When did you became an Star Wars fan?

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      When did you because an Star Wars fan?


      2 years old. Watched “A New Hope”. Darth Vader terrified me…then he became my favorite Star Wars character.


      I knew of Star Wars when I was in elementary school (I was born 1 year after Empire was released) but I didn’t watch the movies until about 1993/1994. I watched it on the USA network when they ran it all weekend back to back. I watched Empire first and fell in love with the movies. What really did it for me though was when the Special Editions came out and I got to see the original trilogy on the big screen (in all honesty, the only SE change I didn’t like was Greedo shooting first. Everything else was fine with me).


        When I watched Episode 4 on TV for the 1st time in the late 80’s, I think I was like 6 or 7 years old.


        I became a fan in 1977, when I saw the movie in the theaters.

        Had lots of the toys and merchandise growing up.

        Glad I had purchased both the original theatrical cut and the special edition cuts on DVD when they were available.



        Around 1984/85,  with Return of the Jedi and the Ewok TV movies. Was born in 1982.


        I cant recall a time when I wasnt. I was @ all of the OT films back in the 80s


        The first Stars Wars film I ever saw was in ROTJ in 1987 but it was 12 years later with The Phantom Menace to finally hook me in


        I was a young kid when I first saw Star Wars. The first Star Wars movie I saw was Empire Strikes Back. I loved it. But I didn’t quite understand a few things about it. When I first saw it I thought Darth Vader was a robot or an android and I thought there was more than one Darth Vader. The reason I thought that was because of the scene where Luke was training with Yoda on Dagobah and he goes into the woods and confronts Vader and decapitates him. Then Vader shows up again in another scene and I thought “wait didn’t Luke just kill him?” I didn’t realize that that Luke vs Vader scene on Dagobah was just a dream sequence. So I thought there was more than one Darth Vader. Then I got all three movies on VHS in a box set and I watched them all in order. After watching them a few times I understood it more. But that was my first experience with Star Wars and how I became a fan.


        In the early 1980s my local cinema showed A New Hope and The Empire Strikes back as a double feature and I got my mother to take me to see them. I’ve been hooked ever since.

        Not that you’d guess to look at me of course….






        I watched the original trilogy early in my school years because of my father. It was always something I liked, but i didn’t truly become a fan until I played both Knights of the Old Republic games. Not only did they make me appreciate the universe, even more importantly playing the relatively thorough and dialogue-heavy games forced me to get acquainted with English much more. It wouldn’t be exagerration to say they really jumpstarted my English skills (I’m not a native speaker) and thus ultimately allowed me to both be more in touch with the world and Internet than I would be otherwise and helped with some of my hobby and education choices.


        Every time the original trilogy came on TV me and my brothers would be there to watch it, we didn’t own many movies.

        Than several games came out over the 90’s, X-Wing & Tie Fighter games, Dark Forces 1 than they released Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 and I loved it, for the first time i got a game that gave you Jedi powers and choice of good and evil, alternative ending.

        After that I kept an eye on every Star Wars game, the movies introduced it…games greatly expanded it.

        Than Kotor 1 & 2 propelled it further.

        After Kotor 2 we got The Force Unleashed…I tried to really like them but it felt off, I got enough enjoyment out of them.

        Than it all faded away until….. Disney comes to the rescue and elevates the IP beyond all expectations….🤮.


        1980.  My dad took me to the theater to see Empire because I begged him to.

        I was a fan ever since.  My fandom waned a bit with the prequels and then completely disappeared with The Last Jedi.

        Still love the original trilogy, though.


        I first got introduced to Star Wars with the Phantom Menace in that my parents took me to as a kid, which was perhaps one of my oldest memories of Star Wars. From then on, I would be taken to the theaters to see the rest of the Prequel Trilogy as the years went on.

        ROTS was where I really became more of a fan of Star Wars. I would watch that movie repeatedly when it came out on DVD, I played the PS2 tie-in game, and the very first Lego Star Wars. Since I was also a big fan of Legos, I also bought multiple Lego Star Wars kits to assemble and play with.

        As the years had passed, I had drifted away from Star Wars, and didn’t see TFA in theaters, albeit hearing from many it was alright (at the time, at least). My friend showed it to me about a month prior to TLJ’s release, and I admittedly thought it was alright. Then TLJ happened, and……well what hasn’t already been said about that movie.

        Only saw TROS because a friend got me in a theater for free. Hated it. After that film, I have had no motivation to support future Star Wars material.


        I would say sometime in the 90’s. I was born in 1986 I remember playing with the original Star Wars figures that came inside a Star Wars themed case that held them all when I was staying at my aunt’s house and watching one of the Star Wars movies there on VHS I can’t recall which one it was.

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