Do they want to kill us? Kinda looks that way

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  • #197506


    I really don’t think we can get along anymore.

    I was just finishing out EVS’s stream today, and I know he was half joking (because that’s how he works), but there was a kernel of truth when he said “Maybe it’s time we got a divorce…They want to kill us.”

    He’s right…these people want to simply hurt those who do not agree with them. These are freaking damaged people. Yeah, I don’t like a single one of them, but I’m not heading out to the streets to hunt anyone down with a baseball bat.

    Geez….Trump win or lose, I just wanna be left alone to write my books, play my games, and watch my anime/read my manga.

    But right now, I really wish we all could just go our separate ways…let the Left live on their side and everyone else who isn’t a freaking nutcase live on the other.

    Taking away the permanent damage to our political and electoral system if this theft reaches its conclusion, I honestly don’t see how literally a divided population can get along and build a bridge to understanding when one side is so damned demented with insane hatred because other people don’t think like them. I had no respect for people who voted for Obama, Clinton, and now Biden, because I don’t think they think beyond their NPC programing, but I’ve always just stopped at that. I can think people are stupid and still interact with them and accomplish tasks if I have to.

    I don’t see that happening anymore, even if Biden is President. The insane Left and their brainwashed, low information voter millions want to put anyone who does not agree with them under heel and grind us into the dirt and destroy our lives….that’s what it looks like to me.

    One of the worst things to come out of this is the fact that SJWs and Progressive NPCs will be emboldened by all of this and continue to destroy entertainment and pop culture with the Woke agenda, which means people like myself trying to sell non-agenda IPs/entertainment will have an even tougher hill to climb because our shit is not Woke. Yeah, that means we have to go independent route, but that’s gonna be along haul and alot of months work to build a base and earn trust before we can legitimately ask people to trust us and buy a product.


    I’m done.


    I agree that when you come to the point where you want millions and millions of people who disagree with you to die, it’s not about politics anymore. It’s about being mentally ill. Whether it’s this psycho wanting every republican dead or one specific person on this forum who wants every democrat dead. Same shit.

    Anther reason why I think the two party system is absolute ass. It creates unnecessary violent tension because of the ”we VS the bad guys” mentality it creates and you kinda have to pick a side and go with it. Sooner or later, unnecessary blood will be spilled and looks like that time is here. And those who want people with different opinions dead should be locked up.


    In any war, there has to be at least two sides.

    The better clear enemy, the easier it is to control the populations.

    Nazi-Germany had that in the Jews.

    Soviet Union (Red Russians) had the White Russians.


    History is full of examples where one side uses the excuse to try and exterminate their opposition.


    In that article, those that support leftism wants anyone for Trump to also being killed.



    grOwC2Clno matter which way it falls at this point, the losing side will be hysterical.


      Democrats literally take late-term babies and crush their skulls and pull their limbs from their bodies.  This is torture then murder.  They also do things like say a guy who cuts off his dick is a woman.  That ladies and gentlemen is insanity.

      Democrats are simply evil.  They really are.  That is the reality of it all.  All the hate you see today started 4 years ago when Hillary lost.  You saw the tears that night.  They went insane.  They started from literally the day Trump won.

      Any Democrat can go fuck himself or herself.  I don’t give a flying fuck who they are either.


      Any Democrat can go fuck himself or herself.

      How dare you use outdated biology to identity those.  They could be unicorns, or fairies, its or WTFs! or Ma’ams, etc.

      Using the male/female, he/she, makes everyone, in their distorted reality as being sexists!

      Sexuality is as fluid as their fecal matter, don’t you know?  LOL


        It is odd you wrote this post.  Look what came out hours after you wrote it.

        JUST LIKE STALIN’S GREAT PURGE:   AOC Leads Democrat Effort to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters

        JUST LIKE STALIN’S GREAT PURGE: AOC Leads Democrat Effort to Create ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Hit List to Pay Back Trump Supporters – Update: sitting judges added to the list


        I’ll vouch for him. I’m part of the alphabet group and currently identify as a Hungarian Kitchen Spoon.


        Queen of the Useful Idiots


        I’ve been to America a few times before and have always had a positive experience – Americans can be some of nicest people I’ve met. I can even get along with liberals until politics comes up… then the TDS kicks in.

        It’s really tough to see what the country is doing to itself right now. The original Civil War was one thing, but if you took a family from the Unionists and another from the Confederates they would likely still find common ground. The values of modern America have become so disparate that the differences seem irreconcilable. And now there’s grounds for another civil war to be a legitimate possibility.

        It is very tempting to just draw a line somewhere in the middle and officially split into two countries: Let the Leftists ruin their own states and not drag the rest of the country down with them. But I wonder what the consequences of such a thing would be. America might have to retreat from the world stage and then no-one would be in a position to stand up to China and other autocratic regimes.

        And while conservatives would be more than happy to just get away from Leftists, I have a feeling they still won’t be satisfied and will just see an enemy rival state to compete against and/or even conquer. No matter how deranged the far-left gets they will still find ways to surprise you. A “Federal Republic of America” would likely grow prosperous and those on the other side will become angry, envious and resentful. Dividing the country in half might very well just be kicking the can down the road so future generations can deal with it.

        I’ve always found the Founding Fathers inspirational as idealistic men with a vision, and it would be very sad if that came to an end over this.


        At this point, yeah…let’s all walk away from each other…problem is…I live in a blue state that used to be red before Obama…and I can’t afford to run away yet. So I don’t wanna get stuck behind enemy lines.

        With any luck by the end of next year I’ll be able to move if I can hustle, work at it, and get a little luck on my side that people enjoy both me and the product(s) I want to sell.


        ^ Oh for goodness sake. I amended a post that Roas is replying to here and the whole god damn thing disappears. Bugs on this forum really need to get ironed out.  I’ve not heard of other message forums having this problem, and I’ve being using them since 2004.

        Can’t be bothered to type all that out again, but for context’s sake I was basically saying that America might have to split into two countries to prevent a civil war, even if I would hate to see such a thing happen.


        Remember how for the last four years we have been told by some of those leftist that they will remember who voted against them.

        First in order to get cancelled.

        Now, with more of them coming out for violence/murder, I am not sure how far off the deep end (without water) they are going to go.


        Guess that means you might like getting into a nice spicey Goulash.  LOL



          Splitting the US like Korea might be the only way, of course that will never happen.

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