a few instances in which the sub was translated so poorly, I have to watch the dub version first so I know what the poorly-translated subtitles are trying to communicate.

            Worst case scenario — the dub isn’t very good either. When both the dub and sub are inaccurate, now that’s depressing.


            I prefer subs but if my wife likes a series we watch it dubbed

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