They don’t care what subjugates you, so long as you are subjugated

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  • #273733

      -I don’t claim to have all the answers or know everything.  This is just me musing on the topic of the loss of freedoms in the West and how we got here.-


      I know some folks are sick to death of being bludgeoned over the head with “pride” and they dislike it.  And maybe that’s the point.

      Ultimately, the state does not care what type of chains you are in so long as you are chained, subjugated, and silent.

      I put forth the thought that the state would just have easily used anything else to force compliance.  It was just that there was already a gay movement.  It was convenient to co-opt, take over and use as a tool.  The radicals do this each time they have a chance.  Take BLM for example.  And this is not at all new.  In the 80’s/90’s the Christian right was used in the same way (that’s how we got the satanic panic). In fact many of the same folks/politicians were involved in both.  Back in the day Nancy Pelosi would have sworn on the life of her children that marriage was between a man and a woman.  Now she would happily take your children from you if you don’t allow them to transition.  These folks will take any “side” that benefits them.

      Look at the following picture.

      Would you call that a representation of “pride”, progress, or conquest?

      I personally feel this is the state telling you what you will swear allegiance to and what will force your compliance in all matters.

      In reality it has zero to do with sexuality, tolerance or understanding.

      It’s simply a sign of your forced compliance with the wishes of the state and the threat that you will be punished if you go against it.


      Screenshot 2022-06-24 072855


      Spot on. Ayn Rand and Orwell said as much. The purpose of the state is to subjugate. The how doesn’t matter.

      In fact, I can guarantee if Republicans had come out first in favor of gay marriage, the left would be drumming up a storm against it, either framing it as racism because it runs counter to the values of blacks / latinos / muslims, or framing it as decadence. Usually they try to ban things people enjoy, because happy people can’t be ruled. They make an exception for LGBT issues in the US, because it leads conservatives to shoot themselves in the foot in knee jerk reactions. Same with abortion. If conservatives were pro abortion, the left would be calling it racist, eugenicist etc.

      The left has almost no real values other than power. That is all they really want. How they get that p

      But if you want to know what the left really things of gays, look at how they treat countries like Iran which put gays to death. The left fawns over Iran showers them with billions of taxpayer money. And in some European countries, they already began to silently cancel pride parades, because Muslims were offended and threatened violence. Similarly, after the Orlando nightclub massacre, Dems were suspiciously silent when the perp turned out to be a radical Islamist. At best, they blamed guns.

      Remember, guns are to blame whenever a shooter is one of theirs, and “white supremacy” or “hate” when it’s not.

      The best way to beat the left is throw a wrench in their strategy and out-identity politics them. Of course in the long run they still only need to win big once to enact a final solution and be in power forever. Until the right develops an equal resole, tyranny’s long term victory remains assured. Again, they only need to win once. That’s why they don’t care how.


      Divide and conquer.

      Instead of ONE NATION UNDER GOD, it is dividing the people under labels, making people feel they are victims, forever oppressed (even when they have the most freedoms of any nation in the world).

      You verses them.

      Them verses you.

      The small groups they can label you in, the easier it is to control you.

      And that is what these elitists once.  control over you.  That is what they in government wants, more power over you, to control you.  Tyranny!


      Which is one more reason to split up the nation. The smaller a group of people, the harder it is for one of their own to subjugate them.

      Large nations really only offer protection against subjugation from the outside, but this is antiproportional to the danger of domestic subjugation.

      As for the most freedoms of any nation in the world, that is actually not the US. Believe it or not, Russia was probably the most free nation in the world these days, at least it was up until the war. Freedom of speech is guaranteed, and while on paper not as absolute as in the US, in practice you had a lot more of it. Regulation is far less restrictive, as a business you can’t be sued into oblivion over not hiring enough women or people of particular religions, skin color or sexual orientation. Everyone is equal. No affirmative action, no blm, very little selective justice, very little censorship, no political persecution of dissidents like in the US, home schooling, exotic pet ownership, ease of getting a gun, access to alcohol, nightclub and entertainment laws, etc are all extremely liberal. Fines for speeding or other minor violations are symbolic at best, unlike the US where the government fines people to bankrupcy over nothing (like that black lady who was fined for talking too loud on the phone). There’s no “believe all women”, no horribly destructive family courts, no no fault divorces, etc.
      They also don’t have cancel culture. Universities are centers of learning, not indoctrination. Compared to Russia, the US is an orwellian police state.

      Other very free countries: Japan, Hungary, Serbia, Iceland, Switzerland, Chile. I would rank all of these as more free than the US.


        It is funny how things that worked in ancient societies to bring them down….still works. The same tactics, are happening once again right before our eyes. Divide and Conquer all over again.

        Japan. More free than USA? That depends on your perspective. In most ways they are very un-woke, partly because it is hard for Japanese to change, or want change. But, they also have a very high suicide rate, especially in younger people. For example: Even high school students have a bad suicide rate, because if they do not past their placement exams, which is how it is done there, they have “no future”. They have a lot of pressure for that, and creates suicide. They also have a bad bullying problem there, because teachers do nothing about it.

        Their society is built on the hive mind or herd, group mentality, but at the same time so many are very lonely and feel hopeless. I think part of that is their work “ethic” drives people to be that way. Sad, depressed. Previous generations were “corporation rules”, meaning their life was their job and corporation. That is frankly very depressing, and it shows if you analyze their society over the past years since WW2. People were raised to WORK all the time, 6 days a week in many cases. That is not a very happy outlook on the future for a young Japanese person. In some ways that is still the way in Japan. It is SLOWLY changing, but that his Japanese for you. They value their traditions and ways more than others. They don’t easily give them up or change them, which in many ways is respectable, but is many other ways a huge negative. So, this is why you do not see the “agenda’s” or woke being spun there so much.



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