Without a morality above humans then morality is just popular opinion

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      I was watching a Blaire White podcast with Destiny and something occurred to me.

      Without God (a power above humanity) what we consider moral is essentially just popular opinion.

      Now I can see an argument for that if you couch it like this.  Whatever is moral is what most people think.

      But in either case if you understand how easily society can be swayed then you understand how dangerous a thought that is.

      If you factor in ability of social media to feign popular opinion then you can almost make people believe anything.

      If morality is subjective, then it does not exist.





      Apart from biblical creation, morality has no justification. Christian philosopher Dr. Greg Bahnsen (1948–95) states, “What does the unbeliever [person who rejects the biblical God] mean by ‘good,’ or by what standard does the unbeliever determine what counts as ‘good’ (so that ‘evil’ is accordingly defined or identified)? What are the presuppositions in terms of which the unbeliever makes any moral judgments whatsoever?” Although unbelievers may classify actions as good or evil, they do not have an ultimate foundation for defining what is good and evil.

      In fact, many evolutionists are quite clear that evolution does not provide a basis for morality. William Provine, evolutionist and biology professor at Cornell University, states in referring to the implications of Darwinism, “No ultimate foundations for ethics exist, no ultimate meaning in life exists, and free will is merely a human myth.” Thus, if evolution is true, then there can be no universal moral code that all people should adhere to.

      Evolutionists might say that standards of right and wrong can be created apart from God. However, this thinking is arbitrary and will lead to absurd conclusions. If everyone can create his or her own morality, then no one can judge the morality of others. For example, Jeffrey Dahmer, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin chose a moral code in which murder was perfectly acceptable.

      This might seem upsetting to us, but how could we argue that it is wrong for others to murder if morality is determined by our “own sense” and “no ultimate foundation for ethics” exists?

      In this article, we have employed a “transcendental argument”—an approach that demonstrates the truth of a foundational claim by showing the impossibility of the contrary. In effect, we show the truth of the biblical creation worldview by showing that the alternative is self-defeating. Alternatives to biblical creation undermine human experience and reasoning because such worldviews on their own terms cannot account for the things we take for granted in a consistent and justified way.

      We used morality as a particular illustration of the transcendental argument (i.e., morality only makes sense if biblical creation is true). But we could equally well have used other things that people take for granted such as laws of logic, uniformity, and science, reliability of senses and memory, human dignity and freedom. Such foundational truths only make sense in a biblical creation worldview.

      Christian philosopher and theologian Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) argued that the God of biblical creation is essential to rationality. He states, “I hold that belief in God is not merely as reasonable as other belief, or even a little or infinitely more probably true than other belief; I hold rather that unless you believe in God you can logically believe in nothing else.”


      “If morality is subjective, then it does not exist.”

      This is true.

      However, there is an atheistic model of morality which isn’t subjective, and is therefore quite appropriately named “Objectivism”.
      It is based entirely upon reality. It’s a good starting point, but as a complete worldview it lacks one particular aspect: a purpose to life. Objectivism is fantastic when it comes to defining good and evil. But it never addresses the purpose of life. This is where Nietzsche comes in, who’s purpose of life is essentially the same as Buddhism, but also the same as that of real darwinists. Attain godhood.

      PS: since Hitler is mentioned above, Hitler justified the holocaust with Christianity. “And so I believe today that I act in the spirit of almighty creator: In fighting the Jews, I fight for the cause of our lord.”  -Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

      Definitely not an Atheist, nor a nihilist.


        “However, there is an atheistic model of morality which isn’t subjective, and is therefore quite appropriately named “Objectivism”

        The atheist view on morality is the same as their view on creation.  It’s not anything a god created it was just always there. Personally I find that very shortsighted.

        PS: since Hitler is mentioned above, Hitler justified the holocaust with Christianity. “And so I believe today that I act in the spirit of almighty creator: In fighting the Jews, I fight for the cause of our lord.”  -Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

        Definitely not an Atheist, nor a nihilist.”

        Actually as I understand it Hitler was not an atheist technically.  But nor was he a Christian. Yes he was baptized Catholic when he was born but so was almost everyone in Austria at the time.  But all Hitler did was take different portions of different religions and made them what he wanted.  For example he would speak about how Jesus (whom he considered blue eyed and white and not Jewish) fought against the Jews.  But then he did not believe in things like the resurrection.   He simply took parts of it to support his platform, he was not at all Christian or Catholic.

