More fear mongering? Or something to worry about?

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  • #231656

      I honestly don’t know what’s real anymore. But from the get go of this pandemic stuff I had been saying they would keep it going and I suspected it would go through this route. That being “oh look there is a new variant and if you would just get your vaccine this would not happen”.

      In summary, the new Delta variant has parts of Missouri back to full on pandemic levels.

      And I can save you some time from reading the comments.

      Ars is a very left leaning place so its all:
      – die anti-vaxxers
      – this is your fault for not getting the vaccine
      – if only everyone was as smart as us
      – Conservatives and Republicans bad

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Vknid.

        Well if its any relief I was at Silver Dollar a few days ago and no one seemed bothered, Have family and friends in Springfield and they say Basspro is packed and all the other business’s are up and running. KY3 Is not making it out to be near as bad as the article you posted and after reading a little on the author, well im not surprised to see her write a fear article.

        I live right on the border of Mo Ar and no one i know is concerned or talking about it including the local news… Here are a few
        KY3 Springfiel Mo

        KNWA Northwest Arkansas


        I honestly don’t know what’s real anymore.

        Welcome to the real world. When you stop being a normie, it always starts that way but things eventually make more sense when start seeing the truth of everything. I could tell you who exactly is behind everything but it’s very controversial and people will think I’m a hate-monger. I can only throw hints.

        “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

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