Welcome Thread

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  • #198338

    Welcome to the G&G forums @bigyggy

    Glad to see you decided to stop lurking and decided to join in the conversations.


      Hey everybody.   Long time geek and gamer.  I’m so glad to have this website and my favorite YouTubers.  I was big into Game of Thrones until season 8 crushed me and apparently I’ll be waiting forever for Winds of Winter.  I love Star Wars (especially baby Yoda) Star Trek,  all Marvel and DC, Harry Potter and I grew up playing D & D.   Painted quite a few miniatures too.  Glad to have you all to interact and meme with!!


      Glad to have you here.


      Hey folks, long time lurker and big fan of G+G, loving the livestreams and YouTube updates. Big Star Wars fan (over 20 years) and looking forward to some great conversation and make some friends.


      Greetings Andrew!

      I’m Sir TalksAlot! A YouTuber and comedian that feels some strange should be injected wherever possible 😊

      I am VERY new to all of this, but I look forward to seeing what the G&G platform can offer me in the way of entertainment and discussion.

      Movies, video games, and music are my favorite things in this life, and I look forward to discussing it all here!

      You can find my YouTube at:




      Hail all! New member here! I discovered this hallowed space via YouTube (you can all blame Nerdrotic’s livestreams for introducing me to those in this community).f  I’m admittedly not much of a gamer anymore, but I’m definitely a lifelong geek.  I worship upon the thrones of Star Wars, LotR, and (classic) Disney, but I’m always looking for new things to watch/read so recommendations are always welcome. I’m new to forums and the like, so I hope to add to the discussion here as I am able.

      Looking forward to what comes next!


      Hey guys! I’ve been a long-time listener/sub of G&Gs and I finally registered on here after just heard Jeremy talking about it. I’m hoping forums in general can make a come back like they used to in the early to late ’00s. They are so much better than regular SM. I’m hoping one day SM does take a big nose dive, it’s completely ruined real discussions.


        Hi  @avengingangel, hope you enjoy the forums 😇

        What’s an SM? :3


        I think it refers simply to “social media” in general


        What’s up Geeks and Gamers (always wanted to say that ) I’m Emrys and it’s a privilege and honor to be a member of this forum. I have been considering signing up for some time but, truthfully, never got round to it as life kept getting in the way. Now, however, I’m in lockdown and life has gotten rather quiet. Yesterday I  was catching up on some G+G YouTube videos when suddenly I was reminded (by the great Jeremy himself ) to sign up for an account on the forum page. I have not been a member, much less posted, on a forum in years. The last forum I was a member of was Outpost Gallifrey in the early 2000s, where I would indulge in a shared love of a certain Time Lord.

        I guess social media killed off the message board experience huh? And that saddens me as I loved logging on to forums and seeing if anyone had read and engaged in my posts about my favorite TV shows (Doctor Who/Hercules and Xena/Knight Rider/TMNT ) and discussing recent episodes, character developments, plotholes, story arcs and ideas with like-minded fans. You don’t get that with Facebook or the dreaded Twitter. I’m pretty much burned out on those aforementioned platforms as they only serve to divide us and, in my personal opinion, add to a society in which mental health and narcissism are running rife (future topic there perhaps?) Anyway, I can not express how liberating it feels and even a sense of nostalgia kicking in to be back typing away of a forum room once again. Thank you G+G and thank you, Jeremy, for giving us this platform away from the insane asylum that is social media and a place where we can discuss our favorite TV shows/ films/games once again. I knew I would like Geeks and Gamers from the minute I first saw Jeremy smashing up a copy of The Force Awakens.

        Cant wait to start posting away.

        • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Emrys.

        Hi folks, long time G+G  viewer here , infact i remember when it was just Jeremy in his bedroom with his dogs.
        I was several Anna’s, a Jeremy or two and even a Jedi Bunny meme account on youtube back when that was cool and crashing cellphone streams was a thing.
        Yep i am old.


        Hi, I’m Jedi kid


        Greetings and salutations!! Robb here from Midnight’s Edge, Midnight’s Edge After Dark, my own channel, and I turn up on MechaRandom42’s channel every so often. I thought what the heck, and sign up for Geeks and Gamers. I used to be very active on the Playstation.com site, and I really miss talking about video games. Hopefully I can have something to contribute here, and if not… well, I like ice cream!


        Hello my name is Sam and I’m a huge comic book, science fiction, political thriller, comedy and occasional fantasy nerd. I’m also a political junkie of sorts as well. I host and livestream a weekly podcast called The Whitfield Report (available on all podcast platforms and on YouTube) and while the podcast was more political in past years I’ve slowly started to integrate fandom more and more. Anyway I discovered Geeks and Gamers through Nerdotic who I discovered through The Critical Drinker all of whom I found in late 2019. I love this fandom menace community and finally feel like I’m no longer alone in loving nerd culture but hating toxic SJWs.

        That’s about all I have to say about myself for now. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!



        Pleasure to meet everyone. I’m Austin. Currently stuck in Hiroshima but will make my move to North America once COVID restrictions are lifted.

        Aspiring novelist and storyteller. I did webcomics last year but decided to stop it and move on,

        but I will be resurrecting my comic’s characters and storylines in written form.

        My comics can be read for free here:


        The novel that I’m currently writing will be a mix of dark fantasy, horror and historical adventure.

        It’ll be about liches and mummies set in the modern time with flashbacks to the ancient past.

        Here’s a preview of my main antihero character who was a monk samurai in his mortal life. In a series of chaotic events, he transformed himself into a lich to uncover the answers concerning life, death, undeath and enlightenment.


        My stories are influenced by my previous training as a monk (which I sucked at); years as a plant medicine practitioner; being a traveling amateur folklorist; and lessons learnt in life.

        Yet equally important, I write stories and draw images to rebel against the SJW nonsense happening in media right now that are hurting story quality and storytelling as a whole. Stories are a way for me to both give a commentary on current events and to exorcise my inner demons, while also providing inspiration to the readers — while also (hopefully) overcome the SJW narrative through creative art forms.

        I’ll make my stories freely available for everybody to read.

        Cheers, Geeks + Gamers. Looking forward to interacting with you all.

        @Andrewrodriguez – Please keep up the good work and I’d love to see an improved blog system in Geeks + Gamers. That will allow me to post my stories there for free while also interact with the readers. I also look forward to reading your separate thread on blogs so I can follow the rules and post at the same time. If you have already written a post on blogs, please lead me to there. Thank you.

        @Legatus_Legionis – DnD player too over here. DnD and Gary Gygax being massive inspirations of mine.







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