If you were canceled?

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      I can’t be cancelled because I’m anonymous, not even the people the closest to me know about my internet “life”, also there is literally no information about my IRL identity online besides that I’m german, if I google my real name only other people with the same name pop up, I’m not in the yellow pages either.

      But if it would happen to me



        My divorce back in early 2000’s I lost everything. And by everything the only things I had left was 3 pairs of pants, a few shirts and socks, my work boots and my guns that were my grandparents.  I was in all regards homeless living in my construction office.

        Lost everything in the 2006-8 economic crash and by that I mean hundreds of lots I had been buying on speculation. Bought and Sold for a few years and was making money hand over fist.

        Twice in my life I had less than a new born baby.

        You never are truly cancelled and you find out who your true friends are when you are at your lowest. The true friends will not talk bad about you behind your back and will be the ones to pick you up and help HOW they can. But it is always up to you to rebuild your life.

        So the answer to the OP QUESTION is simple..
        1. You can never be canceled because there are true friends out there who will come to you in the time of need.

        2. Those friends will find out you are in trouble even if you do not make it known.

        3. This is the most important thing; So long as you are willing to pick yourself up and put one foot in front of another you can always rebuild your life and YOU WILL ALWAYS COME OUT FOR THE BETTER.

        Life lessons are the best, and the best lessons are the ones that sting the most, those are the ones you never forget, you come out of them wiser and stronger.


          Some people do not have friends.


          As long as i have access to pita bread and hummus, I’m ok with getting canceled


          @MusouTensei lol from which anime is that picture? xD


          I’m so effing done with cancel culture

          There should be a way for those cultists to face some kind of consequences for trying to get others fired simply for different opinions or jokes they didn’t like.


          There should be a way for those cultists to face some kind of consequences for trying to get others fired simply for different opinions or jokes they didn’t like.


          That’s the ever present problem in society. The laws are never made fast enough to deal with the crimes being committed. What Cancel Culture is, is basically a form of Fraud, as I see it, but there are no laws on the books to deal with that kind of fraud.

          Hell, I’ve done the research. There are not even laws to specifically deal with Doxing and Swatting, and these assholes have been doing it for years. The Federal Government has dragged its feet in dealing with those two situations, and they were the precursors to Cancel Culture, so there will be no solution forth coming from that end. Not to mention, when you have large swaths of the Federal government participating in Cancel Culture, there is a direct problem to this cancer ever being fixed.

          The only way anyone will pay for it is if it starts at the State and Local level in the U.S. Local officials have to be elected at these levels who will not only move to create laws to punish the Fraud that is Cancel Culture, but then State officials needs to be able to stand up against Big Tech, who also support this cancer.

          Then the only way the Federal government will ever do something is if a case makes its way to the Supreme Court and precedent is set where someone has actually been successfully punished for Cancel Culture Fraud. Then someone with balls might actually make a law to include Cancel Culture as part of Federal Criminal Statutes concerning Fraud.

          Okay, this civics lesson is over.

          I’m done.

          • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Roas.

          One thing is those being harassed by the SJW/cancel mob should look at filing harassment lawsuits.

          Then sue them for fraud and spreading mis-information, defamation, wrongful termination, loss on income, etc.


          They are finally putting “revenge porn” into the criminal code.

          So when the SJW’s/cancel mob go after the wrong person, then the politicians will create legislation to address the digital age crimes that are taking place by those losers.



            @Hazu That’s not from an anime, it’s a Virtual Youtuber named Kizuna Ai.


              Yes defamation and libel; the long lost arts of defending against lies.

              Moreso lost today than long.




              This is what I’m talking about. Gov Abbott is trying to make some law to at least start to fight back at this kind of this. It starts at the state and local level.

              Oh, and you guys are correct in saying libel, slander, and defamation. I should have included those terms in my last post.


              Honestly what i would do is get louder. I would die on the hill like General Custer who lost to the Indians. Then i would pull all the cards they do.



              You never are truly cancelled and you find out who your true friends are when you are at your lowest. The true friends will not talk bad about you behind your back and will be the ones to pick you up and help HOW they can. But it is always up to you to rebuild your life.

              ^This. Maybe on a small scale of only 4-5 people who aren’t you’re friends, but once you get into states and nations…


              Wouldn’t make much difference to me tbh. i haven’t worked for 20 years, i have very little interest in other people’s company, been like that since i was a kid.



              That’s basically asking if you could handle it if literally everyone thought you were Hitler incarnate.

              You’d basically have to be Jesus himself, Buddha himself to handle that in stride.

              It’s one thing to have your known enemies go after you for what they don’t understand.  It’s an entirely different thing when your allies suddenly do too.

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