Trump just won. Are you happy?

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    Who knows Rikirk69, I would have to hope that he would get a Real kick out of the Dukes of Hazzard parody video. I sure did


    As a liberal, I am obviously not happy. But you can’t favor democracy only when it benefits you. Kamala did concede quickly, but there is still a risk that far left people try to organize something similar to the January 6th, and I will be the first person to condemn that. What bothers me was that Trump, again, called for election fraud during the counting when he posted about fraud going on in Pennsylvania when the polling slightly favored the democrats. Of course, after winning, there was not a single noise about fraud when the elections favored him.

    The right seems to be much more unified at the moment, with basically the whole party standing behind Trump, whether they like him or not. Ben Shapiro completely shifted his view on Jan 6, first arguing that even though the guard rails stopped Trump from overthrowing the election, we cannot depend on that when Trump tries to push the guard rails with the fake electors plot. Now, Shapiro’s main argument is the complete opposite, saying even though what Trump did was immoral at the very least, the guard rails held so it is no problem. Kyle Rittenhouse stated that he will not support Trump, and in under 24 hours he got bullied back in line and deleted his tweet and apologized for questioning Trump.

    Meanwhile on the left, there is a concerning gap between liberals/social democrats and the leftist socialists. People like Hasan Piker, probably the most popular person on the left, strongly opposed Kamala due to her statements of Israel/Palestine and not being left enough. And with a huge chunk of his audience calling her a whore and genocidal, it’s safe to say lots of democrats simply didn’t vote, even though Trump is not any more favorable for Palestinians. They are just as illiberal as the furthest people on the right and I have been spending lots of time arguing with these people, even though we are on the same side on the political spectrum, but I oppose socialism/communism and their insane anti-west attitudes.

    I still believe Trump should have no right to be the president after trying to stop a peaceful transfer of power, overturn the election, talking about terminating the constitution and so on. People who call themselves patriots are not pledging their alliance to the country and constitution, but to a man larping as a populist who completely goes against everything a patriot should value. Which feels crazy to me, and republicans will never hold Trump responsible for anything.

    But, he will be the next president, and I wish nothing similar to Jan 6 happens, and I applaud Kamala for not rallying her audience and talking about marching to the capitol and fighting like hell or losing the country, knowingly lying about election fraud.


    I hate to tell you this,but peoples have spoken in the U.S. and they made it Crystal clear that they DO NOT want Kamala as president at all and since the democrats lost,they are literally blaming everyone except themselves for their own Fuck ups


    ‘Ey Sonic..



    Trump voter here. Happy? No. My people are still getting ripped off down ballot. Down ballot elections were rigged and robbed. Kari Lake, Sam Brown and many others.

    Apparently, there has been a ratings collapse of biased left wing media channels like MSNBC, layoffs at CNN, David Pakman was complaining. There was talk about how a lot of people are quitting X and blaming Elon for this election. Michael Moore got it wrong this time. Bill Maher and Jon Stewart both got it wrong. Why are people still listening to liars and gas-lighters in the media? Don’t really know while they are still on the air and have not been fired. The only thing that explains it is that we live in an unspoken caste system where liars can lie to you and rip you off and still keep their jobs. It is entertainment after all. People are under the impression that we actually get news from network TV, when judges have ruled that Maddow and CNN are entertainment and not real. Look at how Alex Jones was treated, but it’s much easier to prove and show how networks were wrong and how they have lied.

    Good point above by Speed about Piker and the looting wars. Didn’t know that, but both parties send billions to Israel, while we get invaded and extorted and neglected by FEMA.

    A long list of celebrities have headed for the exit from Twitter/X due to issues they have with Elon Musk. Don Lemon, Jamie Lee Curtis, Joy Reid, and others have all left the platform with published announcements. Reid & Lemon actually cut videos..


    James Carville’s line was, “It’s the Economy, Stupid!”
    So, why is he mad about the election? No matter was the fake news says, people see the prices and they know the truth about jobs.
    Just saw where Pritzker only cares about illegal invaders. There’s nothing in the Democrat party for American citizens. It’s an invader party.



    Comicsgate, there has been a lot of shady stuff that was done during the voting for the election down in the U.S.  A lot of peoples that tried to vote for trump,were being stopped & harrassed and there was also voting machine tampering as well and the reason I say this is because there were videos done by peoples that were trying to vote for Trump,but the voting machines were not allowing regular peoples to cast there votes properly,which to me is utterly wrong. Clearly there has been voting tampering and that needs to be dealt with IMMEDIATELY and whom ever the individuals were whom perpetrated these acts,they should be Arrested and sent to jail


    When a polling place closes, and somebody chimes in and says “Wait!….we just found these uncalled votes, and they’re all Democrat.”  Doesn’t that raise red flags or tell somebody something?


      As a liberal, I am obviously not happy.

      You are a progressive.  Light from liberal won’t reach you for 1000 years.

      there is still a risk that far left people try to organize something similar to the January 6th

      So they might organize something where they are invited in, mill around for quite some time and then a few folks get rowdy and form some sort of disturbance?  Not really worried about that.  It’s the burning down on cities that I find worrisome.

      The right seems to be much more unified at the moment

      It’s not that at all. It’s that everyone not radically left or a communist (it’s the same thing)  who chooses to believe falsehoods pretty much got together for once.

      Meanwhile on the left, there is a concerning gap between liberals/social democrats and the leftist socialists.

      The parties are irrelevant.  And I am of the mindset “left and right” is just a meaningless label.  It really boils down to the establishment and those who support it and those who are against it and which to tear it down.  That’s all there really is.

      People like Hasan Piker, probably the most popular person on the left

      A communist with Israel Derangement Syndrome, so if the represents “the left”, then yeah.  Sounds about right.

      but I oppose socialism/communism and their insane anti-west attitudes.

      On it’s face I agree with you there.  But you seem to support all the things that communist want or that would lead there.  The radical left as it stands today is anti-west.  That is unless you redefine and reduce the west to just abortion and child mutilation.

      still believe Trump should have no right to be the president after trying to stop a peaceful transfer of power, overturn the election, talking about terminating the constitution and so on

      These are lies.  You either work for CNN or you own a TV that can only tune to that station.  And spouting nonsense like that is why your “team” just got bulldozed because the majority of people do not buy that garbage anymore.

      People who call themselves patriots are not pledging their alliance to the country and constitution, but to a man larping as a populist who completely goes against everything a patriot should value.

      I am sure if I were a person who had an issue with reality and viewed the world only through the lens of self, I might think that too. But Trump is not what people are so excited about.  The movement, the culture shift and a small team of folks who might wreck the establishment is what people are so happy for. All you see is team vs team and the only question you have is did my team win, or did it lose.  Your world view is broken. But you can fix it and join the excitement and be part of the solution and not the problem.  Entirely up to you.

      Our culture has tracked in one general direction since the 70s and possibly the 60s.  That gained massive speed in the 90s.  This is the first time since then, the madness done anything but accelerate.  We are about 50 feet from the edge of the cliff.  Maybe we can turn it around in time if we all work together.


      dark maga force 3flat

      • This reply was modified 3 months ago by Vknid.

      Gotta say here VKnid,I like the photo-very cool


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