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Tagged: Games Releases
Got the Switch remake of Link’s Awakening second-hand for AUD$50 (equiv to around USD$36), which was at least 23% cheaper than I can find it new anywhere online, and 37.5% cheaper than the RRP.
Funny thing is, the previous owner never registered the game, so the Gold Points went to my account same as it would if I brought the game brand new, LOL.
I havn’t bought a physical game since last post so here is am update on m digital purchases. As usual when it says (Epic) it’s alwas a free game as I do not spend money on there as long I can help it.
New: Island Tribe (Steam)
New: RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack (Steam)
New: Little Nightmares Complete Edition (Steam)
Little Nightmares was a flash deal on Fanatical and as usual I added 2 mystery keys for 1,99€ which gave me the other 2 games.
New: Watch_Dogs 2 (UPlay)
New: The Immortal (NSDL)
New: Shin Megami Tensei (NSDL)
New: Natsume Championship Wrestling (NSDL)
New: Donkey Kong Country (NSDL)
WD2 was given away on Uplay, the other games are the recent Nintendo Online NES/FC and SNES/SFC games.
New: Torchlight II (Epic)
New: Override: Mech City Brawl (Steam)
New: Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?! (Steam)
New: Record of Agarest War Mariage (Steam)
RoAW Marriage was another flash deal on Fanatical, the other 2 games form the mystery keys.
New: Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War (GOG)
Free game from GoG
New: Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebounds (Steam)
New: LEWDAPOCALYPSE Hentai Evil (Steam)
Both games on steep sales.
New: Next Up Hero (Epic)
Tacoma was also free but I didn’t add it as I don’t care about it, I might already own it from a Humble Bundle or another Giveaway anyway.
New: Agony UNRATED (Steam)
Steep sale after the free Prologue for Succubus was released, which I also downloaded.
New: Barony (Epic)
New: 20XX (Epic)
I did not add Sword & Sorcery, the 3rd free game this week, as I already own it, and it’s garbage, no wonder Anita “loves” it.
New: Fight’N Rage (Steam)
On sale.
New: Earthlock (Steam)
New: Basingstoke (Steam)
New: Don’t Escape: 4 Days to Survive (Steam)
New: Metal Unit (Steam)
New: Beat Hazard 2 (Steam)
New: Yuppie Psycho (Steam)
New: Battlestar Galactica Deadlock (Steam)
New: Railway Empire (Steam)
New: Void Bastards (Steam)
New: Age of Wonders: Planetfall Deluxe Edition (Steam)
My picks from July’s Humble Choice
I also bought the Destroy All Humans remake but after hearing about the censorship and the reasoning from the devs behind it I got it refunded.
The european e-shops are currently having a Doom sale with every Doom game that is available on Switch being 50% off, so I got
With my left Joy-con returning from repair, I bought Atelier Ryza on the Switch after learning a sequel will be coming out.
Also digitally
F1 2018 (Steam)
Free game on Humble Bundle
Hello Neighbor Hide and Seek (Steam)
The Coma 2: Vicious Sisters (Steam)
American Fugitive (Steam)
Automachef (Steam)
Genesis Alpha One Deluxe Edition (Steam)
Little Big Workshop (Steam)
Call of Cthulhu (Steam)
Wargroove (Steam)
Hello Neighbor (Steam)
Vampyr (Steam)
Vikings – Wolves of Midgard (Steam)
I looked at august’s Humble Choice games and saw a bunch of games I’m interested in (for 12 bucks) like American Fugitive, Coma 2 and Call of Cthulhu so I bought it right away, this month I was eligible for all 12 games but one of them is a coop only game, which is something i don’t play, and 2 are SJW non games I just don’t want in my Steam library and would have skipped regardless (as Humble Classic member I can normally choose 10 of 12 games).
Wilmot’s Warehouse (Epic)
Free EGS game
bayonetta – action was really good, storyline had moments, characters meh, because i am a devil may cry fan i seen alot of “used ” ideas including references to characters and using boss fights with entities in stone statues like mundus in first dmc game, i was a bit on and off on the game, but the action was really good and technical , dont think i will play the game again, a bit too cheesy and over the top at times as well
I picked up NCAA Football 10 and 13, a second copy of The Two Towers(First copy had a destroyed case), and Return of the King on PC. Got them from my local pawn shop. Unfortunate part about Return of the King is that it didn’t have the other two discs needed to install and play it. I’ve been collecting the NCAA Football games for a few years, and I have every year up to 2014 except for 2004, and the games before 98.
