Woke Businesses to be held accountable for detransition care

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    Florida’s Proposed ‘Reverse Woke Act’ Would Require Employers to Pay for Detransition Care

    Under a newly proposed bill in Florida, companies that offer coverage for gender-transition treatments would be held liable for the cost of any eventual detransition care.

    If you are willing to pay for a person’s transition, you should be willing to do it if they wish to transition a second time.  Right! ? !

    The “Reverse Woke Act,” which was introduced by Republican state Senator Blaise Ingoglia on Monday, would make an employer responsible for the cost of detransition care, even if an individual is no longer employed by the company.

    Does it also cover insurance/health care insurance providers who are working with those companies?

    And if the company has been sold, bankrupt, no longer in business, then what?

    The measure would also hold employers that fund out-of-state travel for gender-transition treatments liable for the cost of detransition care. Employers who fail to pay for the “total costs” of treatments to “reverse gender dysphoria treatment” could face lawsuits from current and former employees under the proposed measure.

    As I said above, If you are willing to pay for a person’s transition, you should be willing to do it if they wish to transition a second time.

    “Woke businesses need to be held accountable when offering to pay for gender affirming surgeries in other states, such as California, because they are nothing more than political decisions masquerading as healthcare and human resource decisions,” Ingoglia said.

    Nearly 30 companies have offered to pay for travel and gender-transition surgeries for Floridians in other states, according to Ingoglia.

    The deliberate multilating of one’s reproductive organs, and creating a life-time need for continuing medical treatments in 90% of youth grow out of their gender dysphoria, when almost half who do go thru the surgery self-deletes themselves because of the damage done to their mental/physical health…



      I find this entire thing beyond predatory.  Young people are approached at a time in their lives when everyone is almost universally unhappy with themselves. They are lied to and told it is unusual to be so unhappy and they would be magically happy with themselves if they just took these life altering drugs and cut off a few body parts.

      If I told you I was born the wrong species and I am really a kangaroo and I demand you cut off my thumbs and carve a pouch in me I would be called insane.  But there is no difference.

      All this gender BS is nothing more than a confluence of evil motives coming together to form an ideology.  Globalists/communists get to destroy America by sterilizing the young (whom in this case are usually gay) and wreck the family and evil doctors get to rake in tens of millions.


      Been seeing some articles lately about how lucrative the sex transition industry is or gender-affirming care or whatever they call it. Big money in butchering people. I am glad none of this was around decades ago, because it wasn’t. The media and schools must be really making it stylish, chic and fashionable to mutilate oneself. There are some people who have regrets about their top or bottom surgeries. Those would be the ones to ask what was going through their heads. One basic question would be if they were under the impression that doing this would lead to some kind of academic or professional economic advantage? Did they believe that they would benefit financially from doing this? The reason for this question is someone told me that they are putting them in libraries on in management positions now.

      This is also a very slick way of destroying business competition without them realizing it. Have ESG and other banking institutions give perks to promoting certain groups and then, give the same ability to sue, and pick and choose which businesses will succeed or fail based on how much influence and control is over them. The whole entire time trannies are under the impression that they are special, they do not realize they are being used as pawns in business chess war.


      Yup, right move. Hit them where it hurts, right in the ol’ bank account.

      As soon as they realize it’s no longer lucrative, the whole industry will collapse.


      And from other reports, I heard that some doctors can refuse transitioning of adults if the doctor thinks the adult is not MATURE enough to make the decision, and yet we are being told pre-teens are, 100%, no peer pressure, mature enough to make live altering decisions with very little facts.

      Lifetime of post-medical care, to feed the “medical industrial complex”.

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