        In fact the Catholic Church at the time opposed him aggressively for obvious reasons.  This manifested in not only public statements by the Church but also in action as the Church ran secret campaigns to save many Jews from Hitler.

        If one were to ask what was Hitler’s religious view then?  I have seen it best described as Pantheism. A view where one sees nature as god. He was also heavily into evolution and used that in some of his platform where he thought the Germans were the peak of evolution and everyone else was lesser than them or maybe just steps to get to that point.

        Ironically if we see him as one whom participates in Pantheism and Evolutionary beliefs (as a religious entity) then I would say that aligns pretty closely with how atheists seem to talk about the world.  But in all honestly it’s difficult to put a finger on what he thought or believed as much of it is contested or lost to time.  I think he was just someone whom would mold anything into whatever he needed to do as to sway people to accomplish his goals.  Which is honestly pretty much every modern politician.


        The Hebraic and Biblical ethic had profound political implications. There is a higher law than that of the state. Nations, no less than individuals, are subject to those objective moral absolutes whose authority is grounded in the transcendent God. Morality is not cultural, but theological. Because of these transcendent moral standards, it is possible to criticize the state and its leaders

        For mythological cultures, such as the Canaanites, the king was semidivine. The social order was understood to be one with the religious and natural order. Thus, social laws, customs, and the dictates of those in power were fully sanctioned by the mythological worldview. It was thus literally unthinkable to criticize the king, since there was no conceptual framework for asserting any higher authority. Social change, in the direction of greater mercy or justice, was practically unheard of. Even customs horrific to the Judeo-Christion mind such as child sacrifice were accepted even by the parents of the victim. This is how the crops grow. The gods, the king, the spirits of nature, the needs of the community, and reality itself require that the child be given to Moloch.

        The Hebrew prophets, on the other hand, excoriated kings and whole cultures for the evil they were committing. They demanded that those in power change their ways and change their societies according to the objective righteousness of God…

        That a prophet could come into the presence of a king and denounce him for oppression and bloodshed on the higher authority of the “word of God” was a conceptual development of the profoundest importance for Western society. We are so used to criticizing our leaders and our society that we take it for granted, but this is only because the Judeo-Christian ethic is so deeply grounded in Western thought, which ever since has had a tradition of social criticism and moral reform.

        Veith, Gene Edward. Modern Fascism . Concordia Publishing House. Chapter 3


          “The Hebrew prophets, on the other hand, excoriated kings and whole cultures for the evil they were committing. They demanded that those in power change their ways and change their societies according to the objective righteousness of God…”

          This is an amazing observation for 2 reasons.  First, one must understand that challenging the powers that be are why Jesus was murdered and the Apostles scattered to the wind.  This was not simply a consequence of their actions.  They knew this would be the outcome but they did it anyway.  They so strongly believed in Jesus and God that they accepted abuse intentionally so as to do God’s will.

          Secondly, in any case I am aware of through history where a challenge is made to a ruler or a ruling body’s power, that challenge was made because the accuser(s) either rightly or wrongly thought that power should be theirs. Jesus did not want nor ask for the power he was killed for threatening.  He wanted the rulers and the people to reform by acknowledging God and to live their lives through that lens.

          “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” –John 3:17


          @ Vknid: ” He was also heavily into evolution and used that in some of his platform where he thought the Germans were the peak of evolution and everyone else was lesser than them or maybe just steps to get to that point.”

          This is a popular, but false allegation. It was part of allied propaganda during WW2.  He never once called the Germans the peak of evolution, just a “higher race”, which supposedly gave them a divine destiny. The idea of higher and lower races predates Darwinian theory, and dates back to the early days of transatlantic slavery, and before that to Arab slave trade. It was generally viewed in a teleological way, much like the American idea of manifest destiny.

          As for evolution, Hitler categorically denied it:

          ”Whoever would dare to raise a profane hand against that highest image of God among His creatures would sin against the bountiful Creator of this marvel and would collaborate in the expulsion from Paradise.[15]
          ”It was by the Will of God that men were made of a certain bodily shape, were given their natures and their faculties. Whoever destroys His work wages war against God’s Creation and God’s Will.[16]
          ”The most marvelous proof of the superiority of Man, which puts man ahead of the animals, is the fact that he understands that there must be a Creator.[17]

          “What right do we have to believe that man was not from the very
          beginning what he is today? A glance at nature informs us
          that in the realm of plants and animals alterations and further formation
          occur, but nothing indicates that development [Entwicklung] within a
          species [Gattung] has ever occurred of a considerable leap of the sort that man
          would have to have made to transform him from an ape-like condition to
          his present state.”

