NBA Fires Man for Telling Truth about Kamala

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  • #183950

      The NBA just fired a photographer for a meme about Kamala Harris, but it is okay to do a death threat against our President!?!?

      F-the NBA and Democrats.




      Who the fuck says it’s okay to do death threats? Show me an example of someone getting away with it



      In a speech she made in public threatened to “BLOW UP THE WHITE HOUSE” for then president-elect Trump.

      That is a clear threat, and why she has never been arrested/charged for making such a threat?


      Because she’s a wahmen. A celebrity wahmen too!


      Kathy Griffin and the severed head shit.

      Snoop Dogg and his video.

      Tom Arnold made threats and actually had Secret Service show up at his house, but that was it. No lasting repercussions.


      There’s a list. Google it.


      TDS is real. They think they are all on the “right side of history” so they think they can do whatever they want, because they are the “good guys” fighting for the “greater good.”



      • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by Roas.

        What do you call this?  Funny?  If you think it is, I challenge you today to do one of Obama’s head and post it on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram along with your real name and address.



        Individual artists represent themselves so they can pretty much say what they want, if people disagree they can stop supporting them financially. The photographer represented NBA and the pic was considered unprofessional behaviour on behalf of NBA, so I kind of understand the decision. But the Kathy Griffin shit was fucked up, but she eventually paid a price for it and definitely didn’t get away with it, as no one should.A89026B5-4214-4941-B3B2-A62E525D819C

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