Movies to show your kids

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      So with the hoopla stir up about what Chris Prat is going to show his kids, I thought it would be fun to make a list of what I would show mine today…. I am using a top 12 as that is how long most summer breaks are so call it a Friday Night Movie’s for kids 12 and Up.

      1.       Gone with the Wind

      2.       Jeremiah Johnson

      3.       The little Tramp

      4.       The Wizard of Oz

      5.       Captain Blood

      6.       Forbidden Planet

      7.      The Breakfast Club

      8.       Blazing Saddles

      9.       Princes Bride

      10.   Labyrinth

      11.   Star Wars episode 4

      12.   Live Aid 1985 (kid needs to learn what real music was) ya ya not a movie, but I was there and will never forget it.

      This was not an easy list to put together. No Christmas movies by 12 my kids actually had seen them all,, they had NO CHOICE lol…. So what would be your list.


        That’s a very interesting list!

        I can think of many which would be good additions.

        How about “Uncle Buck”?

        Also, Labyrinth has been my favorite movie since I was young. Good to see it on a list!


        I would also add the original 2 ghostbusters, Men in Black, Back to the Future, and of course Independence Day.


          He said I believe it was a “coming of age” type deal. So I had to stop and think what would I want that list to be as the parent using it for that reason, and to explain question to a child. This is why it  is what it is:

          1. Gone with the Wind <A true classic first and foremost, it taught many good lessons like “You do have to worry about tomorrow, always believe in yourself, reputation is what others label you as, who you really are is inside of you and not to worry about what others think, If there is a will there is a way, you do not always get what you want” to name a few

          2. Jeremiah Johnson < A story of starting over and like Gone with the wind teaches you to be strong in yourself and believe in yourself

          3. The little Tramp < This is a true classic of classics though the meanings behind it is “You cannot get your way always and at work you are not in control the boss is” I felt it important both to bring classical knowledge but who is the boss.

          4. The Wizard of Oz < Again Classic and fun, but many of the same themes as above.

          5. Captain Blood <This one is purely because My Great Grandfather was in it and though he was in many with Flynn this one I just enjoy most. so a heritage movie.

          6. Forbidden Planet < Be mindful of your thoughts, they can destroy you or others… But its the classic Scifi and one many others were influenced by

          7. The Breakfast Club < Had to throw this one in as it was “My Generation” really it was and in many ways still is for the kids of today.

          8. Blazing Saddles < Is there a better movie to explain satire with?

          9. Princes Bride < Really dont need to explain this one, its the Princes Bride for god sake.

          10. Labyrinth < this one because of some of the lessons, but mostly to get the child interested in possibly others I enjoy for future viewing “Dark Crystal, The Muppets etc”

          11. Star Wars episode 4 < If i have to explain this one, then why are you even here for god sake.

          12. Live Aid 1985 (kid needs to learn what real music was) ya ya not a movie, but I was there and will never forget it.  <<<<< You kids that were not alive or never heard of it other than through the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, do yourself a favor this weekend… Watch it.


          I’ve shown my kids the Ernest movies and they friggin love them. Showing them a true comedy legend.

          Idk if I can come up with a list though, I’ve shown my kids so much over the years, and just randomly Ebay classic movies. My 12 year old can nearly quote Good Burger though, I consider that something I can cross off the bucket list.


            “I’m a dude, she’s a dude, he’s a dude, cause we’re all dudes”


            The first mature film I can remember watching when I was very small…was either ‘Jurassic Park’ or ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit’. Both which are excellent films to show kids. I think if my parents had a problem with me watching them they wouldn’t have shown them to me as they were always very careful with what I should and shouldn’t watch as a kid. Anything above a PG was a big no-no- especially from my mum.

            • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by DragonLady.

              First “Mature Film” I remember watching was Apocalypse Now, still enjoy it to this day. 11 year old me was very happy the parents forgot to take the “key” from the cable box :)


                Here’s a list of movies to give to my future mama self to show the kids:

                1. STAR WARS (1-6)
                2. Gremlins – i was 6 when i watched this, it is not scary, i was actually rooting for the gremlins 😆
                3. i’m gonna steal The Breakfast Club from @Mustangride1’s list
                4. and i’m gonna steal Dumb And Dumber from Pratt’s list
                5. Idiocracy – to teach the kids what we should prevent the world from becoming… who am i kidding, all they’re gonna want to do is try dig a whole in the couch and try poop in it
                6. Spirited Away
                7. The Party
                8. Fantastic 4
                9. Superman (1978)
                10. The Avengers – can’t forget the superhero stuff, ’cause i’m gonna be a good mom and make my kids like what i like so i don’t have trouble buying them birthday and christmas presents (aka using the kids as an excuse to buy myself toys)
                • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by DigiCat.

                I’d like to add Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy.

                Lots of lessons in there including the value of persistence, resilience and tenacity in the face of extreme difficulty.


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