          I found a few articles that claim hitler spoke of evolution a few times, but when I looked up the quotes, Hitler used the term “entwicklung”, which can mean evolution in rare cases, but generally means development or condition. And yes, I speak German. No one in Germany thinks Hitler was an Atheist or Darwinian. Not even his political opponents before his election ever accused him of that. Even the Social-Democratic party at the time (SPD, who still rules Germany today), while calling him every name in the book, never called him two things he is often falsely called today: 1)  an atheist    2) a right winger

          PS: Another argument against Hitler believing in evolution would be his goal of a classless society (which again he justified theologically, claiming “God created nations, not classes.” A classless society runs against the very concept of evolution. How can there be evolution, if all are made equal? Evolution means you have winners and losers, and the winners get to breed in higher numbers. It’s not for the state to decide either, but for each individual based on their individual merit. Just like in nature. Nature doesnt give all bears and tigers and equal share of food. The most capable hunters catch the most prey. Incompetent hunters starve or are unable to feed their young.
          Translated to human evolution, this would mean that if the Germans had been superior, why woulds they have feared the Jew? Had Hitler believed in evolution, he would have just let the competition play out.

          • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Wisdom.

            All of that is of little consequence even if 100% percent true.  My point was he was not Christian and I already said I did not believe he was a pure atheist so I am not sure what things it is you are trying to connect.

            However as for you assertions he had little or no connection with evolution, well like most things Hitler in this realm, appear contested. I honestly do not care about his belief in evolution beyond trying to understand an evil crazy man but this professor of European history who lives in Germany would disagree with you if I understand his message correctly.  But obviously as this very article mentions, some disagree with him.  So it is what it is, no one knows for sure as I see it.

            Also, interestingly enough if you use Google translate with “Entwicklung” one of the words it comes back with is evolution.  So it cannot be that rare I would imagine.





            PS: since Hitler is mentioned above, Hitler justified the holocaust with Christianity. “And so I believe today that I act in the spirit of almighty creator: In fighting the Jews, I fight for the cause of our lord.”  -Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf

            Definitely not an Atheist, nor a nihilist.

            As has been pointed out so many times by so many unwoke scholars that it should not need saying ever again: everything from Hitler’s table talk, to his friend’s diaries, to his speeches given to the actual Nazi party make it clear he was an atheist, or at most some kind of sad, semi-pagan agnostic. The fact that, in mixed crowds and writings to be read by them he gesticulated toward Christianity is meaningless.  It is so disingenuous to pretend otherwise that it smacks of intentional lying. But then, if atheists ever had to be consistent and truthful, they’d stop being atheists.  He’s one of your guys. At the least he’s like one of your sad agnostics flailing toward semi-Buddhist syncretism.  That’s fine. Just accept it and move on. No side has only good ones.

            Final note: I bet, if you really look, you’ll find that most of the places that tell you Hitler wasn’t atheist, will turn out to be places youo wouldn’t listen to about anything else. Seems to be mostly lefty academics, at lefty institutions, defending atheism and socialism by muddying the waters, like they always do.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DeGave.
            • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DeGave.
            • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by DeGave.

            Side note: Hitler liked Julian The Apostate. Look into Emperor Julian’s story. I think it’s a great story that the Left can never make a film out of (despite him being a great character for them), because it shows that Rome was only so very briefly Christian. Anyway, if you don’t see Hitler’s silly atheist syncretism in Julian’s story, you don’t understand Rome, the later Holy Roman Empire, or Hitler’s plans for Germany.


            One more:

            Here’s what arguing Hitler is Christian from his popular speeches is like (exactly like):

            The year is 2050.  A future atheist is arguing in the debate on the religious beliefs of Barack Obama. The topic has come up following the civil war that resulted from wokism.  The leftists are, obviously, trying to show how it wasn’t leftists that led to the civil war. 

