The US is a one-party state — The Tucker Carlson Firing.

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  • #298495

    “Both political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them and actively collude to shut down any conversation about it,” — ‘it’ being the topics that really matter to the American people and by extension the world.

    Yes people, get all riled up and distracted by LGBTQ+ issues while those in charge use manufactured health crises and humanitarian wars to grab more wealth and curtail your freedoms.


      I think that Tucker is correct and it has probably been the case for decades.

      The militant trans/gay agenda is not a misdirection but a cudgel to beat people into compliance with and a social smoke screen to hide the true intentions of those pushing it.

      • This reply was modified 11 months, 3 weeks ago by Vknid.

      One reason I like GnG on youtube is that they spoke truth to power against Hollywood. Most people simply thing the rich and successful are to be admired and won’t call them out on either when they are wrong or just when they are flat out fake. Instead of movies or shows, my entertainment is now activists who will address the powers in person. I have no use for Network news ever. I have no interest in Bud Light or Nike anymore. The entire ad industry is, for the most part, monopolized.

      Jose Vega (+ others) Confront Exec. Editors of NYTimes, Wash Post, LA Times and Reuters


      That Jose Vega is on Twitter. I am not, but he’s a hero. Guys like that are bigger than movie stars or athletes, just to me. Takes true bravery.

      Anti-War Activist CONFRONTS Liberal Media Executives On Tucker Carlson Firing & Russia Ukraine War!


      It is all a slippery slope.

      People and governments always push to see what they can get away with, then push that boundary a litter more.  Conditioning the masses.

      The majority have to give up their rights to appease the minority or you will be shamed.

      People will get so conditioned to self censor/giving up freedoms, that soon there will be no rights and freedoms except for the minority (or the elites 1%ers)


      And to comment on the uni-party…. just look at how many politicians so easily change party affiliates if it means they get elected.  It is all about power and influence.  It is like they are saying there is no difference – the government bureaucracy (which is unelected) will continue to chug along regardless.


        “it is all about power and influence.”


        That is the entire crux of it all. All the platitudes and all the drum beating for 1 group or another is entirely about gathering money and power.  And groups will be put on a pedestal until they are no longer useful at which point they will be cast down into the masses with everyone else.

        No one volunteers to be a peasant, they all think they will be one of the elites in the social or political foray but in the end we will all be peasants.



        Screenshot 2023-04-27 at 11-20-26 TruckGab (@TruckerGate) - Gab SocialScreenshot 2023-04-27 at 11-20-44 636576ec2f0e10e8.png (PNG Image 568 × 733 pixels)


        The US is less of a one party state than a military dictatorship. Who do you think really runs the show? The military and intelligence services.

        Like Tucker said, the regime no longer cares about winning hearts and mind. Now they’ll use violence against anyone who opposes them. Canceling today, confiscate your stuff tomorrow, put you in a concentration camp a year later. It’s coming.

        Move to Russia if you want to live.

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