My First Fantasy Book: Guardian of Innocence

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    Howdy, all!

    I’ve been a little forgetful about posting this here, but I was reminded again tonight to get it done.

    If you’ve been following me on my YouTube channel, you know part of what I’m trying to do is create a Comicsgate like space for independent novelists to get their original IPs out there instead of being gate kept by Legacy Publishing.

    Of course, I plan to do this for myself, and after finally getting my copyright sorted the first chapter of my fantasy novel Guardian of Innocence is available for free for all to enjoy!

    Please enjoy the inside the flap pitch and then click on the link below to sample the first chapter (it’s just an html pdf page, nothing sketchy):

    Cole Alares, a disillusioned mercenary finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time the night the village of Kodra erupts in flames. Rescued by the ageless sage Sergius of Rasin, Cole is hired to temporarily protect the village’s lone survivor, the blacksmith’s daughter, the optimistic if somewhat worldly naive Janea Sarine. Unbeknownst to the mercenary and his charge, Janea is the prophesized Innocent, destined to bring about the downfall of the Zaboratal, once the greatest champion of the gods, now the Yis Emperor and sworn to destroy them all.

    On the run across the continent of Alakaji, Cole and Janea find themselves hunted at every turn by the Zaboratal’s minions: sorcerer and Chancellor of the Servin Dynasty Pleslivet Torkal along with his beastly moka’rith and one of the Four Warlords of Yis, the insane yet beautiful Scarlet Fiend, Aleece Vel Ilneera. Aided by friends and unexpected allies and vowing to keep Janea safe until the day Sergius returns, Cole struggles against the ever increasing dangers while plagued by doubts about himself and the mission.

    Can he master the ancient art of Tahra-Tsun and all its power before it’s too late, knowing the cost to his life or before Janea’s enemies overrun them? And even more troubling, is his fate his own, or is he merely a pawn of the gods, blindly dancing on their strings of destiny…
    I hope to earn you subscription and support on my YouTube channel so we can hopefully get the full story out and in your hands later this year.

    Thank you for your time.

    Guardian of Innocence Chapter 1

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

    You have a good name. I like the flip format and do not think I’ve come across it before. It works good for desktop. The theme is good, too, how the magic using elite are seeking after and targeting an innocent working class kid.


    @comicsgate Thanks!

    1) It took me an entire day to find the website that  is hosting the chapter. My goal was to find a delivery method for the chapter that would allow anyone to simply click and read without worrying about a download. Turns out it was a unique little function there that makes you feel like you are dealing with a physical book. But in the end, I was merely trying to avoid a download so people would not feel hesitant to download a strange file.

    2) An interesting interpretation, but I can honestly say that this story was not written with any sort of ideological intention. Classic political and social themes can and will appear, but there is no ideological angle on anything I write. I believe in just telling the story, not hammering what I believe into the reader.

    Escapism always over Agenda.

    My only agenda is to give people a good time.


    I’m boring; I use Microsoft Word for my writing😂!


    @DragonLady I use word. It’s all I’ve ever used since it became the only game in town. Thing is, I couldn’t just put the chapter up on google docs, because in a boomer fashion I couldn’t figure out how to keep other people from editing it.

    What you see right now was written using Word, transformed into a PDF and just uploaded to that website.


    I’m more interested in self-publishing my story than normal publishing. That way I don’t have to worry too much about this sort of thing lol:

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