Switch Game Suggestions

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  • #182481

    Loving the Switch so far. Currently have BotW, Animal Crossing, and Ghostbusters. There are a few games I’d like to pick up. Does anyone have any suggestions? Haven’t had this much fun on a console in years. Switch games might end up taking over my channel at this point.


      Astral Chain

      Bayonetta 2 (and 1 if you never played it)

      Luigi’s Mansion 3

      Super Mario Maker 2

      Super Mario Odyssey

      Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

      Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

      Xenoblade Chronicles 2

      Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country (add on)

      The Wonderful 101: Remastered


      Fire Emblem 3 Houses

      Dragon Quest 11 S

      Splatoon 2


      Some of those are definitely on the list. Just picked up Paper Mario Origami King. Is Dragon Quest 11 that modern version of Dragon Warrior? Saw Astral Chain in the store. Never actually heard of it.


        Yes, Dragon Quest is the original title of Dragon Warrior, it was changed for the US way back in the days but nowadays it’s called Dragon Quest everwhere, also Dragon Quest 11 is a fantastic JRPG.

        Astral Chain is by PlatinumGames, the creators of Bayonetta.


        Idk, I played a Dragon Quest 11 demo at Gamestop and the main character is pretty androgynous. Actually thought that it was a woman at first. Can’t really get into a game with that kind of lead character. Which is a shame. The original Dragon Warrior is one of my all time favorite rpgs.

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