            “I think we can all admit, it is unclear if Obama supported Pride.  In his campaign speech in 2007, he clearly said that marriage was “between a man and a woman.”  It is, then, clear that what he deeply believed, in his heart of hearts, was that gay marriage was a sin against the God he clearly loved and worshipped every week in faithful Christian church attendance.  We can assume from his church attendance, he was also staunchly pro-life.  There is also debate if, in fact, he was really a Democrat.  He said, on multiple occasions, ‘I am not for democrat policies.  I am for good policies.’ This brings into question if he were not, in fact, a Republican.”

            That’s what you’re doing.  You’re cherry-picking his statements for popular consensus building while ignoring what he said in private, or in context, and willfully pretending you believe a politicians public speeches reflect the reality of his beliefs.  A belief you are clearly too intelligent to actually hold.


            @vknid: “Also, interestingly enough if you use Google translate with “Entwicklung” one of the words it comes back with is evolution. So it cannot be that rare I would imagine.”
            Totally rare. On closer inspection, it may even be false to translate it to evolution. It can be used in evolutionary context, i.e. songbirds developing longer beaks in response to human feeding (that’s a real thing btw). You could speak of “evolutionäre Entwicklung”, which would be evolutionary development. But on its own, I’ve never once heard it used for evolution.
            Evolution is called “Evolution” in German term, too, which is strictly used in the biological sense. You couldn’t say “my position on gay marriage evolved” like in English. German is a very precise language with more words than English. They tend to have a word for everything.

            https://www.dwds.de/wb/Entwicklung   Here’s a German dictionary entry for Entwicklung. If you google translate all of the examples of the use of the term, not a single one will be evolution. Entwicklung is used for things like behavioral development or market / economic development or development of business models or machines.

            @ DeGave:  please show me one statement he ever made in support of atheism or one single letter of any of his friends who claimed he was Atheist. He literally said the Nazi party had “stamped out” Atheism in a speech in 1938.
            Atheists were banned from the ruling party NSDAP, banned from the SS (so all those troops working the gas chambers were definitely not Atheists), and banned from influential government jobs (like professors). Neo-pagans or muslims were allowed.
            See here for their policy.

            These National Socialists were not favourable towards religious institutions of their time, nor did they tolerate atheism of any type within their ranks.[2][3]

            Himmler declared: “As National Socialists, we believe in a Godly worldview.”[2] He insisted on the existence of a creator God, who favoured and guided the Third Reich and the German nation, as he announced to the SS: “We believe in a God Almighty who stands above us; he has created the Earth, the Fatherland, and the Volk, and he has sent us the Führer. Any human being who does not believe in God should be considered arrogant, megalomaniacal, and stupid and thus not suited for the SS.”[2] He did not allow atheists into the SS, arguing that their “refusal to acknowledge higher powers” would be a “potential source of indiscipline”.[3]

            It is true the Nazi party had its issues with the Church, particularly the Catholic Church. Heinrich Himmler had a strong dislike for Christianity and wanted to replace it with a party-organized neo-Nordic “Ersatzreligion” (replacement religion) and began using runes and introducing cult sites for the SS until Hitler intervened.

            I don’t care what lefty American propagandists at bullshit woke universities write anymore than what a pastor would write. One will claim Hitler was Christian, the other would claim he was Atheist, neither would do so with honest motivation. I don’t really need Americans to interpret the Nazi party policy for me, because I speak fluent German and can read the original texts for myself. Which is why I notice translation errors like the one mentioned above as well as historical falsehoods.


              “Totally rare. On closer inspection, it may even be false to translate it to evolution”

              Well you can say that all you wish but as stated Google disagrees with you and to a much greater degree so does Richard Weikart whom is a Professor of History who wrote a book on the topic (From Darwin to Hitler: Evolutionary Ethics, Eugenics, and Racism in Germany).  Now that does not automatically make him right but I would say his opinion has some weight.


              Being a professor means nothing, these days, as is evident by looking at 99% of college or university professors these days. Weikart, like virtually all American professors, is a fraud. And if he claims Entwicklung means Evolution, then he has no business being a professor of anything. I’ll wager a yearly paycheck that I speak better German than him ;)

              I posted plenty of quotes where Hitler explicitly denies evolution. And I’ve issued a challenge to anyone to find just one quote of Hitler actually espousing atheism.
              As someone who studied German history IN Germany, I can tell that Weikart is more full of shit than a christmas turkey.   … which explains why he is a professor at an American university.


                “Being a professor means nothing, these days,”

                I would not say it means nothing.  I would say it does not guarantee any legitimacy. But neither does being just some dude on the internet.

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