Other than this, I’ve been collecting Wii U virtual console games. Picked up Harvest Moon 64, The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, and Tecmo Bowl. I’m going to get more when I can. I want to collect as many as I can before the Wii U eshop eventually goes down.
I finally got my hands on a CiB (even with unused Club Nintendo code, expired of course) PAL copy of the Wii Kirby game I missed out on back then, in great condition for only 30€.
And here are my digital game since last post
The Alto Collection (Epic) free game
Remnant: From the Ashes (Epic) free game
Banner of the Maid (NSDL)
A Total War Saga: TROY (Epic) free game
both on sale
Love Rhythm (Steam)
Hentai Neighbors (Steam)
FlatOut (Steam)
FlatOut2 (Steam)
FlatOut Ultimate Carnage (Steam)
Ultimate Doom (Steam)
Death Rally (Classic) (Steam)
The Flatout games were a cheap Fanatical bundle, the other 2 were the 2 mystery games I always add
Death end re;Quest 2 (Steam)
Death end re;Quest (Steam)
Re-Legion (Steam)
King’s Bounty: Dark Side (Steam)
The Surge (Steam)
DERQ2 was just released on Steam and it’s less censored than the upcoming PS4 version, I bought it on Humble Bundle were I payed only 27€ through my Choice Membership, because of the release Fanatical had (by the time I’m writing still has) the 1st game, which I do own on PS4, in a flash sale so I said what the hell and bought it as well. Re-Legion and King’s Bounty were the mystery keys, but because I spent more than 10€ I was eligible to pick a free game from a list as well, The Surge was the only one that looked interesting to me and I don’t have yet.
Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas (NSDL)
On sale on the european e-shop.
So far this month I’ve bought The Disney Afternoon Collection (the old Ducktales 1 and 2, Chip and Dale’s Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck etc. I played these a lot until I was like ten years old and they’re still fun to go back to), RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe, and Mad Tower Tycoon – all on Steam. I buy a bunch of games each month but so far these are the only ones this month. Even though I have a fast PC I tend to only play games that aren’t graphically challenging lol. But the game I spend the most time playing is Cities Skylines (all expansions, 8,500 custom assets, 150 mods). I love recreating real-world places in great detail.
zelda – ocarina of time, first time i have played it, decent so far
The most recent game i brought is Watch Dogs 2 and so far im enjoying it
Just picked up Paper Mario: Origami King and I’m loving it. My first Paper Mario game. First Mario game in ages to be honest. First Nintendo system in ages, lol. The game is a blast. Nothing but fun. Man I missed Mario and Nintendo.
Decided to add another game to my collection I missed out on back in the days, this time a Gmecube one
God’s Trigger (Epic)
Free game
Serious Sam: The First Encounter (GOG)
free game
Guns, Gore and Cannoli (Steam)
Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala (Steam)
GG&C was very cheap on Fanatical, the other is form the $2 mystery keys, it also gave me Sim City 4 but I already own that so I agve that to a friend.
Sense – 不祥的预感: A Cyberpunk Ghost Story (Steam)
Just released
New Ps1 pick up today: Legend of Legaia for the Ps1. Don’t know much about it, but a friend wants me to play it on Twitch for him, so I picked it up. Looking forward to dig into this.
Arrived 1 day early
Digital since last post
Destiny or Fate (Steam)
Shadowrun Hong Kong – Extended Edition (Epic)
Shadowrun Dragonfall – Director’s Cut (Epic)
Shadowrun Returns (Epic)
Hitman (Epic)
EGS free games.
Gal*Gun 2 (Steam)
Gal*Gun: Double Peace (Steam)
Band of Defenders (Steam)
The Emerald Maiden: Symphony of Dreams (Steam)
The Gal*Gun games were on a Fanatical flash sale so even though I own both on PS4 I got them because I want to see how they play with a mouse. The other 2 games were the mystery keys.
Tom Clancy’s The Division (UPlay)
Far Cry 3 (UPlay)
Both were free, on Uplay, FC3 only in china but easily to get with a VPN.
Super Mario All-Stars
Nintendo Online