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4 years ago no Comment

Curious as to who would be interested in doing a G+G Rocket League tournament.   Lets talk it out and hammer out some details!

4 years ago 1 Comment

Which streaming service do you currently use? Which do you prefer best?   I have been currently watching a lot of Netflix & Disney Plus lately. In my opinion Netflix my current #1 with Disney coming in at a close 2nd. I have not really used Amazon Prime video to give it a fair shake. …

Why do you think there is a console battle?
4 years ago 6 Comments

I personally don’t care. You like whatever you like. My preferred system is Xbox but I own a PlayStation and a Switch as well. With everything being cross platform these days, the console war should be about dead. Thoughts?

Voices: 8 Replies: 11 Last active 4 years, 1 month ago
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